*****SPAM***** real val1um..real x.anax,......

From: deandre geberth (seasonkoppkjay@private)
Date: Fri Aug 06 2004 - 10:06:46 PDT

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-----Original Message-----
From: Scarlet Gordon [mailto:hydbcb@private] 
To: sang lima; cyrus mangas; doyle galvez; enrique vanhouten; esteban
Sent: Saturday, December, 2004 11:41 PM
Subject: real val1um..real x.anax,......

Suggestions for combination treatment for P aeruginosa rely mostly on a
prospective observational study of 200 patients with P aeruginosa
bacteraemia in which combination therapy was associated with improved
survival and in which synergistic combinations were associated with a trend
for improved survival compared with nonsynergistic combinations 87 
meridiana  10  escomerse91 convivio destri`simo  planto

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