*****SPAM***** Linux Newest Batch of Married Cheating Women

From: Appropriation F. Pushiest (justinb@private)
Date: Sun Aug 22 2004 - 06:16:18 PDT

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Here are our newest batch of married cheating women.
This weeks updates include 7,384 women looking to flirt online.
$1 registration fee get's you in to flirt and chat with these women.

They love to flirt and cheat on their husbands :)


Two cannot fall out if one does not choose. 

Have fun,
It can't happen here is number one on the list of famous last words. 


Once a task has first begun, never quit until it's done,. True beauty lies within. . Once a task has first begun, never quit until it's done,. At a round table there's no dispute about the place. .
Too many irons in the fire. 

The best ground bears weeds as well as flowers. 

.Ask and you shall receive. . Don't put all your eggs in one basket. . Still waters run deep. .
Home is where the heart is. . Once a task has first begun, never quit until it's done,. To scare a bird is not the way to catch it. .

Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. . Absence makes the heart grow fonder. . To err is human (To forgive divine). .

If you really don't want more from then....

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