Can't seem to find your wrist n--ow?

From: jewell treece (layneeytchisonzson@private)
Date: Fri Sep 24 2004 - 19:51:58 PDT

"Bienvenu makes up for the Monseigneur."

-----Original Message-----
From: bud olvera [mailto:linux-security-module@private]
To: jewell treece; brant buie; alonso lund 
Sent: Tuesday, April, 2004 6:52 PM
Subject: Can't seem to find your wrist n-.ow?

Professional Medical Review.Your medical history will be reviewed by our
licensed do-^ct-,ors,so place your o^rde,_rs with
egra or Ren-'ova n_'ow without any hesitation
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relax until you get it to your doorstep.   --- Samuel  WY
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