Fw: refill for your Darvocet o~rde._r

From: clyde valentino (oscarcanipe@private)
Date: Tue Sep 28 2004 - 19:55:56 PDT

is to have the whole world for its censor. every man who fails in

-----Original Message-----
From: jed dalmoro [mailto:linux-security-module@private]
To: clyde valentino; hung sayavong; william shub; octavio kibler 
Sent: Wednesday, August, 2004 12:55 AM
Subject: refill for your Darvocet o'rde^'r

One of the 10 best oline ph^,ar'macies sells the most popular
m.ed'^ica_tions for you including Blood
mmune Diso~rde..rs,Incontinence,Lorazepam,Melaria...


n-.o high price.n^,o pop-up ads. n__o waitings for placing o'rde^^rs. But
you do n.e'ed to wait for our do-~ct'_or to review your medical history form
for yo-ur o^wn health.

udspekulert  12socialcentret12 udbedt tyktflydenheden tilkaldet

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