Trustees Linux for 2.6 kernel

From: Andrew Ruder (aeruder@private)
Date: Sun Oct 31 2004 - 21:46:01 PST

Hello all,

Some of you may be (or probably not) familiar with the trustees acl 
project ( ).  For those of you who are 
not, trustees is a non-posix recursive acl system.  Seeing as I can 
probably not explain it any better than Vyacheslav Zavadsky did on the 
website listed above, I encourage you to look there for a more detailed 

I have ported trustees to the 2.6 kernel using the lsm api.  I've been 
using it on my own machine for the better part of the week, and it seems 
to work fairly well.

Just wondering/hoping someone can take a look and offer any suggestions, 
bugs, criticisms, etc.  I would really appreciate it as I am very new to 
kernel programming in general (this is my first project).  I know some 
of the code is still somewhat messy.

The tarball is checked out from my subversion repository, so you should 
be able to do an svn update to pull down the latest version of the code.

Andrew Ruder

Instructions to use:
1) untar the downloaded file
2) cd trustees/module
     make install
3) cd ../src
4) create a config file
I am currently using this config file
5) depmod ; modprobe trustees
6) mount -t trusteesfs none /path/to/mount
7) /path/to/trustees/src/settrustees -f /path/to/config -t 

If you change the config and want to reload the changes, just use the -d 
flag on the settrustees line.

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