Re: LSM Stacker

From: tvrtko.ursulin@private
Date: Wed Jan 05 2005 - 08:28:19 PST

On 05/01/2005 15:42:58 "David A. Wheeler" wrote:

>> * tvrtko.ursulin@private (tvrtko.ursulin@private) wrote:
>>>I agree with David's point of treating writes (add/remove from chain) 
>>>extremely rare. But I do not like the "leave module loaded" idea. In 
>>>production environment, there must be a mechanism which enables 
>>>critical OS parts without a reboot. LSM per se does not offer that, so 
>>>"stacker" module should remedy that.
>I'm sorry, I guess my reply was unclear.  Please let me explain
>what I meant.

No, you were perfectly clear. Maybe I was unclear? :)

I know about general module unload race condition and that is not what is 
worrying me. We have a privilege that LSM modules must call 
mod_unreg_security and that is the place we can take care of any possible 
race conditions.

As I wrote in post, the problem is that in order to update a module I need 
to unload it. I can't unload it if somebody else has stacked onto me! I 
also can't avoid the module unload race by leaving the module loaded since 
then I can't load the same module again.

Therefore it is clear that we need in kernel stacker manager because it is 
impossible to make a 100% correct solution from a module. In that way any 
module can unload and be replaced.

>There are other problems, of course: if you disable a
>module, and reload an update of it, what happens
>(1) between those times, and (2) is there state that
>needs to transfer from the old to the new version?
>If there's no state, there may not be a problem.
>You might be able to solve (1) by having the "old" and
>"new" versions loaded simultaneously, then disabling the old one
>(and later unloading it).  You can solve (2) trivially
>if there's no state.  But I don't see how a stacker
>could solve that problem in general if state needs
>to tranfer; I believe that has to be the job of the
>modules themselves (to handle state transfers).  For many of
>the modules I was interested in (limiting the creation
>of files to certain name patterns, detecting likely
>temp file problems, etc.) these weren't problems,
>because the module didn't need to store internal state.

These are legitimate issues. My luck is that I don't need a persistent 
state. Everything I need is stored in ?_security fields. Of course (1) is 
a risk but if we had a stacker we could offer a choice. Whether somebody 
wants to do an update and take the security risk, or a reboot and have 
some downtime. Choices are supposed to be good.

Of course, you being an original stacker author, I don't need to argue 
that with you. :)

Tvrtko August Ursulin
Software Engineer, Sophos

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