Re: lsm docs

From: Stephen Smalley (sds@private)
Date: Thu Jan 06 2005 - 09:14:10 PST

On Thu, 2005-01-06 at 12:12, Rogelio Serrano wrote:
> Does the lsm paper at
> still apply to 2.6.10 lsm such that I can backport it to 2.4.28?

No, the paper was published in 2002 and naturally hasn't been updated.
Looks like the lsm-2.4-dev bk tree from was last updated
for 2.4.27.  We stopped maintaining the 2.4 SELinux at 2.4.26, with a
snapshot available on our historical versions page,  Recently Lorenzo has
re-based that patch to 2.4.28 and is working on a back port of the
latest 2.6 SELinux code to 2.4.28.

Stephen Smalley <sds@private>
National Security Agency

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