Re: lsm stacker

From: David A. Wheeler (dwheeler@private)
Date: Thu Jun 30 2005 - 13:45:00 PDT

When I gave examples of why I would want a stacker:
>>* Limit filenname creation to certain formats (e.g., forbid
>>   leading "-", forbid control characters, require UTF-8 format),
>>   because some filenames can be easily abused to cause vulnerabilities.
 >>* Forbid following tempfiles/symlinks in certain combinations,
 >>   like OpenWall does, because they can lead to race conditions

Stephen Smalley replied:
> I think that this is approaching the problem the wrong way - ad-hoc
> solutions for specific attacks, rather than thinking about the general
> problem.  For example, malicious symlinks are just a particular instance
> of the problem of a high integrity process being corrupted by low
> integrity data.

If you can develop a general, easily-understood solution that
COMPLETELY solves your problem, then that's often the best
approach.   And I should note that I like & use SELinux.

But sometimes the best general, easily-understood
solution is to enable composition of different modules.
The fully general case can easily become one huge monolith
that tries to be all things to all people, and isn't nearly
as easily understood as a set of simple modules (each of
which are easy to reason about).

Let's go back to the first of my examples - I want to have
a security policy that limits created filenames
to certain formats (for EVERYONE, in ALL filesystems -- even root).
Why? There are lots of attacks based on funky filenames
(newlines in filenames allow files to divert to other files,
control characters in filenames to trigger processing,
leading "-" that gets confused with options, non-UTF-8 values
that scramble data values & displays, etc.)  I suppose I could
require that all programs and humans be perfect, but
I think I'd better not count on it.

How would I do that in SELinux?  Yes, SELinux could add that,
but since many wouldn't want that, it'd be an odd wart in SELinux.
It's easier to conceive of such a security policy as a set of
separate modules, stacked in by those who desire it.

> If such features are added as ad-hoc solutions to specific attacks,then
> yes, the result will be unwieldy, but that will be true whether it is
> done by a single LSM or ten of them.  If you consider the general issues
> and seek a general solution either via configuring SELinux or, if truly
> necessary, extending it, then it need not be unwieldy at all.  You can
> leverage common mechanism toward solving that problem that already
> exists to help with other problems.

Only where the general solution can be found, and is more
appropriate to use than the alternatives. A Turing machine
solves any computable access control question, but I have
no desire to use one directly :-).  All "general"
solutions are actually ad-hoc if you view them from the
point-of-view of a higher level of abstraction.

Specialized countermeasures are sometimes a better approach
than trying to do it all in a single monolith, if the countermeasure
fully covers an important case and isn't easily
thwarted by an attacker.  It's often not hard to
reason about them, because their focus is sufficiently narrow
that they only forbid that which should never happen anyway.

This isn't necessarily in conflict with SELinux at all.
For example, I want to combine SELinux with stuff that
limits filename patterns.  I see no conflict there.

--- David A. Wheeler

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