On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, Tina Bird wrote: > Actually, I'd rather people sent replies with sample data to the list. > That way anyone who is working on any kind of parser can take advantage > of it. Fine by me... that's why I left it up to you. Where it would live, I don't know. SecurityFocus could certainly host some pages, but whoever is doing the maintainance work would have to go through me or another employee to get the pages posted as they are updated. Ideally, you'd probably like to have a simple database to hold them and give people a way to submit them themselves. I'm afraid we don't have any spare developer time at present to provide that function on our site. What I'm trying to make for each log type is a regex that splits it into different fields (which I stuff into a perl array). I'd be willing to write a regex or two for each log type I get, and that would probably be useful for a number of applications. I imagine we could make a simple DB entry or web page for each log type, that had a number of sample lines from the log, followed by some regexs (and sample output) and any other useful code snippets (and sample output.) For example (Roxen Customized): x.x.x.x - - [21/Jan/2001:00:00:34 -0800] "GET /topnews.html HTTP/1.0" 200 4304 "-" "Lynx/2.8.1pre.9%20libwww-FM/2.14" "0" "1" x.x.x.x - - [21/Jan/2001:00:00:34 -0800] "GET /images/ads/BHW2KSF-a.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 16587 "http://www.securityfocus.com/frames/ad.html?group=home" "Mozilla/4.0%20(compatible;%20MSIE%204.01;%20Windows%2098)" "0" "0" $splitter = '^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+) \[(\S+) (\S+)\] "(\S+) ([^ \?]+)[^ ]* (\S+)" (\S+) (\S+)'; while (<STDIN>) { @fields = /$splitter/o; print @fields,"\n"; } Output: x.x.x.x--21/Jan/2001:00:00:34-0800GET/topnews.htmlHTTP/1.02004304 x.x.x.x--21/Jan/2001:00:00:34-0800GET/images/ads/BHW2KSF-a.gifHTTP/1.120016587 (Not the best example output, perhaps... there is no separater... could have a more obvious field seperater on a web page). So, my regex throws away some fields, strips off some variables (after ? in URL), and a few other things that meet my particular needs. I guess each regex or snippet would have to have some docs as well. :) Ryan --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: loganalysis-unsubscribeat_private For additional commands, e-mail: loganalysis-helpat_private
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