Re: [logs] forms an formats of syslog??

From: Marcus J. Ranum (mjrat_private)
Date: Sun Jan 20 2002 - 18:14:33 PST

  • Next message: Ganu Skop: "[logs] log over the network"

    > > be releasing pieces of the system on CDROM at SANS in April.
    >Which SANS?  Orlando or Omaha?
    Orlando. Lance Spitzner and I are teaching a class on honeypots
    together. My part of the class is covering a bunch of cool stuff for
    log analysis of data returned from honeypots, and a honeypot
    implementation. :)  Or it's supposed to, anyhow. I'm still frantically
    coding on it and probably will be until the night before the class. :)
    Joking aside, I've written a generalized configurable parser for log
    files that converts stuff into a standardized mark-up. For example,
    it took me about 20 seconds to write a ruleset to translate my
    web server logs into a format compatible with my incoming
    syslogs so I can manipulate them together. I think that's useful. ;)
    The program's called "fargo" (it's a log processor, see...) and I'll
    be making it available in source code form along with the honeypot
    code and a bunch of other stuff I don't want to talk about yet.*
    (* 'cuz it's still vapor)
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