[logs] Problems/Questions on PEO

From: Devin Kowatch (devinkat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 29 2002 - 12:24:16 PST

  • Next message: Sweth Chandramouli: "Re: [logs] Problems/Questions on PEO"

    Hi, I just read your paper "VCR and PEO revised".  There are a few
    problems that I can see with using this to verify the validity of log
    messages.  However, I'm not an expert, so I could be wrong.
    I also thought that people on the log-analysis list might be interested.
    First problem is that the method you use for keying hashes doesn't
    actually protect against forgery.  I'm assuming that H is a chained hash
    function (like MD5 and SHA-1).  PEO uses Ki = H(K(i-1), Di), but if an
    attacker can get Ki then it is possible calculate a new Ki for a log
    message Di,y. Or some extra text y appended to Di[1].  This could pose a
    problem because the text of y might change the semantics of the log
    entry, or add back spaces to the log entry (thus making it hard to
    read).  Of course this is mostly academic because you throw away K(i-1),
    however, it does mean that an attacker who breaks in at time i+1 can
    alter the log entry of time i with out knowing K(i-1).
    The second problem is that it is not possible to determin where the log
    was altered.  If an attacker inserts or alters a message at time t then 
    all messages after time t will not be verifiable.  But because the
    intermediate hash values are not saved it will also be impossible to
    verify messages _before_ time t.  
    This leads to some obvious problems.
    Lets say that an attacker gains access to machine A at time t.  From
    that point forward the logs from A cannot be trusted, however, we still
    have the logs of the attack (which is good).  Further, lets assume that
    A is logging to a central log server L, and uses an authenticated, integrety
    checked channel for communication from A to L (i.e. the new syslog reliable
    protocol).  In this situation it's basically impossible for the attacker
    to insert a message before the attack on A.  So we should get good,
    verifiable logs of the attack.  However, because it's impossible to 
    determine where the bad messages started, if an attacker inserts a bogus 
    message into the channel between A and L _after_ time t then all the log 
    entries are invalidated for the entire logging session. This will include
    the log entries that show the source and method used to gain accesss.  
    [1] "Keying Hash Functions for Messag Authentication"
    Devin Kowatch
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