Re: [logs] Syslog payload format

From: marc (marcat_private)
Date: Thu Dec 19 2002 - 05:28:37 PST

  • Next message: marc: "Re: [logs] Syslog payload format"

    > Right now, I can do:
    > syslog(LOG_DAEMON|LOG_DEBUG, "debug: marcus login from %s", where);
    > How many lines of code is your library going to take and what
    > benefit do they give me in this situation ?
    I think we had this discussion before, and I suggested a
    variadic interface. Like this:
      "event",IDSA_T_STRING,"marcus login","from",IDSA_T_HOST,where,NULL);
    which is about as compact as it gets without losing structure information.
    This implementation actually *exists* - for debian users, try
    an "apt-get install idsa", add the following lines to the
    code (equivalent to a mandatory openlog)
      #include <idsa.h>
      /* in main */
    compile with -lidsa, and it will work today. You'll get a log
    entry like this:
    pid="395" uid="501" gid="501" time="1040302101" service="foobar"
    host="knoll" name="debug" scheme="syslog" honour="0"
    arisk="0.000/0.989" crisk="0.000/0.989" irisk="0.000/0.989"
    event="marcus login" from="baz"
    I'd be interested in knowing if there is a way which makes fewer
    demands of an application programmer.
    LogAnalysis mailing list

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