Re: [logs] Syslog payload format

From: Greg Black (gjbat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 03 2003 - 13:31:34 PST

  • Next message: Rainer Gerhards: "RE: [logs] Syslog payload format"

    Bennett Todd wrote:
    | What benefit do you see to keeping the broken timestamp format
    | around (and yes, I do understand that you propose an additional
    | useful timestamp in a separate tag-marked field)?
    I may have been asleep when it was discussed last or perhaps my
    eyes just glazed over, but I can't see why on earth we're still
    talking about formatting timestamps.  Why don't we just log the
    timestamp as the number of seconds since the epoch in UTC with
    an optional milliseconds part?  This is short, unambiguous, and
    very easy to re-format into any display format in any language
    for any timezone at the time the log is being examined.  Every
    other possibility introduces nightmares for parsing and efforts
    to compare timestamps.
    LogAnalysis mailing list

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