[logs] Trial SELP client implementation

From: Bennett Todd (betat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 09 2003 - 15:25:24 PST

  • Next message: Bennett Todd: "[logs] Trial SELP server implementation"

    Only just this minute got it to where it appears to be working
    approximately correctly. It probably still needs work, but it's
    small enough that that won't be extravagently painful. I've not yet
    added the "expanded mode", but that should be straightforward.
    I hope to crank out the server tomorrow, time permitting. I've got
    the frame --- currently little more functional than
    	while true;do nc -l -p 1514; done
    but with that frame, I just need to add the PRIO decoder, timestamp
    validation, and RFC 3164 timestamp transcoder, that should be
    Anyway, here's a client to look at. I figure this (and the companion
    server, coming soon) might be helpful to have around as debugging
    tools, but are probably most interesting as test stubs for other
    implementations, and as another form of documentation. I've tried to
    keep this simple enough that it won't be painful to read to resolve
    any questions.
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    =head1 NAME
      selp --- test client for SELP protocol
    =head1 SYNOPSIS
      selp [--port=] priority [message]
    =head1 DESCRIPTION
    selp sends SELP message[s] to the indicated destination port, in a
    fashion loosely similar to logger(1). The priority must be specified
    as facility.level. If the message is missing selp will read stdin,
    sending each line as a separate message, computing the timestamp as
    it sends it, and sending them all in a single TCP connection.
    =head1 BUGS
    This implementation doesn't attempt to reconnect and resend if the
    receiver drops the connection.
    use Getopt::Long;
    use POSIX qw(strftime);
    use IO::Socket::INET;
    use Sys::Hostname;
    my $port = "";
    my $syntax = "selp [--port=$port] priority [message]\n";
    GetOptions("port=s" => \$port) || die $syntax;
    die $syntax unless @ARGV;
    my $prio = prio_decode(shift(@ARGV));
    my $host = hostname;
    my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
        PeerAddr => $port,
        Proto => 'tcp',
    ) or die "$0: socket bind failed: $!\n";
    if (@ARGV) {
        my $timestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", localtime(time));
        $sock->print("<$prio>$timestamp $host @ARGV\r\n");
    } else {
        while (<>) {
    	my $timestamp = strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", localtime(time));
    	$sock->print("<$prio>$timestamp $host $_\r\n");
    sub prio_decode {
        my ($prio) = @_;
    my %prio_codes = (
    	# Generated by syslog-prio.c, reformatted by hand
    "alert" => 1, "crit" => 2, "debug" => 7, "emerg" => 0, "err" => 3, "error" => 3,
    "info" => 6, "none" => 16, "notice" => 5, "panic" => 0, "warn" => 4,
    "warning" => 4, "auth" => 32, "authpriv" => 80, "cron" => 72, "daemon" => 24,
    "ftp" => 88, "kern" => 0, "lpr" => 48, "mail" => 16, "mark" => 192,
    "news" => 56, "security" => 32, "syslog" => 40, "user" => 8, "uucp" => 64,
    "local0" => 128, "local1" => 136, "local2" => 144, "local3" => 152,
    "local4" => 160, "local5" => 168, "local6" => 176, "local7" => 184,
        die "$0: priority must be facility.level, is $prio\n" unless $prio =~ /^([a-z0-9]+)\.([a-z0-9]+)$/i;
        my ($facility, $level) = map { lc($_) } ($1, $2);
        die "$facility is not a known facility\n" unless exists $prio_codes{$facility};
        die "$level is not a known level\n" unless exists $prio_codes{$level};
        return($prio_codes{$facility} + $prio_codes{$level});

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