Journaling filesystem [was "Re: ext3 vs reiserfs"]

From: Federico Bianchi (bianchi@private)
Date: Wed Oct 24 2001 - 00:51:57 PDT

On 23 Oct 2001 mysiar@private wrote:

> hi everybody on the Owl list :-)
> I was just thinking about ext3 and reiserfs beause
> I would like to use on my Owl boxex journaling filesystem.
> I'm brand new to Owl and I like it a lot.
> Everything is just working fine, no problem.
> If I'm missing something it is just enough to download the source
> code and compile it. Isn't this GREAT?
> So maybe somebody was thinking the same about journaling FS's
> and an spare some experience or some good thoughts.  :-)))
> Rgds
> Piotr

To cut a long story short:

- ext3 has a single bonus, and a huge one: it is basically ext2 plus a
  journaling layer. ext2 tools may be used on it, if necessary;
  moreover, the core structure has been in use and extensively debugged
  for years
- reiserfs is a clean design, boosting impressive performance even with
  lots of inodes. It also allows for less storage waste, which may be of
  interest when coping with zillions of small files. Even if you didn't
  mention it, SGI's XFS is in the same arena, and should be taken in
  account as well if you work with 2.4.x kernels; IBM's JFS is rock solid
  in itself, but IMHO is not a suitable choice in most cases since the
  Linux implementation so far lacks full support for VFS extended
  attributes and is somewhat slower than the alternatives (the release I
  used was quite troublesome, but I have been told this is no longer the

Best regards

	 		Federico Bianchi
			Dipartim. di Storia delle Arti - Universita` di Pisa
			p.zza S.Matteo in Soarta, 2 - 56127 Pisa (Italy)
			tel.+39-050-587111 (cent.), +39-050-587224 (uff.)
			fax.+39-050-580128; e-mail: <f.bianchi@private>
			!DISCLAIMER!: my e-mail reflects _my_own_ opinions!

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