From: Solar Designer (solar@private)
Date: Tue Nov 13 2001 - 14:19:32 PST

On Tue, Nov 13, 2001 at 04:02:05PM -0500, solar@private wrote:
> Your problem does not seem to be related to Owl distro.
> I just tested that 'halt' works and its fine
> (with and without ow* kern patches).


> I dont know how SolarDiz feels but it would be nice to see
> Owl related questions on the owl-users@ and not unix 101 questions.

I agree, but I was going to let the list self-regulate until I feel
that moderation is necessary.  There have been several messages from
list members so far that I wouldn't approve if I decided to moderate
the list.  But so far I only reject UBE ("spam") and there have been
several such messages already after I re-configured the list.  When
list members say they want a list policy announced, I'll do so... or I
may decide to do so myself. ;-)  Similarly, when pre-moderation of
messages from list members becomes necessary, I'll do that as well.

And owl-users@ isn't only about asking and answering questions.  It's
also a place to share experience with using Owl, even if not explicitly
asked for it. ;-)

Speaking of Piotr's postings, originally the question was on topic (he
asked if we patched anything in halt that could be relevant, to which
I replied that we didn't).  I'd rather see problem reports which turn
out to be not related to Owl than not get a bug in our patches reported
to us.  Then, it's not only our patches which is our responsibility.
If we package something for Owl and that turns out to contain a bug,
we need to deal with that (such as by forwarding the bug report if not
fixing the bug ourselves), too.

Then the shouting in the subject line I of course don't appreciate.

> On 13 Nov 2001, Piotr Synowiec wrote:
> > On Tue, 2001-11-13 at 19:17, tokiko wrote:
> > > > Any ideas would be appreciated.
> > >
> > > does "shutdown -h now" work any better than halt - it does for me somehow
> > >
> > no it does not :-(


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