New ISO and VPN tunelling

From: Radek Michalski (radek@private)
Date: Tue Sep 03 2002 - 04:54:00 PDT


I'm wondering when there's gonna be a new ISO release of Owl. We've got
openssh commotion behind, so there's a good time to make a new relase, I

One more thing: few monts ago I wrote about tests I'm gonna make when about
CIPE / FreeS/WAN tunelling mechanisms. So I made those and IMHO there are
good reasons to include and use CIPE (I know that it's encapsulates packets
in UDP, what may be taken as disadvantage).
First at all: tunnels made with CIPE are more stable, they can be up for a
weeks. In the same conditions I've tested F/S and it wasn't so stable.
Second thing is configuration : CIPE is easier to configure [I really don't
know what about very complicated configurations w/o standard enviroment -
for my purposes CIPE had clearer conf.]. Speed - I think it's equal.

Maybe other users can share with their experience too.

Radek Michalski

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