Re: possible startup scripts bug ?

From: Oleg Lukashin (phd@private)
Date: Sun Dec 08 2002 - 09:25:40 PST

* Solar Designer (solar@private) wrote:

> This is not strictly a bug (noone is supposed to delete that file,
> it's not a regular log file which may be rotated but rather a table
> with entries per-UID).

I know that. I've just prepared diskless router (bootable from flash card)
and while doing cleanup before writing to card faced up this problem.
I agree that /var/log/lastlog normally never deleted, but there is always a
chance to remove it somehow and get problems with logon.

> But I've added that piece to rc.sysinit in Owl-current, please test.


> -- 
> /sd
Best regards,
Oleg Lukashin

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