Re: got a problem with /tmp

From: Markus Ackermann (maol@private)
Date: Sun Jan 05 2003 - 10:38:57 PST

On Sun 05.01.2003, 20:22:41 +0300, Oleg Lukashin said in public:
>I've got a non-standart problem with /tmp. I need to make /tmp as
>a symlink to /var/tmp, but cannot do this, because of hidden
>/tmp/.private/root, that cannot be deleted. Who making these dirs
>(i mean under /tmp) and if there is any way to make such a symlink?

Remove /tmp from /etc/fstab, reboot into single user mode, create the
symlink. But why would you want such a setup? Why not making /var/tmp a
symlink to /tmp?


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