Re: got a problem with /tmp

From: Oleg Lukashin (phd@private)
Date: Mon Jan 06 2003 - 06:18:46 PST

* Solar Designer (solar@private) wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 08:22:41PM +0300, Oleg Lukashin wrote:
> Hi,
> > I've got a non-standart problem with /tmp. I need to make /tmp as
> > a symlink to /var/tmp, but cannot do this, because of hidden
> > /tmp/.private/root, that cannot be deleted. Who making these dirs
> > (i mean under /tmp)
> pam_mktemp does.

I had the same opinion, and commented it in /etc/pam.d/login,
but, it doesn't help... because files already created :)

> The reason /tmp/.private is append-only is for
> pam_mktemp to co-exist with Red Hat's tmpwatch (if you install it on
> Owl).

Yes, make installworld installing stmpclean. tmpwatch is a part
of this packet.

> This has been done prior to our inclusion of stmpwatch which
> wouldn't attempt to remove the per-user subdirectories for another
> reason.  Now that stmpclean is a part of Owl, there's hardly a reason
> for one to install tmpwatch so I am considering reverting this change.
> To remove your current /tmp, you first need to do:
> chattr -a /tmp/.private
Yeah ! thanks a lot. I've somehow knew that such utility should
exist... You've opened my eyes :))

> -- 
> /sd

Best regards,
Oleg Lukashin

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