[owl-users] sudo: why not?

From: Mike Belopuhov (mkb@private)
Date: Sat Oct 16 2004 - 13:18:02 PDT


I'm just skipping some gratitudes to Owl team ;-) and just asking
a question: why sudo is not in Owl?  Always when I install Owl I
can't guess why it is so.  It works fine with tcb.

I have working srpm of sudo with .pam and .control files included
(tested on 1.1-release on i386).  It's sudo-1.6.7p5.  You can get
SRPM here:

(sorry if it happens to be broken ;-)

Suppose there is much to be done, but imho sudo is a good candidate
for the owl-current, isn't it?

Of course I googled for a such discussion, but hasn't found
anything relevant.

 Mike Belopuhov
 * ôèéó íåóóáçå ÷áó ÷òéôôåî õóéîç öéí *
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Hello list,

this is my first contact with Owl. Now I installed the system as in the
install-doc than I issued a chroot /owl
and no? how do I set up the kernel? install lilo?=20
do you have any documentation?


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misiu_ wrote:

> this is my first contact with Owl. Now I installed the system as in the
> install-doc than I issued a chroot /owl
> and no? how do I set up the kernel? install lilo?
> do you have any documentation?

Simplest way:
1. Copy kernel from CD
# cp /boot/bzImage /owl/boot/
2. Setup LILO
# make setup
# vi /owl/etc/lilo.conf
3. Install LILO
# chroot /owl lilo

Then boot up from hard disk and build custom kernel usual way.

Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin
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Am Mi, den 20.10.2004 schrieb gremlin um 18:48:

> Simplest way:
> 1. Copy kernel from CD
> # cp /boot/bzImage /owl/boot/
> 2. Setup LILO
> # make setup
> # vi /owl/etc/lilo.conf
after /sbin/lilo
i get=20
Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed
lilo: fatal: geo_query_dev HDIO_GETGEO(dev 0x1600):Invalid argument

any suggestions?

> 3. Install LILO
> # chroot /owl lilo
> Then boot up from hard disk and build custom kernel usual way.

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misiu_ wrote:

> > 1. Copy kernel from CD
> > # cp /boot/bzImage /owl/boot/
> o.k.
> > 2. Setup LILO
> > # make setup
> > # vi /owl/etc/lilo.conf
> after /sbin/lilo
> i get
> Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed
> lilo: fatal: geo_query_dev HDIO_GETGEO(dev 0x1600):Invalid argument
> any suggestions?

Hmm... AFAIR, 0x1600 is a sort of SCSI disk - possibly, you have to edit
/owl/etc/lilo.conf to suit your needs.

> > 3. Install LILO
> > # chroot /owl lilo

Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin
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> > after /sbin/lilo
> > i get
> > Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed
> > lilo: fatal: geo_query_dev HDIO_GETGEO(dev 0x1600):Invalid argument
> >
> > any suggestions?
> Hmm... AFAIR, 0x1600 is a sort of SCSI disk - possibly, you have to edit
> /owl/etc/lilo.conf to suit your needs.
> > > 3. Install LILO
> > > # chroot /owl lilo

[I'll never post drunk messages to list! I'll never post dru...]

0x1600 is /dev/hdc (22,0) - is that your hard disk device, or is it a

Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin
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Hi Mike,

On Sun, Oct 17, 2004 at 12:18:02AM +0400, Mike Belopuhov wrote:
> I'm just skipping some gratitudes to Owl team ;-) and just asking
> a question: why sudo is not in Owl?  Always when I install Owl I
> can't guess why it is so.  It works fine with tcb.

Yes, but unfortunately both su and sudo are subtly but fundamentally

Presently, the only safe use for su is to switch from a more
privileged account to a less privileged one (whenever this distinction
can be made) in a non-interactive script (without a tty).  As soon as
a tty is used, there is a security problem.  As soon as you su to a
more privileged account, there is another security problem.

We've been discussing privately how we might re-design su (or
improve Linux kernel interfaces) such that su would become safe in
presence of tty's.  However, even if that is done, su would still be
unsafe for accessing more privileged accounts from less privileged

Yes, it used to be common sysadmin wisdom to "su root" rather than
login as root.  Those few who, when asked, could actually come up with
a valid reason for this preference would refer to the better
accountability achieved with this approach.  Yes, this really is a
good reason in favor of this approach.  But it's also the only one.
And the reason I give against using this approach is that it
effectively allows anyone who could have compromised the otherwise
non-privileged user account used to su from to gain root (at the
next invocation of su by the admin).  So the separation between the
non-root and the root accounts is lost.

The alternative to "su root" is direct root logins.  If there're
multiple persons who need root privileges on a server, multiple root
privileged accounts may be created, -- which Owl now includes full
support for (note our msulogin package).

Now, let's approach your question about sudo.  As you can imagine, it
too has the problems of su.  A privilege is meant to be granted to a
non-user account temporarily, -- however, anyone who could have
compromised the account, even if they do not know the password (e.g.,
for a compromise through a CGI script or an FTP/IRC/whatever client
vulnerability), can gain ahold of the sudo-elevated privilege
permanently (by intercepting one sudo session during which the
password would be entered).

The above property is inherent to sudo.  However, besides it, there's
also an implementation defect.  sudo uses a blacklist, as opposed to a
whitelist, for disallowing "bad" environment variables from being
passed on to the program specified in the sudoers file.  No blacklist
can be complete.  The result of this is that it is generally possible
for a user listed in sudoers to get full shell access as the target
user (usually root) even if the specified command was meant to allow
for a certain action only.  On Owl, this problem is largely remedied
by the glibc -owl-sanitize-env.diff patch which strips glibc's own
risky environment variables on SUID exec (e.g., of sudo itself) such
that they would not be present on subsequent non-SUID execs (e.g., of
the command specified in sudoers).  But this is not something I like
to rely upon, and it only works for glibc.  The program invoked from
sudo may use other libraries and it may support its own environment

"sudo -i" almost achieves the desired effect (environment fully reset,
then populated with known-safe entries), except that there's no way to
force this behavior from a configuration file.

Of course, we may fix this implementation defect with a patch.  But
you've asked "why no sudo", -- and the above is the current answer.

Hope it helps, and thank you for trying to help.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
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> Presently, the only safe use for su is to switch from a more
> privileged account to a less privileged one (whenever this distinction
> can be made) in a non-interactive script (without a tty).  As soon as
> a tty is used, there is a security problem.  As soon as you su to a
> more privileged account, there is another security problem.

Catch: priv'd accounts can depend on context. What may be
less priv'd in one context (say, dba access vs. reformat the
disks) can be more priv'd in another (say, modify someone's
payroll record).

> Yes, it used to be common sysadmin wisdom to "su root" rather than
> login as root.  Those few who, when asked, could actually come up with
> a valid reason for this preference would refer to the better
> accountability achieved with this approach.  Yes, this really is a
> good reason in favor of this approach.  But it's also the only one.

You can also refuse superuser logins over the network (from
the root username or any other with UID 0). At that point
someone has to compromise the system enough to modify the
login rules before they can get in as root via the network.

You can restrict the number of users with simple access to
the command via mods, which allows revoking access to the
command by removing a user from one group (vs. having to
change the password). While not perfect, this does simplify
the most common cases where ex-employees have su access
because Jow Bloe in accouting couldn't be notified of the

> And the reason I give against using this approach is that it
> effectively allows anyone who could have compromised the otherwise
> non-privileged user account used to su from to gain root (at the
> next invocation of su by the admin).  So the separation between the
> non-root and the root accounts is lost.

You have better odds of turning off one non-priv'd account
than modifying any superuser accounts on a running system.

> multiple persons who need root privileges on a server, multiple root
> privileged accounts may be created, -- which Owl now includes full
> support for (note our msulogin package).

Just create multiple accounts with UID 0, fine.
Only catch there is that looking for multiples with 0 is
one of the fastest ways to catch many rootkit attempts.
I normally modify the 'root' account to log the incomming
IP for legal action and create another SU for real work.
If there are multiple 0's in the UID then I have a real

> Now, let's approach your question about sudo.  As you can imagine, it
> too has the problems of su.  A privilege is meant to be granted to a
> non-user account temporarily, -- however, anyone who could have
> compromised the account, even if they do not know the password (e.g.,
> for a compromise through a CGI script or an FTP/IRC/whatever client
> vulnerability), can gain ahold of the sudo-elevated privilege
> permanently (by intercepting one sudo session during which the
> password would be entered).
> The above property is inherent to sudo.  However, besides it, there's
> also an implementation defect.  sudo uses a blacklist, as opposed to a
> whitelist, for disallowing "bad" environment variables from being
> passed on to the program specified in the sudoers file.  No blacklist
> can be complete.  The result of this is that it is generally possible
> for a user listed in sudoers to get full shell access as the target
> user (usually root) even if the specified command was meant to allow
> for a certain action only.  On Owl, this problem is largely remedied
> by the glibc -owl-sanitize-env.diff patch which strips glibc's own
> risky environment variables on SUID exec (e.g., of sudo itself) such
> that they would not be present on subsequent non-SUID execs (e.g., of
> the command specified in sudoers).  But this is not something I like
> to rely upon, and it only works for glibc.  The program invoked from
> sudo may use other libraries and it may support its own environment
> variables.

OK. So there is no perfect security short of a trusted
advisor with a loaded, cocked 44 watching whomever is
on the console...

> "sudo -i" almost achieves the desired effect (environment fully reset,
> then populated with known-safe entries), except that there's no way to
> force this behavior from a configuration file.

Hack sudo to jam-load -i behavior.

> Of course, we may fix this implementation defect with a patch.  But
> you've asked "why no sudo", -- and the above is the current answer.

Steven Lembark                                       85-09 90th Street
Workhorse Computing                                Woodhaven, NY 11421
lembark@private                                     1 888 359 3508
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Subject: Re: [owl-users] installed and chrooted and now?
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hi, i guess it is my cdrom...
but in my lilo.conf
is =20


Am Mi, den 20.10.2004 schrieb gremlin um 19:20:
> > > after /sbin/lilo
> > > i get
> > > Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed
> > > lilo: fatal: geo_query_dev HDIO_GETGEO(dev 0x1600):Invalid argument
> > >
> > > any suggestions?
> >=20
> > Hmm... AFAIR, 0x1600 is a sort of SCSI disk - possibly, you have to edi=
> > /owl/etc/lilo.conf to suit your needs.
> >=20
> > > > 3. Install LILO
> > > > # chroot /owl lilo
> [I'll never post drunk messages to list! I'll never post dru...]
> 0x1600 is /dev/hdc (22,0) - is that your hard disk device, or is it a

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Subject: Re: [owl-users] sudo: why not?
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Steven Lembark wrote:
>> Presently, the only safe use for su is to switch from a more
>> privileged account to a less privileged one (whenever this distinction
>> can be made) in a non-interactive script (without a tty).  As soon as
>> a tty is used, there is a security problem.  As soon as you su to a
>> more privileged account, there is another security problem.
> Catch: priv'd accounts can depend on context. What may be
> less priv'd in one context (say, dba access vs. reformat the
> disks) can be more priv'd in another (say, modify someone's
> payroll record).

The root user could access the database files physically 
(binaryphorically speaking) and thus already has this privilege. There 
is really no such thing as security against the superuser.

>> Yes, it used to be common sysadmin wisdom to "su root" rather than
>> login as root.  Those few who, when asked, could actually come up with
>> a valid reason for this preference would refer to the better
>> accountability achieved with this approach.  Yes, this really is a
>> good reason in favor of this approach.  But it's also the only one.
> You can also refuse superuser logins over the network (from
> the root username or any other with UID 0). At that point
> someone has to compromise the system enough to modify the
> login rules before they can get in as root via the network.

Apart from a single exploitable bug in a networking daemon running as 
root. Or a single exploitable bug in any non-chrooted networking daemon 
and a single (or series of, possibly) exploitable local bugs that leads 
to elevated privileges.

> You can restrict the number of users with simple access to
> the command via mods, which allows revoking access to the
> command by removing a user from one group (vs. having to
> change the password). While not perfect, this does simplify
> the most common cases where ex-employees have su access
> because Jow Bloe in accouting couldn't be notified of the
> change.

The users you want to safeguard against are the ones that doesn't need 
just "simple" access to the command.

>> And the reason I give against using this approach is that it
>> effectively allows anyone who could have compromised the otherwise
>> non-privileged user account used to su from to gain root (at the
>> next invocation of su by the admin).  So the separation between the
>> non-root and the root accounts is lost.
> You have better odds of turning off one non-priv'd account
> than modifying any superuser accounts on a running system.

Would you care to elaborate? Are you assuming the position of an 
attacker or the position of an admin in that statement?

>> multiple persons who need root privileges on a server, multiple root
>> privileged accounts may be created, -- which Owl now includes full
>> support for (note our msulogin package).
> Just create multiple accounts with UID 0, fine.
> Only catch there is that looking for multiples with 0 is
> one of the fastest ways to catch many rootkit attempts.

Rootkits needs root access to be installed. We're trying to prevent that 
altogether, not make sure we can find them once they're installed.

> I normally modify the 'root' account to log the incomming
> IP for legal action and create another SU for real work.
> If there are multiple 0's in the UID then I have a real
> problem.

uid 1000 has three. Is that a real problem? ;)

>> Now, let's approach your question about sudo.  As you can imagine, it
>> too has the problems of su.  A privilege is meant to be granted to a
>> non-user account temporarily, -- however, anyone who could have
>> compromised the account, even if they do not know the password (e.g.,
>> for a compromise through a CGI script or an FTP/IRC/whatever client
>> vulnerability), can gain ahold of the sudo-elevated privilege
>> permanently (by intercepting one sudo session during which the
>> password would be entered).
>> The above property is inherent to sudo.  However, besides it, there's
>> also an implementation defect.  sudo uses a blacklist, as opposed to a
>> whitelist, for disallowing "bad" environment variables from being
>> passed on to the program specified in the sudoers file.  No blacklist
>> can be complete.  The result of this is that it is generally possible
>> for a user listed in sudoers to get full shell access as the target
>> user (usually root) even if the specified command was meant to allow
>> for a certain action only.  On Owl, this problem is largely remedied
>> by the glibc -owl-sanitize-env.diff patch which strips glibc's own
>> risky environment variables on SUID exec (e.g., of sudo itself) such
>> that they would not be present on subsequent non-SUID execs (e.g., of
>> the command specified in sudoers).  But this is not something I like
>> to rely upon, and it only works for glibc.  The program invoked from
>> sudo may use other libraries and it may support its own environment
>> variables.
> OK. So there is no perfect security short of a trusted
> advisor with a loaded, cocked 44 watching whomever is
> on the console...

Actually, not even that would be perfectly secure, but it would make it 
harder for anyone sitting there to go berzerk without being noticed. 
Again, we're not interested in noticing things when they've happened, 
but rather to prevent them.

>> "sudo -i" almost achieves the desired effect (environment fully reset,
>> then populated with known-safe entries), except that there's no way to
>> force this behavior from a configuration file.
> Hack sudo to jam-load -i behavior.

Feel free. I'm sure it's not a terribly difficult or burdensome task, 
but it's not on the Owl todo.

>> Of course, we may fix this implementation defect with a patch.  But
>> you've asked "why no sudo", -- and the above is the current answer.

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson@private
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Lead Developer
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> The root user could access the database files physically
> (binaryphorically speaking) and thus already has this privilege. There is
> really no such thing as security against the superuser.

My point was that there is no good definition of
"less privileged" user in the first place since
the notion of privilege is context sensitive.
i.e., even adding some sort of privilege-tree to
the what-user-can-change-to-what does not help.

Thing is that this is Unix, not VMS or OS/390.
At some point the entire thing comes down to
someone somewhere having personal control of

> Apart from a single exploitable bug in a networking daemon running as
> root. Or a single exploitable bug in any non-chrooted networking daemon
> and a single (or series of, possibly) exploitable local bugs that leads
> to elevated privileges.

Execept for any bug that leads to any hole anywhere.
There will always be holes; the best you can ever do
is leave the system less likely to be cracked (as
you've already pointed out).

That doesn't mean I won't at least take the simpler
steps to avoid the more easily-avoidable pitfalls.

> The users you want to safeguard against are the ones that doesn't need
> just "simple" access to the command.

Such as?

> Would you care to elaborate? Are you assuming the position of an attacker
> or the position of an admin in that statement?

As an admin if someone's account has been compromised
I can disable it. Turning off the superuser account(s)
tends to be more problematic. Obviously there are
lingering issues of what might have been done to the
the system in the meantime.

> Rootkits needs root access to be installed. We're trying to prevent that
> altogether, not make sure we can find them once they're installed.

Trivial: patch out the tests for ! uid in the C source,
add a signal handler for graceful shutdown to the reset
button, and put someone with an uzi near the box.

> uid 1000 has three. Is that a real problem? ;)

Three uid == 0 ?

> Actually, not even that would be perfectly secure, but it would make it
> harder for anyone sitting there to go berzerk without being noticed.
> Again, we're not interested in noticing things when they've happened, but
> rather to prevent them.

Think hard about VMS. It died largely because NSA
designed too much of it, at which point the thing
became so unwieldy that people switched to *NIX in

Steven Lembark                                       85-09 90th Street
Workhorse Computing                                Woodhaven, NY 11421
lembark@private                                     1 888 359 3508
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Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 03:38:00 +0400
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misiu_ wrote:
> hi, i guess it is my cdrom...
> but in my lilo.conf
> is  
> "boot=/dev/hda1"
> "root=/dev/hda"

You booted from CD-Rom drive, right?
Lilo tries to determine the boot drive (the one which was
used to boot the system this time) and write the stuff to
it.  I guess you have to add two more directives into

  disk=/dev/hda bios=0x80

to force lilo to think that your hda (is it your disk?)
is the first (boot) device in bios terminology (0x80 is
the boot device in bios).

Sometimes, lilo is tricky to set up in a chroot, when the
boot device was different than the one you're trying to
install to.  But well, I never seen such a problem with
CD-Rom drive & lilo before.  As far as I can tell, lilo
looks up /proc/partitions and tries to get some info
about every device listed there, but it a) should not
see cdrom device there, and b) even if it's there for
some strange reason, lilo should skip it  (0x1600 is
device with major number 0x16 (=22 dec) and minor=0,
which is /dev/hdc).  It seems that the above trick with
disk= bios= should help, but i'm not sure.


> misiu
> Am Mi, den 20.10.2004 schrieb gremlin um 19:20:
>>>>after /sbin/lilo
>>>>i get
>>>>Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed
>>>>lilo: fatal: geo_query_dev HDIO_GETGEO(dev 0x1600):Invalid argument
>>>>any suggestions?
>>>Hmm... AFAIR, 0x1600 is a sort of SCSI disk - possibly, you have to edit
>>>/owl/etc/lilo.conf to suit your needs.
>>>>>3. Install LILO
>>>>># chroot /owl lilo
>>[I'll never post drunk messages to list! I'll never post dru...]
>>0x1600 is /dev/hdc (22,0) - is that your hard disk device, or is it a
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On Thu, Oct 21, 2004 at 03:38:00AM +0400, Michael Tokarev wrote:
> You booted from CD-Rom drive, right?
> Lilo tries to determine the boot drive (the one which was
> used to boot the system this time) and write the stuff to
> it.  I guess you have to add two more directives into
> lilo.conf:
>  disk=/dev/hda bios=0x80

This shouldn't be needed to get Owl installed, really.  The lilo.conf
generated by our "setup" program should be OK.

I'm fairly certain that misiu simply entered the wrong device name
somewhere.  It would be helpful to see his /owl/etc/lilo.conf in its

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misiu_ wrote:

> > > > lilo: fatal: geo_query_dev HDIO_GETGEO(dev 0x1600):Invalid argument
> > 0x1600 is /dev/hdc (22,0) - is that your hard disk device, or is it a
> > CD-ROM?

> hi, i guess it is my cdrom...
> but in my lilo.conf
> is
> "boot=/dev/hda1"
> "root=/dev/hda"

Should be (in /owl/etc/lilo.conf):
boot=/dev/hda (the device where to install lilo)
root=/dev/hda1 (the device to be mounted as /)

Then run:
# cd /owl
# chroot . lilo

Or, simply:
# chroot /owl lilo

Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin
<gremlin ðòé gremlin ôþë ru>
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O.k. i tried just to install it like it is written in the install
but it did not work.

my /owl/etc/lilo.conf looks like this



the errormsg that i get is

Warning:LBA32 addressing is assumed
Added Linux *
Syntax error at or above line 7 in file /etc/lilo.conf


Am Do, den 21.10.2004 schrieb Solar Designer um 1:52:
> Michael,
> On Thu, Oct 21, 2004 at 03:38:00AM +0400, Michael Tokarev wrote:
> > You booted from CD-Rom drive, right?
> > Lilo tries to determine the boot drive (the one which was
> > used to boot the system this time) and write the stuff to
> > it.  I guess you have to add two more directives into
> > lilo.conf:
> >=20
> >  disk=3D/dev/hda bios=3D0x80
> This shouldn't be needed to get Owl installed, really.  The lilo.conf
> generated by our "setup" program should be OK.
> I'm fairly certain that misiu simply entered the wrong device name
> somewhere.  It would be helpful to see his /owl/etc/lilo.conf in its
> entirety.

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Solar Designer [Wed, Oct 20, 2004 at 11:55:16PM +0400]:
> [su and sudo security problems]

Well, this is not a problem anymore, if you use enhanced
kernel security. For instance using RSBAC (www.rsbac.org)
one can define exaclty what program and which user may use
setuid from which uid to which uid.

In normal system status, no setuid() is allowed.

And yes, it's an external kernel patch, which is not in vanilla
Kernel. Though it's tested and stable.

Just wanted to tell you this possibility of hardening owl/
any distribution.


Keep it simple & stupid, use what's available.
Please use pgp encryption: 8D0E 27A4 is my id.
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On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 02:32:37PM +0200, Nico -telmich- Schottelius wrote:
> Solar Designer [Wed, Oct 20, 2004 at 11:55:16PM +0400]:
> > [su and sudo security problems]
> Well, this is not a problem anymore, if you use enhanced
> kernel security. For instance using RSBAC (www.rsbac.org)
> one can define exaclty what program and which user may use
> setuid from which uid to which uid.

RSBAC is great, but I feel that you've missed the point.  If it would
be permitted for a non-root user to su to root, then anyone who could
have compromised the user's account[1] would also be able to hijack a
su session[2] and then su to root himself.  This attack is not affected
by kernel policy enforcement in any way.

[1] Such a compromise could occur in a variety of ways: Web/FTP/etc.
client vulnerabilities, password snooping, etc.

[2] For example, edit the user's shell startup scripts to make su an
alias for a custom su wrapper program.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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On Thu, Oct 21, 2004 at 10:41:17PM +0200, misiu_ wrote:
> my /owl/etc/lilo.conf looks like this
> boot=/dev/hda
> image=/boot/bzImage
> 	label=Linux
> 	read-only
> 	root=/dev/hda3

This looks OK.  But is it a verbatim copy of the file you've copied
off the system, or did you type it in for this e-mail again?

> the errormsg that i get is
> Warning:LBA32 addressing is assumed

You can safely ignore this one.

> Added Linux *

This indicates that it's almost worked.

> Syntax error at or above line 7 in file /etc/lilo.conf

And now this is a problem.  But I see neither a syntax error, nor a
line 7 in what you've quoted above, -- hence my question.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Good morning,

Solar Designer [Sat, Oct 23, 2004 at 03:38:23AM +0400]:
> On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 02:32:37PM +0200, Nico -telmich- Schottelius wrot=
> > Solar Designer [Wed, Oct 20, 2004 at 11:55:16PM +0400]:
> > > [su and sudo security problems]
> >=20
> > Well, this is not a problem anymore, if you use enhanced
> > kernel security. For instance using RSBAC (www.rsbac.org)
> > one can define exaclty what program and which user may use
> > setuid from which uid to which uid.
> RSBAC is great, but I feel that you've missed the point.  If it would
> be permitted for a non-root user to su to root, then anyone who could
> have compromised the user's account[1] would also be able to hijack a
> su session[2] and then su to root himself.  This attack is not affected
> by kernel policy enforcement in any way.
> [1] Such a compromise could occur in a variety of ways: Web/FTP/etc.
> client vulnerabilities, password snooping, etc.
> [2] For example, edit the user's shell startup scripts to make su an
> alias for a custom su wrapper program.

Isn't that a problem of any tool, which allows to change to a higher
security level?

I just wanted to point to rsbac, as it at least removes the possibility
for most users to setuid() and that way to 'exploit' su.


Keep it simple & stupid, use what's available.
Please use pgp encryption: 8D0E 27A4 is my id.
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On Sat, Oct 23, 2004 at 12:29:10PM +0200, Nico -telmich- Schottelius wrote:
> Solar Designer [Sat, Oct 23, 2004 at 03:38:23AM +0400]:
> > RSBAC is great, but I feel that you've missed the point.  If it would
> > be permitted for a non-root user to su to root, then anyone who could
> > have compromised the user's account[1] would also be able to hijack a
> > su session[2] and then su to root himself.  This attack is not affected
> > by kernel policy enforcement in any way.
> > 
> > [1] Such a compromise could occur in a variety of ways: Web/FTP/etc.
> > client vulnerabilities, password snooping, etc.
> > 
> > [2] For example, edit the user's shell startup scripts to make su an
> > alias for a custom su wrapper program.
> Isn't that a problem of any tool, which allows to change to a higher
> security level?

Yes, -- or, more precisely, it's a problem with making use of such
tools.  For example, the mere existence of a Windows(*) PC with an SSH
client might not be a big security problem, but as soon as you use it
to SSH into your super secure server, you effectively empower the
Windows system (and not just yourself!) with access to the no longer
secure server.

> I just wanted to point to rsbac, as it at least removes the possibility
> for most users to setuid() and that way to 'exploit' su.

I really do not see how RSBAC is of any help here.  You grant group
privileges for su just to those who are supposed to use su (if at all),
whether or not you use RSBAC on the system (for other great purposes).

(*) I used Windows as an example.  Unfortunately, the same problem
exists, albeit to a slightly smaller extent, with typical uses of X
Window System desktops where you would use the same X server to run a
web browser and to SSH into supposedly secure remote servers.  The use
of a dedicated pseudo-user account for the web browser is a first step
to resolving this, -- but it is not sufficient because of the shared X
server.  A solution to this appears to be the use of a filtering X
proxy, through which the web browser will talk to your X server:


Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Solar Designer [Sat, Oct 23, 2004 at 05:30:04PM +0400]:
> > I just wanted to point to rsbac, as it at least removes the possibility
> > for most users to setuid() and that way to 'exploit' su.
> I really do not see how RSBAC is of any help here.  You grant group
> privileges for su just to those who are supposed to use su (if at all),
> whether or not you use RSBAC on the system (for other great purposes).

That's not exaclty what happens when using RSBAC.

I'll try to explain how rsbac works and where I see the differences:

- su is mode 4755 (or 4750, doesn't really matter for this example)

1. rsbac kernel boots
2. user 'test' logs in
3. user 'test' tries to use 'su' or any other program, which is setuid
-> user fails, because the rsbac kernel denies any setuid() by default

4. rsbac_officer logs in and gives user 'test' the permissions to use
   'su' to setuid to a specific id
5. user 'test' can setuid() to this/the user rsbac_officer allows him to

The difference betwenn normal and rsbac systems:

- normal kernel doesn't check for setuid()s
- normally only su itself checks for a correct password, it does not
  check whether the user is allowed to start su
- normally su allows _anybody_ to change to _anybody else's_ id, rsbac
  only allows predefined changes

I hope I made it clear where I see the difference.


Keep it simple & stupid, use what's available.
Please use pgp encryption: 8D0E 27A4 is my id.
http://nico.schotteli.us | http://linux.schottelius.org

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On Sun, Oct 24, 2004 at 06:45:26PM +0200, Nico -telmich- Schottelius wrote:
> Solar Designer [Sat, Oct 23, 2004 at 05:30:04PM +0400]:
> I hope I made it clear where I see the difference.

I affraid that you dont't understand what Solar is trying to describe :(

The main problem here is that if somebody has an unprivileged account with
ability to make some privileged tasks, then if intruder abuses this account,
he will have access to do such privileged tasks also.

> Nico

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Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 02:34:55 +0400
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On Sun, Oct 24, 2004 at 06:45:26PM +0200, Nico -telmich- Schottelius wrote:
> The difference betwenn normal and rsbac systems:
> - normal kernel doesn't check for setuid()s
> - normally only su itself checks for a correct password, it does not
>   check whether the user is allowed to start su
> - normally su allows _anybody_ to change to _anybody else's_ id, rsbac
>   only allows predefined changes

None of these have anything to do with the problem I've described.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
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Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 10:06:35 +0200
Subject: Re: [owl-users] installed and chrooted and now?
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> And now this is a problem.  But I see neither a syntax error, nor a
> line 7 in what you've quoted above, -- hence my question.

I retiped it but I looked over it several times!
I just try to install totally new!
Since somebody mentioned there is no need to edit the lilo.conf


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Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 19:44:30 +0200
Subject: Re: [owl-users]Works installed and chrooted and now?
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now in works! I guess I made one thing different now, after "make
installworld" I made the "setup" again with "fstab" and "lilo"
After running the command "lilo" I rebooted and it worked.
Thanks for your help.


Am Mo, den 25.10.2004 schrieb misiu_ um 10:06:
> Hi,=20
> > And now this is a problem.  But I see neither a syntax error, nor a
> > line 7 in what you've quoted above, -- hence my question.
> I retiped it but I looked over it several times!
> I just try to install totally new!
> Since somebody mentioned there is no need to edit the lilo.conf
> misiu

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Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 20:14:04 +0200
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Hello again,

is there some more information about Owl?
I still try to find more out about my *now* working system.
Is there some archive from the mailinglist or so?


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I'm Still waiting for an answer of my las mail.
I can't find docus for owl...
The website is kind of confuse to me...

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Reply message to the letter from Bernhard Fuchs <bf@private> on
Tue, 26 Oct 2004 14:42:06 +0200:

BF> I'm Still waiting for an answer of my las mail.
BF> I can't find docus for owl...
BF> The website is kind of confuse to me...

Hmm, what kind of documentation you want to see? :)

BF> misiu

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Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 16:14:30 +0200
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how do I install openvpn or so. I mean, I read that there is "rpm" as
packetmanagement. I know now different management solutions like "swup",
"apt-get", "emerge", "yum". It is good and easy to make it like that. On
Trustix its swup --install packetname.=20
To be serious, I had a lot of problems installing owl 'cause the docu is
not clear to me. I'm not really a beginner nor I'm an expert.
Right now my Firewall is "trustix" 'cause they will charge sooner or
later money, I'm looking for another distro. So for me it's openwall or
"TinySofa". Nothing else I've found until now. A lot of people make
Firewalls with SuSe Linux or RedHat, I go a different way.
If people look at "Gentoo Linux" there is so much on docu and forums
Why is it not with owl? Time? money? people?=20


Am Di, den 26.10.2004 schrieb galaxy@private um 15:46:
> Hello,
> Reply message to the letter from
> Tue, 26 Oct 2004 14:42:06 +0200:

> Hmm, what kind of documentation you want to see? :)

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Bernhard Fuchs wrote:
> I'm Still waiting for an answer of my las mail.
> I can't find docus for owl...
> The website is kind of confuse to me...
> misiu

There are man- and info pages. Try
$ man info
for instance. Also, you could have a look in /usr/doc. There you will 
find a plethora of information about each installed package which you 
can peruse any time you like.

Other than that it's pretty much like Red Hat Linux, except that the 
code that makes it tick has been audited for security issues and 
everything is configured to be as safe as possible by default.

If there is some specific question you would like to know the answer to 
I'm sure you've noticed that there is an abundance of help available 
from the mailing-list. If you need a starter-guide to Owl, you can have 
a look at the magicpoint slides at

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson@private
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Lead Developer
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misiu_ wrote:
> Hi,
> how do I install openvpn or so. I mean, I read that there is "rpm" as
> packetmanagement. I know now different management solutions like "swup",
> "apt-get", "emerge", "yum". It is good and easy to make it like that. On
> Trustix its swup --install packetname. 
> To be serious, I had a lot of problems installing owl 'cause the docu is
> not clear to me. I'm not really a beginner nor I'm an expert.
> Right now my Firewall is "trustix" 'cause they will charge sooner or
> later money, I'm looking for another distro. So for me it's openwall or
> "TinySofa". Nothing else I've found until now. A lot of people make
> Firewalls with SuSe Linux or RedHat, I go a different way.
> If people look at "Gentoo Linux" there is so much on docu and forums
> etc.
> Why is it not with owl? Time? money? people? 

A combination of those, yes.
Owl is not a very old operating system so it doesn't have a great many 
users. Usually, there are three kinds of contributors to an 
Developers (the Founding Father and a few of his friends at first, usually)
Testers (highly experienced users that doesn't exactly need 
documentation and are often apt at pinpointing the bugs as well as just 
noticing they exist).
Documentation writers (usually people who really want to contribute in 
some way but doesn't have the programming skills required to write code).

When all this is done, you pretty much just have to sit back and wait 
for the forums and user-created HOWTO sites to start popping up. Gentoo, 
Debian, RedHat, Mandrake and other GNU/*/Linux-based distributions have 
been around for a long time and has evolved faster due to not being as 
thorough about code reviews as the Owl team.

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson@private
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Lead Developer
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> A combination of those, yes.
> Owl is not a very old operating system so it doesn't have a great many=20
> users. Usually, there are three kinds of contributors to an=20
> opensource-project;
> Developers (the Founding Father and a few of his friends at first, usuall=
> Testers (highly experienced users that doesn't exactly need=20
> documentation and are often apt at pinpointing the bugs as well as just=20
> noticing they exist).
> Documentation writers (usually people who really want to contribute in=20
> some way but doesn't have the programming skills required to write code).
So, I write a Install-Docu in german and put it on my website. Do you
need Serverspace? I got 2 GB free let's say 500MB .... can you use it?
It's a fast Server and fast Internet Connection.

> When all this is done, you pretty much just have to sit back and wait=20
> for the forums and user-created HOWTO sites to start popping up. Gentoo,=20
> Debian, RedHat, Mandrake and other GNU/*/Linux-based distributions have=20
> been around for a long time and has evolved faster due to not being as=20
> thorough about code reviews as the Owl team.

O.k. I'll wait and see what popps up and I do what I find out or can


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misiu_ wrote:
>>A combination of those, yes.
>>Owl is not a very old operating system so it doesn't have a great many 
>>users. Usually, there are three kinds of contributors to an 
>>Developers (the Founding Father and a few of his friends at first, usually)
>>Testers (highly experienced users that doesn't exactly need 
>>documentation and are often apt at pinpointing the bugs as well as just 
>>noticing they exist).
>>Documentation writers (usually people who really want to contribute in 
>>some way but doesn't have the programming skills required to write code).
> So, I write a Install-Docu in german and put it on my website. Do you
> need Serverspace? I got 2 GB free let's say 500MB .... can you use it?
> It's a fast Server and fast Internet Connection.

That would probably be helpful, but I think it would be best if it was 
kept as an unofficial installation guide with just a link from the 
official Owl website. That way it doesn't add to the burden of making 
sure documentation is up to date on the maintainers, while still being a 
helpful piece of documentation.

>>When all this is done, you pretty much just have to sit back and wait 
>>for the forums and user-created HOWTO sites to start popping up. Gentoo, 
>>Debian, RedHat, Mandrake and other GNU/*/Linux-based distributions have 
>>been around for a long time and has evolved faster due to not being as 
>>thorough about code reviews as the Owl team.
> O.k. I'll wait and see what popps up and I do what I find out or can
> do....

You can write that install-docu, send a link to it to this list and make 
sure it registers at Google. That will help others find it properly.

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson@private
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Lead Developer
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Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 10:52:00 +0200
Subject: [owl-users] error message??
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Hello List,

can anybody tell me, what the error-message: "spurious 8259A interrupt:
IRQ7" means?


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misiu_ wrote:
> Hello List,
> can anybody tell me, what the error-message: "spurious 8259A interrupt: IRQ7" means?

Learn to use google ;)
Basically, just ignore this warning.

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Subject: [owl-users] Owl-current moved to glibc 2.3.x
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As some of you might be aware, the publicly-visible Owl-current had
been frozen for the past two months while we proceeded to break the
system with heavy updates applied to our private CVS.

Well, today I did the final touches and let all the new stuff to the
public, along with certain newly introduced bugs that are yet to be
fixed...  Further updates are to follow.

Basically, the system has been updated to glibc 2.3.x (2.3.2 plus the
patches found in latest Red Hat Linux 9 glibc update, minus NPTL, and
plus all of our modifications indeed).  To do this, we had to update
many other packages as well, including gcc, autoconf, automake,
libtool, and gettext.  And we've updated to RPM 4.2, at the same time
re-introducing the code to convert RPM 3.0.6's db1 databases into
the new db3 format (to enable upgrades from older versions of Owl).
Other packages have been updated as well, providing a consistent set
of core libraries as required by packages from or intended for newer
versions of Red Hat Linux and by other Linux executables.

Please refer to the Owl-current change log for information on the more
important of these changes:


The new snapshot may be downloaded from the usual locations given at:


Not all of the FTP mirrors have been updated yet, but most should be
within a day.

Note that there's no updated ISO image yet.  We will generate one once
Owl-current stabilizes a little after this big update.  Yes, as I have
mentioned, some known problems do exist, as well as definitely many
not yet known ones.  Those who want stability are advised to stay with
Owl 1.1-stable until we approach a new release.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Solar Designer wrote:
> Note that there's no updated ISO image yet.  We will generate one once
> Owl-current stabilizes a little after this big update.  Yes, as I have
> mentioned, some known problems do exist, as well as definitely many
> not yet known ones.  Those who want stability are advised to stay with
> Owl 1.1-stable until we approach a new release.

The previous versions of current (prior to "The Big Update") has been 
very stable on about 80 production critical servers for us. How about 
naming the 'current' prior to "The Big Update" Owl 1.2-stable (or 1.1.1 
stable or whatever), and bump the release number for Owl-current to 
"Owl-1.3_beta" or something similar.

Optionally, put the 1.1 binary compatible updates in 1.1_updates and 
stick with current for everything new, including the biggies, before 
bumping the release for that one.

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson@private
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Lead Developer
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On Wed, Nov 03, 2004 at 01:41:08PM +0100, Andreas Ericsson wrote:
> The previous versions of current (prior to "The Big Update") has been 
> very stable on about 80 production critical servers for us. How about 
> naming the 'current' prior to "The Big Update" Owl 1.2-stable (or 1.1.1 
> stable or whatever),

Yes, I had this thought, too.  But to do it right, we'd have to make a
1.2 release and that's quite some work (build/test on all archs, build
an ISO image of the latest, propagate it to CD production).  Then we'd
maintain a 1.2-stable instead of 1.1-stable.

If, however, we make a 1.2-stable without a 1.2 release, I don't feel
we'd have the right to abandon 1.1-stable like that.  And maintaining
three branches at once (1.1-stable, 1.2-stable, and current) would be
too much overhead.

Now, there's the option to simply roll all updates from current prior
to the Big Update into 1.1-stable, but there's one change some might
not appreciate despite the system remaining very stable: the Perl
version change (5.6.x to 5.8.x).  This will break support for Perl
modules people have built locally.  Not something to be done within a
stable branch.

> and bump the release number for Owl-current to "Owl-1.3_beta" or
> something similar.

There's no such thing as a release number for Owl-current.  It's just

> Optionally, put the 1.1 binary compatible updates in 1.1_updates and 
> stick with current for everything new, including the biggies, before 
> bumping the release for that one.

I don't quite understand this suggestion.

There will be updates for 1.1-stable as needed.  These will also work
on current prior to the Big Update, but some might actually be older
versions of packages (again, Perl is the most noticeable example).

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Solar Designer wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 03, 2004 at 01:41:08PM +0100, Andreas Ericsson wrote:
>>The previous versions of current (prior to "The Big Update") has been 
>>very stable on about 80 production critical servers for us. How about 
>>naming the 'current' prior to "The Big Update" Owl 1.2-stable (or 1.1.1 
>>stable or whatever),
> Yes, I had this thought, too.  But to do it right, we'd have to make a
> 1.2 release and that's quite some work (build/test on all archs, build
> an ISO image of the latest, propagate it to CD production).  Then we'd
> maintain a 1.2-stable instead of 1.1-stable.

I can build and test it on i386, but I haven't got the kind of access 
needed to build everything on any other platform.

> If, however, we make a 1.2-stable without a 1.2 release, I don't feel
> we'd have the right to abandon 1.1-stable like that.  And maintaining
> three branches at once (1.1-stable, 1.2-stable, and current) would be
> too much overhead.

1.1 and 1.2 would be binary compatible, so 1.1 could possibly be dropped 
from maintenance in favor of 1.2. Are there any strong suggestions 
against this?

> Now, there's the option to simply roll all updates from current prior
> to the Big Update into 1.1-stable, but there's one change some might
> not appreciate despite the system remaining very stable: the Perl
> version change (5.6.x to 5.8.x).  This will break support for Perl
> modules people have built locally.  Not something to be done within a
> stable branch.

Hadn't thought of that, but I think sensible users can choose not to 
upgrade perl if they rely to heavily on extra modules they've built, or 
simply build them again for perl 5.8. Besides, I'm sure a lot of people 
were running current as it was before the big update and has already 
upgraded their perl packages so the problem with perl is double-edged.

>>Optionally, put the 1.1 binary compatible updates in 1.1_updates and 
>>stick with current for everything new, including the biggies, before 
>>bumping the release for that one.
> I don't quite understand this suggestion.

Just keep updates for 1.1 in a separate directory. This way users can 
pick what updates they would like to install, but there would be no need 
to drop what's currently the most recent version of 1.1 binary 
compatible packages, or jumble them together with packages post-biggie.

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson@private
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Lead Developer
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On Fri, Nov 05, 2004 at 10:18:14AM +0100, Andreas Ericsson wrote:
> Solar Designer wrote:
> >If, however, we make a 1.2-stable without a 1.2 release, I don't feel
> >we'd have the right to abandon 1.1-stable like that.  And maintaining
> >three branches at once (1.1-stable, 1.2-stable, and current) would be
> >too much overhead.
> 1.1 and 1.2 would be binary compatible, so 1.1 could possibly be dropped 
> from maintenance in favor of 1.2. Are there any strong suggestions 
> against this?

If we make a 1.2 release, this can be done.  If not, then it'd be a
violation of what had been promised to those installing 1.1 release.

As for technical problems, the only significant one is with Perl.  I
know that people have Owl 1.1 installs with many custom Perl modules
built, and we must not force them to re-build all of those modules
just to install a security update (that'd be the case if we either
abandon 1.1-stable in favor of a 1.2-stable, or roll all stuff from
current-pre-Big-Update into 1.1-stable).

> Hadn't thought of that, but I think sensible users can choose not to 
> upgrade perl if they rely to heavily on extra modules they've built, or 
> simply build them again for perl 5.8.

Not upgrading Perl, if we do roll the new Perl into the currently
maintained Owl-stable, would leave them with an unmaintained package.
What if there's a security update needed?  Would they be forced to
re-build all of their modules for Perl 5.8 in one day?

> Besides, I'm sure a lot of people 
> were running current as it was before the big update and has already 
> upgraded their perl packages so the problem with perl is double-edged.

True.  But to make everyone happy we'd have to maintain three
branches, and that would slow down the project.  Those who went with
Owl-current instead of Owl 1.1-stable knew what they were doing, right?
So no reason to slow down our development just because more people
were using Owl-current in production.

> Just keep updates for 1.1 in a separate directory. This way users can 
> pick what updates they would like to install, but there would be no need 
> to drop what's currently the most recent version of 1.1 binary 
> compatible packages, or jumble them together with packages post-biggie.

This once again means either three branches to maintain or people
using unmaintained stuff.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Subject: Re: [owl-users] Owl-current moved to glibc 2.3.x
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On Pungenday, The Aftermath 16, 3170 YOLD, Solar Designer wrote:

> Basically, the system has been updated to glibc 2.3.x (2.3.2 plus the
> patches found in latest Red Hat Linux 9 glibc update, minus NPTL, and
> plus all of our modifications indeed).  To do this, we had to update
> many other packages as well, including gcc, autoconf, automake,
> libtool, and gettext.  And we've updated to RPM 4.2, at the same time

When upgrading, I noticed some inconsistencies:

One is not bumping up the release on all recompiled packages so to
upgrade packages I had to give --force option to rpm; if it didn't
break dependencies, it wouldn't be such a big issue (although it's not
elegant when e.g. ed-0.2-owl22 installed on system is compiled with
gcc-2.95 on glibc-2.1.3 and ed-0.2-owl22.i386.rpm in Owl-current is
compiled with gcc-3.2.2 on glibc-2.3.2), but it does break them;
a number of packages that depend on openssl (e.g. elinks) are recompiled
with new version of openssl but their release didn't change, so
elinks-0.9.1-owl4 installed on system conflicts with new openssl
package and elinks-0.9.1-owl4 in Owl-current conflicts with old one
and I have to upgrade packages with --force because rpm doesn't see
difference between these two packages.

This is one more upside of using rpm helper such as poldek -- poldek
can be used to find such inconsistencies in automated way.  Currently
poldek doesn't compile OOTB on Owl because of some autotools magic not
detecting librpm correctly; as soon as I'll get my system completely
up and running I'll track this down with poldek developers.

Second inconsistency is /usr/lib/rpm/macros -- default cpu is now
i686; since I run i586 system, I was surprised by rpmbuild creating
i686 binaries for me (even more surprised by it running
i686-pc-linux-gnu compiler and saving resulting binaries as .i386.rpm
files).  Are binaries in -current also compiled for i686-pc-linux-gnu?
Why such change?  Or maybe I don't understand some details about
compiling for different flavours of x86?

Also, the way of upgrading RPM is bothersome (or I misunderstood
message from RPM package's upgrade script).  Not only I had to unpack
rpm with rpm2cpio on / on live system (it didn't work when unpacked
into subdirectory; then I had to unpack also popt, on which rpm
depends, this way, in order to upgrade rpm package), then I found my /
directory with mode 0700 (thaks to Owl's default umask) -- I was quite
surprised when I typed `ls' as user and saw `bash: ls: command not
found'.  Well, I managed to fix everything after all (after surviving
Slackware upgrades it wasn't even that hard) ;) but I think this
should be fixed somehow while stabilising -current to a numbered
release (or, at least, rpm %pre script could be more informative,
maybe even print exact shell commands to convert the database without
doing too much harm to the system).

I'm not trying to complain at Owl -- I know I'm running a testing
bleeding-edge -current release (OTOH compared to other distributions
in Owl bleeding-edge means `rock stable' and stable is more like
`mountain stable') and I'm trying to test it and give feedback as much
as I can while using it as a mere end user.  I waited long for this
upgrade -- it was very inconvenient to work around old glibc or
autotools in third-party programs and I'm really glad to see Owl with
more recent libraries and devel tools.  Thanks for the great distro
and keep up the good work. :)

As soon as I get everything to work I'll update my packages at
http://leeloo.moo.pl/srpms/ to current versions of programs with specs
compiling cleanly on current Owl (in case anyone except me actually
uses them).


__    Maciek Pasternacki <maciekp@private> [ http://japhy.fnord.org/ ]
`| _   |_\  / { The question is: what is a Mahnamahna?
,|{-}|}| }\/                                   The question is: who cares? }
\/   |____/                                              ( The Muppets )  -><-
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Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2004 04:22:43 +0100
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From: Maciek Pasternacki <maciekp@private>
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Subject: Re: [owl-users] Owl-current moved to glibc 2.3.x
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On Boomtime, The Aftermath 20, 3170 YOLD, Solar Designer wrote:

>> >If, however, we make a 1.2-stable without a 1.2 release, I don't feel
>> >we'd have the right to abandon 1.1-stable like that.  And maintaining
>> >three branches at once (1.1-stable, 1.2-stable, and current) would be
>> >too much overhead.
>> 1.1 and 1.2 would be binary compatible, so 1.1 could possibly be dropped 
>> from maintenance in favor of 1.2. Are there any strong suggestions 
>> against this?
> If we make a 1.2 release, this can be done.  If not, then it'd be a
> violation of what had been promised to those installing 1.1 release.
> As for technical problems, the only significant one is with Perl.  I
> know that people have Owl 1.1 installs with many custom Perl modules
> built, and we must not force them to re-build all of those modules
> just to install a security update (that'd be the case if we either
> abandon 1.1-stable in favor of a 1.2-stable, or roll all stuff from
> current-pre-Big-Update into 1.1-stable).

There may be also problems with openssl -- binaries linked with it
require exact version of libssl.so and libcrypto.so, and openssl was
also upgraded in last -current.

__    Maciek Pasternacki <maciekp@private> [ http://japhy.fnord.org/ ]
`| _   |_\  / { ...you claimed all this time that you would die for me,
,|{-}|}| }\/ why then are you so surprised when you hear your own eulogy... }
\/   |____/                                             ( M. J. Keenan )  -><-
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I'm really surprised you went through all that trouble.  What you
were supposed to do is a simple "make installworld" over your older
system.  That would have taken care of all the issues you mention

But I'll comment on them anyway:

On Sun, Nov 07, 2004 at 04:11:36AM +0100, Maciek Pasternacki wrote:
> When upgrading, I noticed some inconsistencies:
> One is not bumping up the release on all recompiled packages

Yes, we're indeed well aware of it and, while definitely not elegant,
this is intentional.  There's simply no obviously-correct way to
decide when a package's release number should be bumped.  If we would
spend the time to determine whenever a library a package depends on
has been changed (or would develop a set of scripts to track that) and
would bump release numbers each time this happens, that would result
in a lot of mostly unnecessary changes to spec files.

OK, the glibc change is a significant one.  And so is OpenSSL.  But
what about all the smaller changes, such as re-building with new gcc?
For C++ code, this is a significant change too (dependencies on
libstdc++ change), but for plain C?..  Should we go ahead and bump
release numbers in almost(?) all spec files each time we update gcc?

Basically, currently it is assumed that by far the most Owl users will
use "make installworld".  And if you do install packages manually,
you need to realize that a matching package version number between
Owl-current revisions or between different branches does not imply the
package is built/linked against all the same library versions.

> Currently
> poldek doesn't compile OOTB on Owl because of some autotools magic not
> detecting librpm correctly;

Is that still the case with the latest Owl-current?

> as soon as I'll get my system completely
> up and running I'll track this down with poldek developers.

Oh, so you aren't fully upgraded yet?  It should have taken just a few
minutes with "make installworld", really. :-)

> Second inconsistency is /usr/lib/rpm/macros -- default cpu is now
> i686; since I run i586 system, I was surprised by rpmbuild creating
> i686 binaries for me (even more surprised by it running
> i686-pc-linux-gnu compiler and saving resulting binaries as .i386.rpm
> files).  Are binaries in -current also compiled for i686-pc-linux-gnu?
> Why such change?  Or maybe I don't understand some details about
> compiling for different flavours of x86?

Now, this may be a bug, and I wasn't aware of it.  I'll let Galaxy
investigate and fix it.  He's the boss at our rpm package presently.

But the Owl-current i386 binaries that are now on our FTP mirrors
correctly do not require an i686.  (Actually, you wouldn't be able to
get this far on your i586 if they did.)  So I do not think this bug
had any consequences.

> Also, the way of upgrading RPM is bothersome

Sorry to repeat it, but "make installworld" takes care of the issues
you mention.

> (or, at least, rpm %pre script could be more informative,
> maybe even print exact shell commands to convert the database without
> doing too much harm to the system).

Perhaps it should be made Owl-aware: detect that rpm is not running
from within "make installworld" and explain that it probably should be.

Thank you for sharing this experience with the list!  We do need to
know if something is not documented clearly enough.  Apparently, the
upgrade procedure isn't.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
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On Sun, Nov 07, 2004 at 04:22:43AM +0100, Maciek Pasternacki wrote:
> On Boomtime, The Aftermath 20, 3170 YOLD, Solar Designer wrote:
> > As for technical problems, the only significant one is with Perl.  I
> > know that people have Owl 1.1 installs with many custom Perl modules
> > built ...

> There may be also problems with openssl -- binaries linked with it
> require exact version of libssl.so and libcrypto.so, and openssl was
> also upgraded in last -current.

You've lost context here.  We were talking about possibly rolling
updates from Owl-current _prior_ to the Big Update into 1.1-stable.
That still used the old OpenSSL.

As for the latest -current, yes, we've broken binary compatibility for
OpenSSL, and we've also dropped support for libdb.so.2 and libdb.so.3.
These are now binary-compatible with newer systems (such as RHL9), but
not with older Owl.  So those who have built/linked custom software
against old OpenSSL and/or old libdb on Owl 1.1, will have to rebuild
that when upgrading to the newest Owl-current.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Subject: Re: [owl-users] Owl-current moved to glibc 2.3.x
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On Boomtime, The Aftermath 20, 3170 YOLD, Solar Designer wrote:

> I'm really surprised you went through all that trouble.  What you
> were supposed to do is a simple "make installworld" over your older
> system.  That would have taken care of all the issues you mention
> automagically.

Oh.  I've always seen Owl's build system as a build system and make
installworld as, well, installer.  After reading the scripts I see
it's more useful than I thought.  I didn't find it fully documented
after eyeball-grep (and grep -i for upgrade and installorder) on
native/Owl/doc/ (for me installorder.conf is especially important
because I don't use postfix and trying to install it could mess up my
qmail installation; am I right thinking adding third-party srpm
compiled with `make PACKAGE=' to installorder.conf will make `make
installworld' take care of installing/upgrading it?).  I'd love to see
the build system and scripts described in more detail.

>> One is not bumping up the release on all recompiled packages
> Yes, we're indeed well aware of it and, while definitely not elegant,
> this is intentional.  There's simply no obviously-correct way to
> decide when a package's release number should be bumped.  If we would
> spend the time to determine whenever a library a package depends on
> has been changed (or would develop a set of scripts to track that) and
> would bump release numbers each time this happens, that would result
> in a lot of mostly unnecessary changes to spec files.

On the other hand, installworld simply reinstalls files for all
packages; if release numbers were bumped each time, it'd create
seemingly unnecessary changes to spec files but it'd make it possible
to upgrade only packages that really need to be upgraded.

Now I usually just upgrade with poldek and it upgrades only packages
which version or release numbers have changed.  Since important
changes (like secfixes) get their release numbers bumped it usually
works good enough and I don't need to re-create every file from every
package on each upgrade.

> OK, the glibc change is a significant one.  And so is OpenSSL.  But
> what about all the smaller changes, such as re-building with new gcc?
> For C++ code, this is a significant change too (dependencies on
> libstdc++ change), but for plain C?..  Should we go ahead and bump
> release numbers in almost(?) all spec files each time we update gcc?

Well, when binary compatibility is broken I think release version
should go up.  When package contents significantly change
(recompilation with newer gcc IMHO isn't a significant change unless
previous gcc version had bugs -- gcc upgrade to next major version is
maybe something that maybe should be represented by release number
change, but minor number change IMHO can go without notice).  For me,
changes in package's contents or binary compatibility is when release
version should be increased -- dynamic linking will work well for
minor library changes (most of pre-upgrade Owl packages would run on
new glibc).

On PLD Linux Distribution, which I use for my desktop, packages'
release number change is used to indicate that package should be
rebuilt (because, e.g., some library has changed).  In PLD the
distribution isn't recompiled as whole (as it is in Owl) but
individual packages are sent to `builder' machine.  When after
building library binary package dependencies are broken, packages
that break them have their release version increased and are sent to
builder (actually, AFAIK, builder tracks CVS commits and when
package's version or release is upgraded it rebuilds the package
automatically -- it isn't confirmed in distro's docs though and
I don't have access to builders so I'm not 100% sure).  Broken
dependencies in binary packages are detected with poldek.

> Basically, currently it is assumed that by far the most Owl users will
> use "make installworld".  And if you do install packages manually,
> you need to realize that a matching package version number between
> Owl-current revisions or between different branches does not imply the
> package is built/linked against all the same library versions.

ACK.  I wasn't aware of this; release number policy isn't documented
anywhere and it's certainly not what I expected.  Relying on release
numbers have always worked well enough for me.  I don't like the idea
of replacing all files in the system on each minor secfix but I'll
make sure now to run `make installworld' from time to time to make
sure everything's up to date.

>> Currently
>> poldek doesn't compile OOTB on Owl because of some autotools magic not
>> detecting librpm correctly;
> Is that still the case with the latest Owl-current?

Yes.  In fact, it's the case only with the latest Owl-current (librpm3
was detected correctly and ran well).   As soon as I'll have some
meaningful results as to where the problem is I'll post more info.

>> as soon as I'll get my system completely
>> up and running I'll track this down with poldek developers.
> Oh, so you aren't fully upgraded yet?  It should have taken just a few
> minutes with "make installworld", really. :-)

Well, Owl upgrade didn't take so long (but, to be honest, it included
running an ad-hoc one-liner equivalent of installworld), but there are
also third-party packages that need to be upgraded and rebuilt
(Python, Jabberd, Jabber transports, Apache, MySQL, PHP (including
upgrade from php4 to 5), Perl CPAN modules, some minor packages like
stunnel or qmail-tlsd and libraries it all depends on... argh). ;)

>> Second inconsistency is /usr/lib/rpm/macros -- default cpu is now
>> i686; since I run i586 system, I was surprised by rpmbuild creating
>> i686 binaries for me (even more surprised by it running
>> i686-pc-linux-gnu compiler and saving resulting binaries as .i386.rpm
>> files).  Are binaries in -current also compiled for i686-pc-linux-gnu?
>> Why such change?  Or maybe I don't understand some details about
>> compiling for different flavours of x86?
> Now, this may be a bug, and I wasn't aware of it.  I'll let Galaxy
> investigate and fix it.  He's the boss at our rpm package presently.

OK.  Please let me know when something will be known about this (I'd
prefer not to change default RPM macros as much as I can).

Also I'm not sure whether it's a bug or a feature but
%_unpackaged_files_terminate_build is set to 1 in /usr/lib/rpm/macros;
in PLD unpackaged files just spit out warnings and as far as
I remember it was the case in pre-upgrade Owl.  If it's a feature I'll
just redefine it in my .rpmmacros (to allow third-party packages with
unpackaged files, like Python not packaging X11-related files without
X11 development packages in build-time, to build correctly) and live
with it.

>> (or, at least, rpm %pre script could be more informative,
>> maybe even print exact shell commands to convert the database without
>> doing too much harm to the system).
> Perhaps it should be made Owl-aware: detect that rpm is not running
> from within "make installworld" and explain that it probably should be.

Yes, it'd certainly be a good idea -- Owl binary RPMs are Owl-specific
anyway so it certainly won't break anything and adventurous users can
choose to rebuild RPM database by hand on their own risk (as I did). ;)

Thanks for reply,

__    Maciek Pasternacki <maciekp@private> [ http://japhy.fnord.org/ ]
`| _   |_\  / { ...For I was born with a habit, from a sign,
,|{-}|}| }\/       the habit of a windswept thumb,
\/   |____/        and a sign of the rain... }                  ( Fish )  -><-
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I'am upgrade Owl-current (06 Oct) to Owl-curreent (with glibc2.3),
14:17:44: Installing openssl openssl-devel mtree openssh openssh-clients openssh-server lftp elinks nmap mutt (openssl-0.9.7d-owl2.i386.rpm openssl-devel-0.9.7d-owl2.i386.rpm mtree-3.1-owl1.i386.rpm openssh-3.6.1p2-owl11.i386.rpm openssh-clients-3.6.1p2-owl11.i386.rpm openssh-server-3.6.1p2-owl11.i386.rpm lftp-2.6.10-owl3.i386.rpm elinks-0.9.1-owl4.i386.rpm nmap-3.48-owl2.i386.rpm mutt-
error: Failed dependencies:
        libcrypto.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) nmap-3.48-owl2
        libcrypto.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) lftp-2.6.10-owl3
        libcrypto.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) mtree-3.1-owl1
        libcrypto.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) mutt-
        libssl.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) nmap-3.48-owl2
        libssl.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) lftp-2.6.10-owl3
        libssl.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) mutt-
14:17:44: Failed openssl openssl-devel mtree openssh openssh-clients openssh-server lftp elinks nmap mutt

[2:5030/1763@private]      [tmahome@private]       [http://tma.spb.ru]
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On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 02:34:24PM +0300, tmahome@private wrote:
> 14:17:44: Installing openssl openssl-devel mtree openssh openssh-clients openssh-server lftp elinks nmap mutt (openssl-0.9.7d-owl2.i386.rpm openssl-devel-0.9.7d-owl2.i386.rpm mtree-3.1-owl1.i386.rpm openssh-3.6.1p2-owl11.i386.rpm openssh-clients-3.6.1p2-owl11.i386.rpm openssh-server-3.6.1p2-owl11.i386.rpm lftp-2.6.10-owl3.i386.rpm elinks-0.9.1-owl4.i386.rpm nmap-3.48-owl2.i386.rpm mutt-
> error: Failed dependencies:
>         libcrypto.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) nmap-3.48-owl2
>         libcrypto.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) lftp-2.6.10-owl3
>         libcrypto.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) mtree-3.1-owl1
>         libcrypto.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) mutt-
>         libssl.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) nmap-3.48-owl2
>         libssl.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) lftp-2.6.10-owl3
>         libssl.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) mutt-
> 14:17:44: Failed openssl openssl-devel mtree openssh openssh-clients openssh-server lftp elinks nmap mutt

Yes, this is one of the known bugs in our current rpm package.  It
should be fixed as a part of this TODO item:


[PRIORITY: high]
[ASSIGNED: galaxy@]
Solve the segfault when installing "fileutils sh-utils textutils" with
14-character long(?!) --root paths.  Solve spurious dependencies on
libcrypto.so.0.9.6 and libssl.so.0.9.6 when upgrading to new OpenSSL
_and_ to all SSL-dependent packages already re-built against the new
OpenSSL.  Solve spurious "cannot open Providename index using db3"
with fresh installs, "db4 error(16) from dbenv->remove: Device or
resource busy" with updates.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Hello owl-users,

This advisory comes from the following location :

Is 2.4.27-ow1 kernel affected?

Best regards,
 Ilya                          mailto:ilya@private
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Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 18:22:18 +0100
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Ilya Andreiv wrote:
> Hello owl-users,
> This advisory comes from the following location :
> http://isec.pl/vulnerabilities/isec-0017-binfmt_elf.txt
> Is 2.4.27-ow1 kernel affected?

Yes, but the setuid binaries on the system are far fewer than those of 
most other distributions and none of them exec() other programs so 
impact is greatly reduced. The Linux kernel team (Linus Torvalds et al, 
not the Owl patchers) were the ones that disclosed the vulnerability, so 
2.4.28 should be out fairly soon to fix this problem.

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson@private
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Lead Developer
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Subject: Re: [owl-users] iSEC advisory about binfmt_elf
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Hello Andreas,

Thursday, November 11, 2004, 8:22:18 PM, you wrote:

>> Is 2.4.27-ow1 kernel affected?
> Yes, but the setuid binaries on the system are far fewer than those of
> most other distributions and none of them exec() other programs so 
I have sudo installed in my system but now i restrict it to wheel

> impact is greatly reduced. The Linux kernel team (Linus Torvalds et al, 
> not the Owl patchers) were the ones that disclosed the vulnerability, so 
> 2.4.28 should be out fairly soon to fix this problem.
But 2.4.28-rc2 contains buggy code...

Best regards,
 Ilya                            mailto:ilya@private
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On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 07:43:12PM +0300, Ilya Andreiv wrote:
> This advisory comes from the following location :
> http://isec.pl/vulnerabilities/isec-0017-binfmt_elf.txt
> Is 2.4.27-ow1 kernel affected?

Yes, and yes we are aware of these issues (and had plenty of advance
notification, along with other vendors).  While I do feel somewhat
guilty for not dedicating enough time to preparing an update before
this was made public, I do not consider these to be terribly bad
(compared to other crap I'm sure we still have in the kernel...)

The only confirmed impact is being able to read +s-r executables.  The
potential for a local root compromise is just theory at this point
(although there _might_ be a way to exploit one of the flaws in such a

An updated -ow patch will be coming.  Whether I will put one out
really soon or whether I'll hold to also include some other fixes is
not decided yet.

FWIW, one of these bugs was fixed in 2.2.14-ow1+ and 2.2.15 official,
but the fix was never rolled into 2.4.x+ as it turns out.  I did not
check 2.2.x for the other bugs yet.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 06:22:18PM +0100, Andreas Ericsson wrote:
> Ilya Andreiv wrote:
> >Is 2.4.27-ow1 kernel affected?
> Yes, but the setuid binaries on the system are far fewer than those of 
> most other distributions

Yes, this does reduce the impact.  Especially if you ensure there're
no SUID root binaries; on a default install of Owl (with tcb), it's
sufficient to do:

	control ping wheelonly
	control traceroute wheelonly

There're no other publicly-accessible SUID-roots by default.

(And we're planning to deal with at least traceroute before the next
release such that it won't require SUID root anymore.)

> and none of them exec() other programs

I do not see how that is relevant.

> so impact is greatly reduced. The Linux kernel team (Linus Torvalds et al, 
> not the Owl patchers) were the ones that disclosed the vulnerability,

This is not entirely true.  Paul had to set the public disclosure date

> so 2.4.28 should be out fairly soon to fix this problem.

Fairly soon, yes, but maybe not very soon.  There're more fixes Marcelo
will want to include.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
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I have a kernel mod here:


... that allows binaries requiring RAW or PACKET sockets to be setgid
a configurable group instead of being setuid root.

It might save you some effort.

On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 08:58:26PM +0300, Solar Designer wrote:
> Yes, this does reduce the impact.  Especially if you ensure there're
> no SUID root binaries; on a default install of Owl (with tcb), it's
> sufficient to do:
> 	control ping wheelonly
> 	control traceroute wheelonly
> There're no other publicly-accessible SUID-roots by default.
> (And we're planning to deal with at least traceroute before the next
> release such that it won't require SUID root anymore.)


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On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 03:40:30PM -0800, Anthony D. Urso wrote:
> I have a kernel mod here:
> http://killa.net/infosec/acls/
> ... that allows binaries requiring RAW or PACKET sockets to be setgid
> a configurable group instead of being setuid root.
> It might save you some effort.

Yes, thanks.  For traceroute, however, the solution is simpler.  We
need to move to Olaf Kirch's implementation of it:


For ping, yes, we might have to use something like your patches...
although I'd hate to have the Owl userland _require_ (rather than just
support) patched kernels.

> On Thu, Nov 11, 2004 at 08:58:26PM +0300, Solar Designer wrote:
> > Yes, this does reduce the impact.  Especially if you ensure there're
> > no SUID root binaries; on a default install of Owl (with tcb), it's
> > sufficient to do:
> > 
> > 	control ping wheelonly
> > 	control traceroute wheelonly
> > 
> > There're no other publicly-accessible SUID-roots by default.
> > 
> > (And we're planning to deal with at least traceroute before the next
> > release such that it won't require SUID root anymore.)

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Solar Designer wrote:
> Yes, thanks.  For traceroute, however, the solution is simpler.  We
> need to move to Olaf Kirch's implementation of it:
> 	http://rechner.lst.de/~okir/traceroute/
> 	ftp://ftp.lst.de/pub/people/okir/traceroute

Woops.. the problem with this implementation is that it does
not support ICMP trace (-I option), wich I use on a regular
basis, especially in relation to various spammers and tricks
used to hide their real networks/sites.  UDP traceroutie is
blocked on alot of places nowadays, but ICMP still works.
Ofcourse, TCP mode (tcptraceroute) works even better... in
some cases.. ;)

But heh, looks like this very ability - ICMP trace - is what
requires +s bit, to obtain access to raw socket.. just like

> For ping, yes, we might have to use something like your patches...
> although I'd hate to have the Owl userland _require_ (rather than just
> support) patched kernels.

Speaking of kernel patches..  Trustees, bsdjail, maybe rsbac, extattr
with capabilities...  there are alot of various stuff available (of
various quality and usability too ;)  Eg, almost all of current +s
probs could be solved with extended attributes and +capability bits
instead of +s bits (I don't like per-file attributes because they're
"hidden" inside a directory hierarchy; other approaches, like used
by rsbac/trustees, by specifying a list of "important" files somewhere
in /etc - also works).  I understand that's a major step to start
using any of that systems...

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On Sun, Nov 07, 2004 at 07:14:32PM +0100, Maciek Pasternacki wrote:
> On Boomtime, The Aftermath 20, 3170 YOLD, Solar Designer wrote:
> > I'm really surprised you went through all that trouble.  What you
> > were supposed to do is a simple "make installworld" over your older
> > system.  That would have taken care of all the issues you mention
> > automagically.
> Oh.  I've always seen Owl's build system as a build system and make
> installworld as, well, installer.  After reading the scripts I see
> it's more useful than I thought.  I didn't find it fully documented
> after eyeball-grep (and grep -i for upgrade and installorder) on
> native/Owl/doc/

Yes, we're lacking on documentation.  We'll probably need to write an
"Owl User's Guide" that one could read as a book.  But I've been
postponing that for after we get an intuitive installer.

> (for me installorder.conf is especially important
> because I don't use postfix and trying to install it could mess up my
> qmail installation; am I right thinking adding third-party srpm
> compiled with `make PACKAGE=' to installorder.conf will make `make
> installworld' take care of installing/upgrading it?).

Yes.  But the most important bit for you is to comment out "postfix"
from installorder.conf.

> >> One is not bumping up the release on all recompiled packages
> >
> > Yes, we're indeed well aware of it and, while definitely not elegant,
> > this is intentional.  There's simply no obviously-correct way to
> > decide when a package's release number should be bumped.  If we would
> > spend the time to determine whenever a library a package depends on
> > has been changed (or would develop a set of scripts to track that) and
> > would bump release numbers each time this happens, that would result
> > in a lot of mostly unnecessary changes to spec files.
> On the other hand, installworld simply reinstalls files for all
> packages; if release numbers were bumped each time, it'd create
> seemingly unnecessary changes to spec files but it'd make it possible
> to upgrade only packages that really need to be upgraded.


Perhaps there's also the option to enhance rpm such that it would
(optionally?) see if buildhost has changed or buildtime has increased
and consider a package newer if any of these is true.

> > OK, the glibc change is a significant one.  And so is OpenSSL.  But
> > what about all the smaller changes, such as re-building with new gcc?
> > For C++ code, this is a significant change too (dependencies on
> > libstdc++ change), but for plain C?..  Should we go ahead and bump
> > release numbers in almost(?) all spec files each time we update gcc?
> Well, when binary compatibility is broken I think release version
> should go up.  When package contents significantly change
> (recompilation with newer gcc IMHO isn't a significant change unless
> previous gcc version had bugs -- gcc upgrade to next major version is
> maybe something that maybe should be represented by release number
> change, but minor number change IMHO can go without notice).

Not for C++ code, -- there, it often breaks binary compatibility.

But I got your point.

> > Oh, so you aren't fully upgraded yet?  It should have taken just a few
> > minutes with "make installworld", really. :-)
> Well, Owl upgrade didn't take so long (but, to be honest, it included
> running an ad-hoc one-liner equivalent of installworld), but there are
> also third-party packages that need to be upgraded and rebuilt
> (Python, Jabberd, Jabber transports, Apache, MySQL, PHP (including
> upgrade from php4 to 5), Perl CPAN modules, some minor packages like
> stunnel or qmail-tlsd and libraries it all depends on... argh). ;)

You're right.  It all depends on how much third-party software you had
installed on top of Owl.

> Also I'm not sure whether it's a bug or a feature but
> %_unpackaged_files_terminate_build is set to 1 in /usr/lib/rpm/macros;

Yes, this is intentional.  And we went to the trouble to make sure we
deal with all files explicitly.

We should probably adjust the "rpminit" script to set it the other way
around for building third-party packages.

> in PLD unpackaged files just spit out warnings and as far as
> I remember it was the case in pre-upgrade Owl.

No, rpm-3.0.6 which we used previously simply didn't have the feature.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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I want to upgrade my Owl server to Owl-current (after glibc+gcc upgraded) today. 'make installworld setup' work as expected. I did it remotedly, ROOT=/owl.

After 'chroot /owl' I found that some programs didn't work, such as
patch. patch complained about can't create /tmp/.private/root/xxxxxxxxx
no such file or directory. (I want to install some non-Owl packages (by
root) before rebooting and make /owl partition as root)

I did 'ls /tmp/.private/' and there is nothing there. How to create
/tmp/.private/root folder?

FYI, When I did it by other user, like sources, folder
/tmp/.private/sources created as expected.

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Subject: Re: [owl-users] Creating /tmp/.private/root (Owl-current problem)
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On Pungenday, The Aftermath 31, 3170 YOLD, ishobr@private wrote:

> I did 'ls /tmp/.private/' and there is nothing there. How to create
> /tmp/.private/root folder?

This directory is created automagically by pam_mktemp module.  You
should either create directory by hand, or (preferably) just try
su'ing from root to root (inside the chroot) and PAM magic should
create the directory with proper access rights.

__    Maciek Pasternacki <maciekp@private> [ http://japhy.fnord.org/ ]
`| _   |_\  / { ...Can't you understand that the way things were planned
,|{-}|}| }\/       it never worked out, so I just went crazy... }
\/   |____/                                                     ( Fish )  -><-
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On Thu, Nov 18, 2004 at 08:11:21PM +0700, Ihsan wrote:
> After 'chroot /owl' I found that some programs didn't work, such as
> patch. patch complained about can't create /tmp/.private/root/xxxxxxxxx
> no such file or directory. (I want to install some non-Owl packages (by
> root) before rebooting and make /owl partition as root)

These directories are setup when you open a PAM session.  You can
resolve this by issuing a "su -" once chrooted.  Alternatively, you
can reset TMPDIR ("export TMPDIR= TMP="), then programs will use the
main /tmp.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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I've released Linux 2.4.28-ow1 a few days ago.  (Apologies for the
delayed announcement.)

Linux 2.4.28, and thus 2.4.28-ow1, fixes a number of security-related
bugs, including the ELF loader vulnerabilities discovered by Paul
Starzetz (confirmed: ability for users to read +s-r binaries;
potential: local root), a race condition with reads from Unix domain
sockets (potential local root), smbfs support vulnerabilities
discovered by Stefan Esser (confirmed: remote DoS by a malicious smbfs
server; potential: remote root by a malicious smbfs server).  More
information on these vulnerabilities can be found here:


The updated patch is available at:


Owl-current and Owl 1.1-stable have been updated to include Linux
2.4.28-ow1 as the recommended kernel.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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Subject: Re: [owl-users] Owl-current moved to glibc 2.3.x
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On Tue 09 Nov 2004 04:09 Solar Designer wrote:

> >         libcrypto.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) nmap-3.48-owl2
> >         libssl.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) nmap-3.48-owl2

> Yes, this is one of the known bugs in our current rpm package.  It
> should be fixed as a part of this TODO item:
> 	rpm.
> [PRIORITY: high]
> [ASSIGNED: galaxy@]
> Solve the segfault when installing "fileutils sh-utils textutils" with
> 14-character long(?!) --root paths.  Solve spurious dependencies on
> libcrypto.so.0.9.6 and libssl.so.0.9.6 when upgrading to new OpenSSL
> _and_ to all SSL-dependent packages already re-built against the new
> OpenSSL.  Solve spurious "cannot open Providename index using db3"
> with fresh installs, "db4 error(16) from dbenv->remove: Device or
> resource busy" with updates.

Why don't we use openssl-compat-fake  for openssl upgrade, similarly to gli=
by adding Provides: libcrypto.so.0.9.6 =C9 libssl.so.0.9.6?

=2D --=20
Maxim Timofeyev
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> old-Owl
www!root:~# adduser -r lotus
www!root:~# echo lotus:lotus | chpasswd
www!root:~# cat /etc/tcb/lotus/shadow

rpm -q shadow-utils

> new-Owl (after big upgrade):
adduser -r lotus
echo lotus:lotus | chpasswd
cat /etc/tcb/lotus/shadow


man chpasswd
"Without the -e switch, the passwords are  expected  to  be  cleartext"


=2D --=20
Maxim Timofeyev
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On Thu, Nov 25, 2004 at 04:19:40PM +0300, Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
> > new-Owl (after big upgrade):
> adduser -r lotus
> echo lotus:lotus | chpasswd
> cat /etc/tcb/lotus/shadow
> lotus:lotus:12747::::::
> why?

That was a bug, and it's been fixed:

* Thu Nov 11 2004 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv at owl.openwall.com> 2:
- Restore chpasswd(8) behaviour, which was broken since

> shadow-utils-

The most current package is

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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On Thu, Nov 25, 2004 at 03:24:53PM +0300, Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
> On Tue 09 Nov 2004 04:09 Solar Designer wrote:
> [skip]
> > >         libcrypto.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) nmap-3.48-owl2
> [skip]
> > >         libssl.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) nmap-3.48-owl2
> > Yes, this is one of the known bugs in our current rpm package.  It
> > should be fixed as a part of this TODO item:
> Why don't we use openssl-compat-fake  for openssl upgrade, similarly to glibc 
> by adding Provides: libcrypto.so.0.9.6 É libssl.so.0.9.6?

There should be no need.  As I have mentioned, the above is caused by
a bug in rpm, not by our not satisfying any dependencies.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Hello owl-users,

  I have download and compile latest sources for Owl
  When I try to install it I have following trouble:
owlbuild!root:~# rpm -U /usr/src/world/RPMS/rpm-*
error: failed dependencies:
        librpm.so.0 is needed by rpm-build-4.2-owl1
        librpm.so.0 is needed by rpm-build-4.2-owl1
owlbuild!root:~# rpm -U --nodeps /usr/src/world/RPMS/rpm-*
The old RPM database (db1 format) was found.  Unfortunately, we cannot
automatically convert this database during installation of this
package due to a "chicken and egg" problem.  To convert old RPM database
to the new database format extract "rpmd" binary from this package and
run "rpmd --rebuild" manually.
execution of rpm-4.2-owl1 script failed, exit status 1     
When I extract rpmd
owlbuild!root:~# /var/tmp/usr/lib/rpm/rpmd --rebuild
--rebuild: unknown option
owlbuild!root:~# /var/tmp/usr/lib/rpm/rpmd --rebuilddb
[skip many lines]
error: unrecognized db option: "db3" ignored.
error: unrecognized db option: "db3" ignored.
error: unrecognized db option: "db3" ignored.
error: cannot open Triggername index using db1 - Invalid argument (22)
error: unrecognized db option: "db3" ignored.
error: unrecognized db option: "db3" ignored.
error: unrecognized db option: "db3" ignored.
error: unrecognized db option: "db3" ignored.
[skip many lines]
   As long as I can understand, Owl use db3 rpm database named as db1
 database and install script failed.

 What I need to do that I can update my Owl system
Best regards,
 Ruslan                          mailto:ruslan@private
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On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 09:36:22PM +0200, Ruslan Radvansky wrote:
> Hello owl-users,
>   I have download and compile latest sources for Owl

The lastest Owl-current isn't intended to be built on top of previous one.
The only way to do an upgrade is download binary distribution -> make installworld.
If you want to re-compile Owl-current, then you can do this _after_ upgrade to

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Hello Galaxy,

Thursday, December 9, 2004, 9:52:13 PM, you wrote:

G> On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 09:36:22PM +0200, Ruslan Radvansky wrote:
>> Hello owl-users,
>>   I have download and compile latest sources for Owl

G> The lastest Owl-current isn't intended to be built on top of previous one.
G> The only way to do an upgrade is download binary distribution -> make installworld.
G> If you want to re-compile Owl-current, then you can do this _after_ upgrade to
G> Owl-current.

  Need I download iso file and install from it or download *.rpm?

Best regards,
 Ruslan                            mailto:ruslan@private
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In-Reply-To: <1323894267.20041209220304@private>; from ruslan@private on Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 10:03:04PM +0200
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On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 10:03:04PM +0200, Ruslan Radvansky wrote:
>   Need I download iso file and install from it or download *.rpm?

There is no ISO for Owl-current yet. So, the only option you have is to
mirror /pub/Owl/current/i386 directory from one of Openwall mirrors. You
can accomplish this by issuing "mir -L i386" in your lftp client. Next
thing you needed is native.tar.gz.

For example, you are already switched under 'build' account:

$ lftp ftp.ru.openwall.com/pub/Owl/current
cd ok, cwd=/pub/Owl/current
lftp ftp.ru.openwall.com:/pub/Owl/current> mir -L i386
lftp ftp.ru.openwall.com:/pub/Owl/current> get native.tar.gz
lftp ftp.ru.openwall.com:/pub/Owl/current> quit              
$ ln -s i386/RPMS
$ tar xzf native.tar.gz
$ vi native/Owl/build/installworld.conf
$ make installworld

You're done :)

> -- 
> Best regards,
>  Ruslan                            mailto:ruslan@private

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Hello Galaxy,

Thursday, December 9, 2004, 10:17:41 PM, you wrote:

G> There is no ISO for Owl-current yet. So, the only option you have is to
G> mirror /pub/Owl/current/i386 directory from one of Openwall mirrors. You
G> can accomplish this by issuing "mir -L i386" in your lftp client. Next
G> thing you needed is native.tar.gz.
G> $ make installworld

 While I investigate my problem, I found that:
1) In changes-current file:
rpm 4.2 (with support for db1-format packages database re-introduced
to allow for upgrades from older versions of Owl). 
2) rpm 4.2 reject to install because old db1-format database found.
3) rpmd from rpm 4.2 distribution reject to upgrade database to new
format because phases of the Moon.

My propose to developers: remove from %pre section of rpm.spec file,
checking for old database format because it supported.

Sorry, downloading of all rpms is to expensive for me and I check1ng
"teoretically". I not trust that "make installworld" solve my problem.

Best regards,
 Ruslan                            mailto:ruslan@private
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On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 11:51:48PM +0200, Ruslan Radvansky wrote:
>  While I investigate my problem, I found that:
> 1) In changes-current file:
> ==============================================
> rpm 4.2 (with support for db1-format packages database re-introduced
> to allow for upgrades from older versions of Owl). 
> ==============================================
> 2) rpm 4.2 reject to install because old db1-format database found.

This is true.

> 3) rpmd from rpm 4.2 distribution reject to upgrade database to new
> format because phases of the Moon.

Hmm. I'm a current maintainer of Owl's rpm. And I've tested it a lot (especially
its ability to upgrade old db1 format to the db3 one). So, it sounds wrong for
me that Owl's rpm 4.2 rejects to upgrade db1.

> My propose to developers: remove from %pre section of rpm.spec file,
> checking for old database format because it supported.

We will remove that support once all our users will migrate to the new version,
because db1 code is unclear and outdated.

> Sorry, downloading of all rpms is to expensive for me and I check1ng
> "teoretically". I not trust that "make installworld" solve my problem.

Yes, it will solve it! There are a lot of magic around Owl's rpm 4.2 in native/Owl/build/installworld.sh. Just look inside and you will find how database upgrade is performed. Threre is no way to perform database upgrade from inside of the rpm package.

> -- 
> Best regards,
>  Ruslan                            mailto:ruslan@private

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Hello Galaxy,

Friday, December 10, 2004, 12:13:42 AM, you wrote:

G> On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 11:51:48PM +0200, Ruslan Radvansky wrote:

>> Sorry, downloading of all rpms is to expensive for me and I check1ng
>> "teoretically". I not trust that "make installworld" solve my problem.

G> Yes, it will solve it! There are a lot of magic around Owl's
G> rpm 4.2 in native/Owl/build/installworld.sh. Just look inside and
G> you will find how database upgrade is performed.

 I was investigate installworld.sh and I not found where rpm upgrade
 performed :(

 1) Because it is not CDROM, my system's rpm is used (3.0.6 of course)
 2) in middle of script
  log "Rebuilding RPM database"
  $RPMD $RPM_FLAGS --root $ROOT --rebuilddb || exit 1
  we rebuild database, but because using my system's rpm, database
  upgrade is not performed.
  I not found any other command, that can be interpret as database
  upgrade :(
G> Threre is no way to perform database upgrade from inside of the rpm package.

>> -- 
>> Best regards,
>>  Ruslan                            mailto:ruslan@private

G> --
G> (GM)

Best regards,
 Ruslan                            mailto:ruslan@private
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On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 01:00:41AM +0200, Ruslan Radvansky wrote:

> ================================
>   log "Rebuilding RPM database"
>   $RPMD $RPM_FLAGS --root $ROOT --rebuilddb || exit 1
>   NEED_FAKE=yes
> ================================
>   we rebuild database, but because using my system's rpm, database
>   upgrade is not performed.
>   I not found any other command, that can be interpret as database
>   upgrade :(

You're quite correct here, but please look that before "rpm --rebuilddb", we
are extracting all necessary things from rpm-* and popt-* and configuring them
in the setup_rpm() function. And we are not relaying on system's rpm at all.

If you want to upgrade your rpm db1 database to db3 version. You have to run all commands from setup_rpm() function to prepare RPM environment and, after that, run $RPMD $RPM_FLAGS --root $ROOT --rebuilddb (you have to substitute all variables with real values from the instalworld.sh.

But it's much easier to download binary distribution (it's only 90Mbytes) and
run make installworld :)

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Hello Solar,

And what about CAN-2004-1137 & CAN-2004-1016?
Is updated -ow patch will be coming or we should wait 2.4.29 kernel?

Best regards,
 Ilya                            mailto:ilya@private
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On Tue, Dec 21, 2004 at 12:33:24PM +0300, Ilya Andreiv wrote:
> And what about CAN-2004-1137 & CAN-2004-1016?

[ These are the IGMP and the SCM bugs, respectively. ]

> Is updated -ow patch will be coming or we should wait 2.4.29 kernel?

Honestly, I don't know whether it will be a 2.4.28-ow2 or 2.4.29-ow1.
That depends on how quick Marcelo is with putting out a 2.4.29 and on
whether other nasty bugs will be made public during that time.

I don't view these two bugs as terribly bad, requiring that I postpone
other work I had planned (including on some Owl bugs) and work on an
update immediately.  "The IGMP" does not affect most builds.  And "the
SCM" is just yet another local DoS.  (And there're other kernel bugs
which you did not ask about.)

These do need to get fixed indeed, but my time is too limited to spend
it without prioritizing things like I do now...

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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The OpenSSL upgrade bug seen in the posting below has been fixed in
the new Owl-current snapshot currently available on the FTP mirrors.

Some other install/upgrade procedure bugs have been fixed as well.


On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 02:34:24PM +0300, tmahome@private wrote:
> I'am upgrade Owl-current (06 Oct) to Owl-curreent (with glibc2.3),
> but:
> 14:17:44: Installing openssl openssl-devel mtree openssh openssh-clients openssh-server lftp elinks nmap mutt (openssl-0.9.7d-owl2.i386.rpm openssl-devel-0.9.7d-owl2.i386.rpm mtree-3.1-owl1.i386.rpm openssh-3.6.1p2-owl11.i386.rpm openssh-clients-3.6.1p2-owl11.i386.rpm openssh-server-3.6.1p2-owl11.i386.rpm lftp-2.6.10-owl3.i386.rpm elinks-0.9.1-owl4.i386.rpm nmap-3.48-owl2.i386.rpm mutt-
> error: Failed dependencies:
>         libcrypto.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) nmap-3.48-owl2
>         libcrypto.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) lftp-2.6.10-owl3
>         libcrypto.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) mtree-3.1-owl1
>         libcrypto.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) mutt-
>         libssl.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) nmap-3.48-owl2
>         libssl.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) lftp-2.6.10-owl3
>         libssl.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) mutt-
> 14:17:44: Failed openssl openssl-devel mtree openssh openssh-clients openssh-server lftp elinks nmap mutt
> -- 
> [2:5030/1763@private]      [tmahome@private]       [http://tma.spb.ru]
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nt></tt><FONT face=3DVerdana size=3D2>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;=
<P>However, failure to restore your records will result in account suspens=
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Sincerely, <br>
</font></tt></FONT><FONT face=3DVerdana size=3D2><FONT face=3DVerdana>
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I would like to ask about next official Owl release. Will new ISO be
accessible in the nearest time?! I know that there is still a lot of
work to do before the new release, so I'm patient, but it's nice to know
how long I have to be ;-)
The point is that I have fully trust in stable and official Owl releases
and the new glibc is the thing I'am waiting for a long time ;-)

Krzysztof ¦niadoch <krzysiek@private>   
http://www.securenet.pl - "... to be more secure"
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On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 08:05:09PM +0100, Krzysztof ?niadoch wrote:
> I would like to ask about next official Owl release. Will new ISO be
> accessible in the nearest time?!

It's likely that we'll update to even newer glibc and gcc first, then
produce a new ISO of Owl-current, and only after that point will
consider making a release.  Possibly we'll be able to get a real
installer implemented in time for the release... although it is still
unclear who will work on it (and complete that work!)

> I know that there is still a lot of
> work to do before the new release, so I'm patient, but it's nice to know
> how long I have to be ;-)

You can get involved and help shorten that time. ;-)

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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> On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 08:05:09PM +0100, Krzysztof ?niadoch wrote:
> > I would like to ask about next official Owl release. Will new ISO be
> > accessible in the nearest time?!
> It's likely that we'll update to even newer glibc and gcc first, then
> produce a new ISO of Owl-current, and only after that point will
> consider making a release.  Possibly we'll be able to get a real
> installer implemented in time for the release... although it is still
> unclear who will work on it (and complete that work!)
> > I know that there is still a lot of
> > work to do before the new release, so I'm patient, but it's nice to know
> > how long I have to be ;-)
> You can get involved and help shorten that time. ;-)
maybe u can publish scripts for building current-iso? :)
or integrate them into makefile at /usr/src/world?

make buildworld
make buildiso
and all are happy :)
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Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 04:38:04 +0300
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Subject: Re: [owl-users] Owl-current moved to glibc 2.3.x
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Hello Solar Designer.

On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 01:57:18 +0300, you wrote about "Re: [owl-users]
Owl-current moved to glibc 2.3.x":

> Hi,
> The OpenSSL upgrade bug seen in the posting below has been fixed in
> the new Owl-current snapshot currently available on the FTP mirrors.
> Some other install/upgrade procedure bugs have been fixed as well.

Not true :-(

On upgrading fresh installed Owl to current got list of errors (not exacltly, but seems like this):

> error: Failed dependencies:
>         libcrypto.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) nmap-3.48-owl2
>         libcrypto.so.0.9.6 is needed by (installed) lftp-2.6.10-owl3

Have to rpm -e lftp mutt elinks and after that 

rpm -Uhv openssl-0.9.7d-owl2.i386.rpm openssl-devel-0.9.7d-owl2.i386.rpm 
mtree-3.1-owl2.i386.rpm openssh-3.6.1p2-owl11.i386.rpm openssh-clients-3.6.1p2-o
wl11.i386.rpm openssh-server-3.6.1p2-owl11.i386.rpm lftp-2.6.10-owl3.i386.rpm el
inks-0.9.1-owl4.i386.rpm nmap-3.48-owl3.i386.rpm mutt-

passed ok.

Packages got from ftp1.ru.openwall.com/pub/Owl/current

BTY, after upgrade cannot assemble qmail. Previously, before upgrade, make passed fine, but now i receive an error, which couldn't determine (have no experiense in C coding)

Best regards, SKYDIVER-RIPN
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>>BTY, after upgrade cannot assemble qmail. Previously, before upgrade,
make passed fine, but now i receive an error, which couldn't determine
(have no experiense in C coding)

Without seeing your error message, this is just a guess. Since glibc
was recently upgraded in Owl current, I'll bet it's the qmail errno bug.
 Check out www.qmail.org and search for "errno".  You'll find your
solution there.  

Steve Bremer
Systems & Security Administrator
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Reply message to the letter from "Melekhov Alexandre A." <amel@private> on
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 04:38:04 +0300:

MAA> > Some other install/upgrade procedure bugs have been fixed as
MAA> > well.
MAA> Not true :-(

It seems like you have not latest "current", but previous one. I had hardly tested upgrades from Owl 1.0/1.1/current to Owl current before committing the changes.

P.S. You can ask me at first since we are sitting in the same room in the office :)

AC5C EF16 E76F 015B 38ED
EC50 367D CA79 FD15 42FC

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Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


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On Thu, Jan 13, 2005 at 04:38:04AM +0300, Melekhov Alexandre A. wrote:
> > The OpenSSL upgrade bug seen in the posting below has been fixed in
> > the new Owl-current snapshot currently available on the FTP mirrors.
> > 
> > Some other install/upgrade procedure bugs have been fixed as well.
> Not true :-(

It _is_ true.  The bug has been located and fixed, and we've tested
upgrades from 1.1 and pre-glibc-2.3-current many times.

There're two possible reasons why you might have encountered the same
problem, or what looked like the same problem:

1. You were not upgrading to the latest publicly available Owl-current,
but rather to an older snapshot.

2. You had other (non-Owl) packages installed with dependencies on the
old OpenSSL.

> BTY, after upgrade cannot assemble qmail. Previously, before upgrade, make passed fine, but now i receive an error, which couldn't determine (have no experiense in C coding)

As Steve has correctly suspected, this is the well-known qmail errno
problem on newer glibc.  You have to replace the "extern int errno;"
with "#include <errno.h>", then qmail builds.

P.S. This time we were lucky to already know this qmail/glibc bug, so
your report of it was sufficient.  But if we didn't, your report
would have been useless.  Please learn to include in any bug reports
the exact error messages you receive.  Thanks.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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On Thu, Jan 13, 2005 at 09:05:40PM +0300, GalaxyMaster wrote:
> I had hardly tested upgrades from Owl 1.0/1.1/current to Owl current before committing the changes.

You must have meant - s/hardly/thoroughly/ :-)

I know that you did.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Reply message to the letter from Solar Designer <solar@private> on
Thu, 13 Jan 2005 23:31:33 +0300:

SD> On Thu, Jan 13, 2005 at 09:05:40PM +0300, GalaxyMaster wrote:
SD> > I had hardly tested upgrades from Owl 1.0/1.1/current to Owl
SD> > current before committing the changes.
SD> You must have meant - s/hardly/thoroughly/ :-)

Exactly! I'm sorry for inconvenience.

AC5C EF16 E76F 015B 38ED
EC50 367D CA79 FD15 42FC

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W li¶cie z czw, 13-01-2005, godz. 20:52, Solar Designer pisze: 

> > BTY, after upgrade cannot assemble qmail. Previously, before upgrade, make passed fine, but now i receive an error, which couldn't determine (have no experiense in C coding)
> As Steve has correctly suspected, this is the well-known qmail errno
> problem on newer glibc.  You have to replace the "extern int errno;"
> with "#include <errno.h>", then qmail builds.

Speaking about qmail, if someone would like to install, configure and
manage qmail in fast (simply don't have time for spending long time with
mail server) and probably easiest way on the whole universe ;-) should
see the velox project:
On Openwall I'am using only STANDARD mode of velox (choosen during
installation) and all works well ;-]. ENHANCED mode (qmail + antispam+
antivirus protection) won't work on OWL yet, but I'am working on it.
Here you have a few words about this project from the web:

"Velox is a complete mail server based on the strength of qmail and
vpopmail applications. It's own easy to use and fast text based
interface allows you to modify a lot of options without neccesity of
editing configuration files or even typing commands. Velox is a good
choice if you need a fast and secure linux based mail server. In latest
version (v2.0) Velox is enhanced by antivirus and antispam protection."

P.S: I've written above that on my OWL, Velox works well and that's
true, but during installation I had to solve small problem with default
domain. The quick solution of this is described in README ;-) However
this is strange problem, because it's not appeared in slackware and
aurox distroos which I've used for testing and writing this software ...
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Hello Solar Designer.

On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 22:52:45 +0300, you wrote about "Re: [owl-users]
Owl-current moved to glibc 2.3.x":

> There're two possible reasons why you might have encountered the same
> problem, or what looked like the same problem:
> 1. You were not upgrading to the latest publicly available
> Owl-current, but rather to an older snapshot.
> 2. You had other (non-Owl) packages installed with dependencies on the
> old OpenSSL.

Possible the 3-d one - i've used iso Owl from 2004/04/18.

Best regards, SKYDIVER-RIPN
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Linux 2.4.29-ow1 is out.  Linux 2.4.29, and thus 2.4.29-ow1, adds a
number of security fixes, including to the x86/SMP page fault handler
(CAN-2005-0001) and the uselib(2) (CAN-2004-1235) race conditions,
both discovered by Paul Starzetz.  The potential of these bugs is a
local root compromise.  The uselib(2) bug does not affect default
builds of Linux kernels with the Openwall patch applied since the
vulnerable code is only compiled in if one explicitly enables
CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF_AOUT, an option introduced by the patch.  The
updated patch is available at the usual location:


Openwall GNU/*/Linux (Owl) 1.1-stable and -current branches have
already been updated to Linux 2.4.29-ow1.

Additionally, the new Owl-current snapshot uses GCC 3.4.3 and a
post-2.3.3 glibc.  Further updates will follow.  The Owl homepage is:


The FTP mirrors are listed at:


The new snapshot is not yet available on all FTP mirrors, but it
should propagate to most within 24 hours.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Problem report.

After upgrade to latest Owl-current I found that rpm compilation produce
many warnings like this: "--march depraceted, use --mtune or --march

And I found also problem that I think related to temporary file
handling on Owl. For example on mysql server (4.1.x) dan clamd antivirus daemon,
the daemon fail to start with error message like: "Access denied on

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On Tue, Jan 25, Ihsan wrote:
> And I found also problem that I think related to temporary file
> handling on Owl. For example on mysql server (4.1.x) dan clamd antivirus daemon,
> the daemon fail to start with error message like: "Access denied on
> /tmp/.private/root/....."

Before starting the daemons set the temporary directory (TMPDIR/TMP env.
variables) where the daemon user (mysql/clamav?) can create temporary files.
You could try to do something like this:
su - -s /bin/sh mysql (this should create the /tmp/.private/mysql
directory) and then put TMPDIR=/tmp/.private/mysql in the mysql startup
script (probably /etc/init.d/mysqld).  (I also think there's a somekind
of temp dir setting in /etc/my.cnf)


Jarno Huuskonen
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On Tue, Jan 25, 2005 at 11:22:01AM +0700, Ihsan wrote:
> After upgrade to latest Owl-current I found that rpm compilation produce
> many warnings like this: "--march depraceted, use --mtune or --march
> instead". 

Please make sure you update _all_ of Owl to the latest.  You might
have copied the .rpm* files in ~build from an older native tree, --
you need to reset these to be symlinks to under the new native tree
instead ("rm .rpm* && make symlinks").  The problem will go away.

> And I found also problem that I think related to temporary file
> handling on Owl. For example on mysql server (4.1.x) dan clamd antivirus daemon,
> the daemon fail to start with error message like: "Access denied on
> /tmp/.private/root/....."

Yes, this is an instance of a fairly generic problem with the approach
we use for per-user temporary file directories.  If a process switches
to a different user ID, its TMPDIR setting might no longer be correct.

The problem typically shows up when you start a daemon manually
(rather than let it get started on system bootup).

For daemons which are a part of Owl and for those which use Red Hat
style startup scripts (hint!), we've addressed this problem in the
daemon() function (in /etc/init.d/functions) by not exporting TMPDIR
into the daemon being started.

The per-user temporary file directories are thus only for users' (and
root-privileged administrators') sessions to the servers, not for
system daemons.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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I try to compile asterisk (www.asterisk.org). Though the compilation as
such accomplishes without any problems, the binary fails to work - most
modules fall with "'Interrupted system call'" error. Full strace stdout can
be found on ftp://tma.spb.ru/pvt/asterisk.gz
Asterisk version is 1.0.5
Owl - current
Has anyone ever managed to compile and run asterisk under Openwall???

Thnx in advance.

PS The thing is assembled straight into rpm.

=2D --=20
Maxim Timofeyev
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Subject: [owl-users] Owl-current: gcc 3.4.4 & openh323
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I can't build openh323 with new gcc 3.4.4.
openh323 v1.13.4 from ALT Linux pachage and v1.15.2 from SourceForge.
With old gcc-3.2 everything was Ok.

=2D --=20
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On Sat, Feb 05, 2005 at 11:46:06AM +0300, Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
> I can't build openh323 with new gcc 3.4.4.

You must have meant gcc 3.4.3.

> openh323 v1.13.4 from ALT Linux pachage and v1.15.2 from SourceForge.
> With old gcc-3.2 everything was Ok.

That's quite unfortunate, but we wouldn't needlessly stick to an older
gcc in Owl-current when we had the human resources to do this upgrade.

Please apply your C/C++ skills to fix any broken software to build
with the newer gcc and please submit your patches upstream. ;-)  If
you can't do that, then please submit detailed bug reports upstream
(although your sharing this with owl-users is appreciated, too).


Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Subject: Re: [owl-users] Owl-current: gcc 3.4.4 & openh323
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> I can't build openh323 with new gcc 3.4.4.
> openh323 v1.13.4 from ALT Linux pachage and v1.15.2 from SourceForge.
> With old gcc-3.2 everything was Ok.

openh323 cvs shanphot (ver. 1.13.4 =C9=DA Sisyphus (ALT Linux)) compiled ok=
the last bundle has the patch for gcc-3.4.

=2D --=20
Maxim Timofeyev
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Subject: Re: [owl-users] asterisk & Owl
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> I try to compile asterisk (www.asterisk.org). Though the compilation as
> such accomplishes without any problems, the binary fails to work - most
> modules fall with "'Interrupted system call'" error. Full strace stdout c=
> be found on ftp://tma.spb.ru/pvt/asterisk.gz
> Asterisk version is 1.0.5
> Owl - current
> Has anyone ever managed to compile and run asterisk under Openwall???
> Thnx in advance.
> PS The thing is assembled straight into rpm.

Strace indicates that asterisk nevertheless works, despite "'Interrupted
system call' (unknown signal 32)" messages.
Bad hardware might be the reason for this problem (the very same stuff works
fine on another PC). I even keep experiencing the same errors with ALT Linux
Master 2.4. version.
The problem doesn't seem to affect the program as such - asterisk starts,
loads modules successfully, answers incoming calls, i.e. it works.

=2D --=20
Maxim Timofeyev
JabberID: tma@private
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Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 13:32:57 +0000
Subject: [owl-users] OWL installer
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Here you have some kind of owl-installer that is very useful for me (I
have used it many times and it works great) and I hope it will be in the
same way useful for you :-)
To write this soft I have used some code and ideas from slackware
installer and current Openwall's 'make installworld && make setup'
In fact this is the core of the owl-installer, I only added some
features and connected this all in one piece :)
Ok, the fastest way to check this out:

Boot your machine from OWL current 2004-04-18, and then: =20

1. # ifconfig ...
2. # route add default gw ...
3. # cd /root
4. # links
5. # tar zxf owl-installer.tar.gz
6. # cd owl-installer  /* `pwd` should be /root/owl-installer */=20
7. # ./setup.sh
8. choose AUTOMATIC option which lead you in the easy way, step by step
through whole installation process :)
9. # reboot /* and enjoy your new owl distribution ;-) */

AUTOMATIC option isn't necessary to install OWL, you can do every
installation step manually by choosing it from the menu, but the said
AUTOMATIC is most comfortable and fastest :-)

After installation, you still can change your settings by choosing
appropriate option. The bad settings will be overwritten.

If you choose to manually build the kernel and forget to compile in some
important drivers (eg. your SCSI driver when you're using SCSI ^_^), you
can freely install lilo (BOOT option). By default it will create 2
entries (one it's your compiled kernel and second is the default
workable CD kernel)

So, what to say more ...=20
I hope you enjoy it :]

Krzysztof Sniadoch <krzysiek@private>  =20
http://www.securenet.pl - "... to be more secure"
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Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 13:33:24 +0000
Subject: [owl-users] OWL installer
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Here you have some kind of owl-installer that is very useful for me (I
have used it many times and it works great) and I hope it will be in the
same way useful for owl-users :-)
To write this soft I have used some code and ideas from slackware
installer and current Openwall's 'make installworld && make setup'
In fact this is the core of the owl-installer, I only added some
features and connected this all in one piece :)
Ok, the fastest way to check this out:

Boot your machine from OWL current 2004-04-18, and then: =20

1. # ifconfig ...
2. # route add default gw ...
3. # cd /root
4. # links
5. # tar zxf owl-installer.tar.gz
6. # cd owl-installer  /* `pwd` should be /root/owl-installer */=20
7. # ./setup.sh
8. choose AUTOMATIC option which lead you in the easy way, step by step
through whole installation process :)
9. # reboot /* and enjoy your new owl distribution ;-) */

AUTOMATIC option isn't necessary to install OWL, you can do every
installation step manually by choosing it from the menu, but the said
AUTOMATIC is most comfortable and fastest :-)

After installation, you still can change your settings by choosing
appropriate option. The bad settings will be overwritten.

If you choose to manually build the kernel and forget to compile in some
important drivers (eg. your SCSI driver when you're using SCSI ^_^), you
can freely install lilo (BOOT option). By default it will create 2
entries (one it's your compiled kernel and second is the default
workable CD kernel)

So, what to say more ...=20
I hope you enjoy it :]

Krzysztof Sniadoch <krzysiek@private>  =20
http://www.securenet.pl - "... to be more secure"
[ GPG KeyID: 1F7969B8 ]
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sorry for this second copy :P
Damn mailer :DD Deleted means DELETED not TO SEND :)))

Krzysztof Sniadoch <krzysiek@private>
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On Fri, Feb 11, 2005 at 01:33:24PM +0000, Krzysztof Sniadoch wrote:
> Here you have some kind of owl-installer that is very useful for me (I
> have used it many times and it works great) and I hope it will be in the
> same way useful for owl-users :-)

Thank you for sharing this with owl-users.

I've looked at this installer a bit.  Basically, it's an extension of
our owl-setup tool, which previously only configured an Owl system but
did not install it.

This is not the way I'd like our official installer to work.  The plan
was to move away from shell and dialog to perhaps C++ and ndk++.
Although not having done that, I agree that it could be reasonable to
add some of this functionality to the existing shell scripts for now.
(No, I do not think we could apply any of your changes directly, --
they're not clean enough.)

> 1. # ifconfig ...
> 2. # route add default gw ...

Could run "setup" to configure networking and a temporary root
password through it instead, then "exit" to boot into multi-user,
login, and proceed with your further steps.

> 4. # links

Could use lftpget here.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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18-02-2005, 07:54 +0300, Solar Designer:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Feb 11, 2005 at 01:33:24PM +0000, Krzysztof Sniadoch wrote:
> > Here you have some kind of owl-installer that is very useful for me (I
> > have used it many times and it works great) and I hope it will be in the
> > same way useful for owl-users :-)
> Thank you for sharing this with owl-users.
No problem :-) There is so much of great work done in OWL (it's
especially visible when we look closer at the whole OWL distribution) so
it's good to make something useful (even if it's temporary ^_^)

> I've looked at this installer a bit.  Basically, it's an extension of
> our owl-setup tool, which previously only configured an Owl system but
> did not install it.
Correct, there was no need to build other primary level configuration
tool when owl-setup doing this job fine. More advanced configuration I
always made after booting newly installed OWL system. 

> This is not the way I'd like our official installer to work.  The plan
> was to move away from shell and dialog to perhaps C++ and ndk++.
I hope that the plan IS not WAS :-))

> Although not having done that, I agree that it could be reasonable to
> add some of this functionality to the existing shell scripts for now.

And that is my point :-) I just wanted to add some features to the
existing scripts to make it more easy and faster to install than it is
now (although I don't think that official method is wrong or slow). It's
very useful when doing many OWL installations at various stations it can
really save time (especially when we add this into the current OWL-iso
and burn on the CD ^_^).
All in all, I consider owl-installer as the temporary solution which 
should be replaced, but for now it is a handy stuff which can speed up
our installation :) and can be extremly useful for less experienced

> (No, I do not think we could apply any of your changes directly, --
> they're not clean enough.)
I understand, but I didn't ask for this :-) I just wanted to share this
soft with owl-users for the time when the new Owl release will be
released :-)

> > 1. # ifconfig ...
> > 2. # route add default gw ...
> Could run "setup" to configure networking and a temporary root
> password through it instead, then "exit" to boot into multi-user,
> login, and proceed with your further steps.
True, this is also correct way

> > 4. # links
> Could use lftpget here.
The same here :)

Krzysztof Sniadoch <krzysiek@private>   
http://www.securenet.pl - "... to be more secure"
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I've just put put a new Owl-current snapshot and thought it'd be fair
to warn the fellow owl-users that this will slightly break things for
those who will be updating from the previous snapshot.

In the previous snapshot, the OpenBSD-derived strlcpy(3) and strlcat(3)
functions were introduced into glibc along with other patches we've
taken from ALT Linux.  These functions are nice to have and they can
readily benefit a number of packages, however our inclusion of them in
the shared libc would result in certain program binaries built on Owl
being non-portable to other Linux distributions.  This is undesired.
Thus, in this new snapshot I've applied the workaround suggested by
Pavel Kankovsky, which is to move these functions into libc_nonshared.a.
This means that the functions are available with dynamic linking but
are nevertheless linked in statically.

Unfortunately, this also means that the few strlc*()-using binaries
built on the previous Owl-current snapshot will not work on this new
snapshot.  For RPM packages, you'll get complaints about unsatisfied
dependencies on "libc.so.6(GLIBC_STRLC)".  Of Owl packages, this
affects libpcap, openssh, and procmail.  One possible workaround is to
install glibc manually with "rpm -Uvh --nodeps glibc-*", then proceed
to re-install the packages rebuilt against the new glibc with "--force"
(if you're brave enough, this may be done on a live system remotely:
the running sshd will stay alive and will hold a copy of the old glibc
until it's restarted).  A cleaner workaround is to "rpm -e" those
packages prior to running "make installworld" to update the system
(this stops sshd).

The good news is that this change should prevent this kind of problems
with these functions in the future, in particular when moving programs
from Owl to other systems.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
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Subject: [owl-users] iproute2 & htb
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I get the following while trying to use HTB:

# /sbin/tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1 htb default 30 r2q 100
Unknown qdisc "htb", hence option "default" is unparsable

Does iproute2 support HTB?

Iproute version: iproute2-2.4.7.ss020116-owl2

=2D --=20
Maxim Timofeyev
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Hello Maxim Timofeyev! 

 Sat, Mar 05, 2005 at 10:54:13AM +0300, tmahome wrote about "[owl-users] iproute2 & htb": 
MT> I get the following while trying to use HTB:
MT> # /sbin/tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1 htb default 30 r2q 100
MT> Unknown qdisc "htb", hence option "default" is unparsable
MT> Does iproute2 support HTB?
MT> Iproute version: iproute2-2.4.7.ss020116-owl2

Unfortunately this version don't support HTB, because Owl up to some time had support
building with 2.2.x kernel, but HTB require 2.4.x.

I commited -owl3 with HTB patch.
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I've generated and put out a new ISO-9660 image of Owl-current.  As
usual, this includes a live system bootable on x86, as well as the
binary packages for installation on a hard disk, and all the sources.

The system is now built upon Linux 2.4.29-ow1, GCC 3.4.3, a post-2.3.3
glibc snapshot, and lots of other packages.  The download size (of the
gzipped ISO) is 369 MB, and it occupies 600 MB on a CD.

The change log is available here:


The download locations are as usual:


The new ISO is available as Owl-current-20050306-i386.iso.gz under
/pub/Owl/current/iso.  Its integrity may be verified by checking the
detached PGP signature for iso.mtree (found in the same directory)
and by checking the gzipped ISO against its recorded cryptographic
digests with mtree.  The shell commands may be as follows:

	gpg iso.mtree.sign
	mtree -f iso.mtree

At the moment, the new ISO has propagated to the Russian, Czech, and
Australian mirrors.  Other mirrors should pick it up shortly.


Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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Solar Designer napisał(a):

>Additionally, the new Owl-current snapshot uses GCC 3.4.3 and a
>post-2.3.3 glibc.  Further updates will follow.  The Owl homepage is:
RPM macros in rpm-4.2-owl3.i386.rpm are incompatible with gcc-3.4 as 
they use
deprecated -mcpu. It could make some problems (I had a few)

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Marcin Siennicki wrote:
> Solar Designer napisał(a):
>> Additionally, the new Owl-current snapshot uses GCC 3.4.3 and a
>> post-2.3.3 glibc.  Further updates will follow.  The Owl homepage is:
> Hi,
> RPM macros in rpm-4.2-owl3.i386.rpm are incompatible with gcc-3.4 as 
> they use
> deprecated -mcpu. It could make some problems (I had a few)

Not incompatible, just noisy. When -mcpu becomes obsolete it will be 

Here's the quick-fix;
sed -i 's/-mcpu/-mtune/g' `find /usr/lib/rpm -type f -name macros

> Regards,
> Marcin

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson@private
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Lead Developer
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On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 12:12:42PM +0200, Marcin Siennicki wrote:
> RPM macros in rpm-4.2-owl3.i386.rpm are incompatible with gcc-3.4 as 
> they use deprecated -mcpu.

This had already been fixed in the current snapshot (RPM package
version 4.2-owl5) by the time you wrote this.  The fix is not in the
latest ISO image, though, so you have to install new RPMs to get it.

> It could make some problems (I had a few)

Yeah, I think this used to break some configure scripts.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Andreas Ericsson napisał(a):

> Not incompatible, just noisy. When -mcpu becomes obsolete it will be 
> incompatible.

Maybe just noisy, but it indirectly casues bigger problems during 
building some packages.

(ex. libtool's configure script sets need_locks to yes during libtool 
build, this can cause
other problems, ex. imposibility to build other package - due to bug in 

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Hi all,

since we use openwall kernel patched, we have a trouble with a little script 
that help us for monitoring server.
Let me explain.
We have severall server which have trouble with some deleted file still use by 
process. We can see them by a simple:

lsof | grep deleted

So on all servers, we have a little script that done that, launched by a 
special user for monitoring, the user "monitor" with the group "monitor"

Since we use ow patched kernel, this script doesn't work no more in user 
monitor (but still work in root user). In "monitor" user, lsof work but never 
see us "deleted" file.

Is there a solution, or this is an OW bug?

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On Wed, Apr 06, 2005 at 03:32:58PM +0200, Tchesmeli serge wrote:

> Since we use ow patched kernel, this script doesn't work no more in user 
> monitor (but still work in root user). In "monitor" user, lsof work but never 
> see us "deleted" file.
> Is there a solution, or this is an OW bug?

It's not a bug. I bet you have turned on a "restricted proc" option in your kernel
configuration. To make your script working just add the monitor user to the proc
group (its gid is 19 in the standard Owl setup). You can accomplish that by
using "usermod -G proc monitor".

> Thanks

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On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 02:19:32AM +0400, (GalaxyMaster) wrote:

> It's not a bug. I bet you have turned on a "restricted proc" option in your kernel
> configuration. To make your script working just add the monitor user to the proc
> group (its gid is 19 in the standard Owl setup). You can accomplish that by

I'm sorry, but I've mistyped gid for the proc group. Actually it's
110 (not 19 as I've mentioned before).

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Le Jeudi 7 Avril 2005 00:19, (GalaxyMaster) a =E9crit=A0:
> Hello,
> On Wed, Apr 06, 2005 at 03:32:58PM +0200, Tchesmeli serge wrote:
> > Since we use ow patched kernel, this script doesn't work no more in user
> > monitor (but still work in root user). In "monitor" user, lsof work but
> > never see us "deleted" file.
> >
> > Is there a solution, or this is an OW bug?
> It's not a bug. I bet you have turned on a "restricted proc" option in yo=
> kernel configuration. To make your script working just add the monitor us=
> to the proc group (its gid is 19 in the standard Owl setup). You can
> accomplish that by using "usermod -G proc monitor".
> > Thanks
> --
> (GM)

I didn't notice that but we allready have add the user in the proc group.
In fact, we mount proc with the option:

=2Do gid=3Dmonitor

Tchesmeli Serge, Ing=E9nieur syst=E8me et r=E9seau
Soci=E9t=E9 Transiciel - SOGETI -=20
Pour Wanadoo - Tel: +33
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On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 09:39:06AM +0200, Tchesmeli serge wrote:

> I didn't notice that but we allready have add the user in the proc group.
> In fact, we mount proc with the option:
> -o gid=monitor

IMO, the good start for uncovering the problem is to use the strace utility
with your script. Perhaps the command-line will be something like the following:

strace -fF -e open -o ~/strace.log the_path_to_your_script

Examine ~/strace.log and I'm sure that you'll find the cause of your problem.

> -- 
> Tchesmeli Serge, Ing?nieur syst?me et r?seau

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> IMO, the good start for uncovering the problem is to use the strace utili=
> with your script. Perhaps the command-line will be something like the
> following:
> strace -fF -e open -o ~/strace.log the_path_to_your_script
> Examine ~/strace.log and I'm sure that you'll find the cause of your
> problem.

In fact, was not an openwall trouble. Our script run axactly has he runs=20
before, but we detect a bug in our script, not in OW.
We do more test to be sure that OW work perfectly, and we found that bug an=
immediatly thinking was an OW bug, but not, was our script :)
So, sorry for the noise!

Tchesmeli Serge, Ing=E9nieur syst=E8me et r=E9seau
Soci=E9t=E9 Transiciel - SOGETI -=20
Pour Wanadoo - Tel: +33
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Linux 2.4.30-ow1 is out and available at the usual location:


While almost every Linux kernel release includes some added security
fixes (due to the large amount of code in various parts of the Linux
kernel), the ones added this time are for problems that either affect
only non-typical setups or are relatively minor.  However, upgrading
is still recommended.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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I've put out a bunch of unofficial RPMs for Owl.  These are available
under /pub/Owl/current/unofficial on the FTP mirrors.  The total size
is around 270 MB.

Please refer to the README (also available in that FTP directory) for
the most current information on what's available and for installation

Currently, included are unofficial rebuilds of some Fedora Rawhide
packages (as of 2005/03/31) with minor tweaks to avoid undesired
dependencies (such as on Kerberos):

- X.org X11 6.8.2, Blackbox, WindowMaker, Firefox 1.02;
- GTK 2 and other X and graphics libraries;
- Python, tcl, tk, tix;
- various small packages.

Also included are OpenOffice.org 1.9.87 packages (genuine off an
official OpenOffice.org mirror) that are known to install and work on
Owl-current with the Fedora packages already installed.

I have to admit that these are quick and dirty rebuilds, nothing more.
Many corrections which should have been included in the packages are
left to be made manually after package installation.  You'd have to
edit /etc/pam.d/xserver as explained in Owl/doc/REDHAT, configure
window managers' menus to match whatever packages are actually
available, etc.

Please note that Owl is intended for use on servers only.  Its use on
a workstation will likely only make sense for Owl developers and
contributors who might want to test cutting-edge Owl updates on their
immediate computers.  For this reason, there're no workstation-specific
packages included in Owl itself and these unofficial rebuilds of
Fedora packages are totally unsupported by the Openwall team.  In
particular, please do not expect security updates and such.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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Linux 2.4.30-ow3 is out and available at the usual location:


This version adds a fix to the ELF core dump vulnerability (CVE
CAN-2005-1263) discovered by Paul Starzetz:


Linux 2.2.x starting with 2.2.21-ow2(*) and 2.0.x kernels are unaffected.

Also included in 2.4.30-ow3 is a fix to an x86-64 DoS vulnerability
from Linux 2.4.31-pre1.

(*) For the curious:
Yes, I believe the iSEC advisory is incorrect in reporting all 2.2.x
kernels as affected.  I have yet to hear from them on whether this is
indeed the case.  I essentially had the bug fixed with 2.2.21-ow2 and
the fix went into 2.2.22.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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I'd like to tell about my torments with building Courier-Imap (courier-imap- server on Owl (current).

Previously there was need to install courier-authlib (courier-authlib-0.55) and after that Courier-Imap was compiled and installed correctly.

Postfix was taught to put incoming mail into Maildir:

# grep Maildir /etc/postfix/main.cf
mail_spool_directory = ~%u/Maildir

and when first mail came in $HOME/Maildir creates ./cur ./tmp ./new directories - all OK.

But when I try to get mail via IMAP or POP3 (popa3d switched off) I receive an error like this:

PAM_pwdb[18076]: get passwd; pwdb: request not recognized

Thoroughly discovered this situation I've found out that the problem in files /etc/pam.d/pop3|imap which were created there by installing courier-authlib. They contains such strings (both of them):

auth       required     /lib/security/pam_pwdb.so shadow nullok
account    required     /lib/security/pam_pwdb.so
session    required     /lib/security/pam_pwdb.so

After reading a lot of RTFM problem was solved by changing "auth" string into this way (honestly stolen from sshd|popa3d ;-) :
auth       required    /lib/security/pam_tcb.so shadow prefix=$2a$ count=8 debug

(debug not necessary :)

And _only_ after applying this change pop3 & imap services become ok.

Did anyone of You earlier saw this problem, and may be, found another way to resolve?

Perhaps I was wrong making this changes?

PS: Sorry for my poor english.

Best regards, SKYDIVER-RIPN
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On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 02:48:54PM +0400, Melekhov Alexandre A. wrote:
> PAM_pwdb[18076]: get passwd; pwdb: request not recognized

This is described in Owl/doc/REDHAT:

| 	pam_pwdb is not tcb-aware (Red Hat Linux 6.2 and below).
| The pam_pwdb module, provided for backwards compatibility with Red Hat
| Linux 6.2, is not aware of our new password shadowing scheme.  Thus,
| if you install packages from or intended for Red Hat Linux 6.2 or
| below which use PAM for authentication and you do use /etc/tcb, these
| packages will not work right.  The workaround is to edit their PAM
| configuration files to use pam_tcb instead of pam_pwdb.

Perhaps we should drop libpwdb and pam_pwdb entirely since _most_ Owl
systems do indeed use tcb.  We can even make pam_pwdb a symlink to pam_tcb.

> auth       required    /lib/security/pam_tcb.so shadow prefix=$2a$ count=8 debug
> Perhaps I was wrong making this changes?

No, you did the right thing.

Why use Courier and not dovecot, though?

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
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Hello Solar Designer.

On Fri, 13 May 2005 07:45:31 +0400, you wrote about "Re: [owl-users]
Courier-Imap server on Owl":

> Why use Courier and not dovecot, though?

Once I use dovecot for IMAP service. Don't remember exactly why, but I did not like it at all.

Why did you ask about it? Is it better?

Best regards, SKYDIVER-RIPN
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> Why use Courier and not dovecot, though?
No quota support for Maildirs for example (maybe no quota support at all) ?=

Honza Vlach

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On Fri, May 13, 2005 at 01:09:43PM +0400, Melekhov Alexandre A. wrote:
> > Why use Courier and not dovecot, though?
> Once I use dovecot for IMAP service. Don't remember exactly why, but I did not like it at all.
> Why did you ask about it? Is it better?

Unlike Courier, it's designed for security and thus is more in line
with Owl.  I think it is also not limited to Maildirs for storage.

If we'd ever include IMAP into Owl, dovecot is the primary candidate.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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On Fri, May 13, 2005 at 11:17:37AM +0200, Honza Vlach wrote:
> > Why use Courier and not dovecot, though?
> No quota support for Maildirs for example (maybe no quota support at all) ? 

Quota support should be in LDAs.  What's the rationale to also support
quotas in an IMAP server?  To prevent a user from storing excessive
amounts of their received mail into another folder?

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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On Sun, May 15, 2005 at 03:37:55PM +0400, Solar Designer wrote:

> > Why did you ask about it? Is it better?
> Unlike Courier, it's designed for security and thus is more in line
> with Owl.  I think it is also not limited to Maildirs for storage.

I've confirmed that dovecot includes both storages: Maildir and Mailbox.

> -- 
> Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>

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(GalaxyMaster) wrote:
> On Sun, May 15, 2005 at 03:37:55PM +0400, Solar Designer wrote:
>>>Why did you ask about it? Is it better?
>>Unlike Courier, it's designed for security and thus is more in line
>>with Owl.  I think it is also not limited to Maildirs for storage.
> I've confirmed that dovecot includes both storages: Maildir and Mailbox.

Is this on the "sometime in the future" TODO-list? I can prioritize it 
for the addons section if that's the case.

>>Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
> --
> (GM)

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson@private
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Lead Developer
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Hello Melekhov Alexandre A..

On Fri, 13 May 2005 13:09:43 +0400, you wrote about "Re: [owl-users]
Courier-Imap server on Owl":

> Hello Solar Designer.
> On Fri, 13 May 2005 07:45:31 +0400, you wrote about "Re: [owl-users]
> Courier-Imap server on Owl":
> > Why use Courier and not dovecot, though?
> Once I use dovecot for IMAP service. Don't remember exactly why, but I
> did not like it at all.

One more reason - extremely weak debugging possibility. In case of
*.*	/var/log/debug in /etc/syslog.conf from this daemon reseived just a few string like that - "file not found" or "No such file or drectory".

Best regards, SKYDIVER-RIPN
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Dear All:

Hallo. I am using Owl at work, and behind it I have a local net of three
computers. I am delighted with Owl, and must thank those responsible.

The owl machine itself does nothing but serve the other computers and the
web-connections. It has been running for several months now with no
problems. It runs virtually no services, only the firewall.

But, I now need to set up a web server, so that my students can use a
forum. I believe that the sensible way to do this (security is a big
issue), is to run the web server on a machine behind the firewall of Owl
on one of the local network machines.

These machines do not have public IPs, and so cannot be directly reached
from outside, that is of course the idea. They talk to the net through
the Owl machine.

In other words, the students need to http to the IP of the Owl machine,
which will direct their requests to one of the local machiensbehind it.
These machines run Linux.

However, I don't quite know how to begin. I mean, what should I be looking
for? a proxy, a special config for the firewall on the Owl machine, a
router? or what is it that I need?

I am not an expert, but I can usually manage by reading manuals etc. Only
in this case, I don't know what I need to read.

If someone could tell me what it is that I need to set up, I am sure that
I can manage.

I'd be very grateful if someone could just say: you need a "xxx".

With many thanks,


J.B. Lethbridge, PhD
English Seminar
University of Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 50
72074 Tuebingen
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> In other words, the students need to http to the IP of the Owl machine,
> which will direct their requests to one of the local machiensbehind it.
> These machines run Linux.

This is called 'static NAT' and is done with iptables with smth.
like this:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp
      -d --dport 80 -j DNAT

where is your "real" ip address, eth0 is your external
interface and is the machine running web server.

> J.B. Lethbridge, PhD

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J.B. Lethbridge wrote:
> Dear All:
> Hallo. I am using Owl at work, and behind it I have a local net of three
> computers. I am delighted with Owl, and must thank those responsible.

Glad you like it. :)

> In other words, the students need to http to the IP of the Owl machine,
> which will direct their requests to one of the local machiensbehind it.
> These machines run Linux.
> However, I don't quite know how to begin. I mean, what should I be looking
> for? a proxy, a special config for the firewall on the Owl machine, a
> router? or what is it that I need?

Destination NAT (portforwarding).

> If someone could tell me what it is that I need to set up, I am sure that
> I can manage.
> I'd be very grateful if someone could just say: you need a "xxx".

man iptables
info iptables

The resulting command will most likely look something like this;

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT 

if eth0 is the interface connected to internet, the inside webserver is and that server listens to port 8080 for inbound connections.

Note that this requires kernel-support, so if iptables complains about 
"target not found" or something like that you'll have to recompile the 
kernel. The configuration options are at Network Options -> Netfilter 
Configuration and requires "Network packet filtering" (also under 
Network Options") to be enabled.

Hope the example helps.

> With many thanks,

You're welcome.

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson@private
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Lead Developer
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Gosh! That's marvellous, thank you both very much indeed.


J.B. Lethbridge, PhD
English Seminar
University of Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 50
72074 Tuebingen
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Others have already responded to your particular question, so I'll
comment on your suggested solution instead:

On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 07:20:53PM +0200, J.B. Lethbridge wrote:
> But, I now need to set up a web server, so that my students can use a
> forum. I believe that the sensible way to do this (security is a big
> issue), is to run the web server on a machine behind the firewall of Owl
> on one of the local network machines.
> These machines do not have public IPs, and so cannot be directly reached
> from outside, that is of course the idea. They talk to the net through
> the Owl machine.
> In other words, the students need to http to the IP of the Owl machine,
> which will direct their requests to one of the local machiensbehind it.
> These machines run Linux.

You have these four main choices:

1. "Traditional."

Setup a DMZ (a network segment behind the firewall, but different
from one with your workstations on private IPs).  Place the web server
machine in the DMZ.  If you ever need to run more public services, you
can either place them on the same machine with your web server, or add
more machines into the DMZ.  It does not really matter whether you
place public (Internet routable) IP addresses on machines in the DMZ
or you use private addresses and NAT on the firewall, -- with
fail-close iptables filters on the firewall (default deny, allow
what's needed), there's no security difference between these approaches.

2. "For those who know what they're doing."

Place the web server machine next to the gateway/firewall machine,
on a public (Internet routable) IP address, too.  Unlike the gateway,
it will have only one interface with the public IP address on it.  If
you're using the same OS on both your firewall and the web server, you
do not really need to place the web server behind the firewall, -- you
can achieve the same effect by applying the appropriate iptables rules
right on the web server machine.

3. "For those who know and accept the risks they're taking."

Run the web server right on the Linux gateway/firewall machine.

4. "False sense of security."

Run the web server on a machine within your private network and do the
appropriate NAT setup on the firewall.

The first two options do not pose an additional risk to the security
of your internal network (where people might be running risky non-public
services on their workstations, such as print servers and NFS).

Options 3 and 4 are risky.  You're essentially introducing a hole into
your firewall setup.  Anyone having gained some access to your web
server machine (e.g., via a vulnerability in a CGI or mod_php script)
will be able to directly mount other attacks on your internal systems.

There's no significant security difference between options 3 and 4, so
you might as well pick the easiest (option 3).

A possible improvement for options 3 and 4 would be to protect your
internal network from web service compromises which do not result in a
root compromise.  You do this with the appropriate iptables rules on
traffic directed into the internal interface.  Obviously, if the
intruder does manage to extend their level of access to root, they'd
bypass the local iptables rules.  So you do not quite achieve the
level of security possible with options 1 and 2.

I am sorry to disappoint you, but what you've been suggesting is about
the worst thing you could possibly do, security/complexity-wise.

Hope this helps.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
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On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 05:20:44PM +0400, Melekhov Alexandre A. wrote:

> One more reason - extremely weak debugging possibility. In case of
> *.*	/var/log/debug in /etc/syslog.conf from this daemon reseived just a few string like that - "file not found" or "No such file or drectory".

Alexandre, just do "grep verbose /etc/dovecot.conf" and you'll get the control over its
verbosity :) Dovecot can produce a HUGE amount of debug messages :)))

> --
> ===========================
> Best regards, SKYDIVER-RIPN
> amel@private
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Dear Alexander:

Many thanks. I shall try a DMZ (option 2 is ruled out becasue I have only
the one public IP number). It sounds (touch wood) fairly straight-forward,
and the trick would be to let no outgoing calls from the DMZ onto the
public network (the internet), i.e., none inititated from inside the DMZ,
I assume. And this would be done through the good old trusty Owl server,
now in effect serving two private networks.

I shall let everyone know how it all works out, in case it might help
someone else.

Many thanks again,


J.B. Lethbridge, PhD
English Seminar
University of Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 50
72074 Tuebingen
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Hello There,

I've got serious problem with upgrading Owl to 1.1-stable.
After extracting native.tar.gz to /usr/src/world and copying there the 
'sources' directory, i've run 'make clean' and 'make buildworld'.
Then I received lot of failures, ie:
10:27:55: #1: Building SimplePAMApps
10:27:55: #2: Building SysVinit
10:27:55: #1: Failed SimplePAMApps
10:27:55: #2: Failed SysVinit
10:27:55: #2: Building acct
10:27:55: #1: Building autoconf
10:27:56: #2: Failed acct
10:27:56: #1: Failed autoconf

Logs says that:
File /usr/src/world/rpm-work-2/SOURCES/sysvinit-2.85.tar.gz: No such file 
or directory

Could You please give me a hint, what the heck am I messing here?

Thanks in advance,

regards, gniewko
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I'll start by giving some general advices which do not directly relate
to the problem you're having, but which will benefit you later on, and
which may be useful for other owl-users.

On Wed, May 25, 2005 at 02:36:40AM +0200, Gniewko wrote:
> I've got serious problem with upgrading Owl to 1.1-stable.

What version are you upgrading from?

My advice is to avoid jumping over Owl releases.  For example, if
you've got a 1.0, upgrade it to 1.1 first, then to 1.1-stable (or
to current).

> After extracting native.tar.gz to /usr/src/world and copying there the 
> 'sources' directory,

You did this as user "build", correct?

> i've run 'make clean' and 'make buildworld'.

That's fine, but please be aware that with "source-based" upgrades
multiple iterations of buildworld/installworld may be required.  If
you're merely upgrading a 1.1 to a 1.1-stable, there should be no need
for multiple iterations, -- but bigger source-based upgrades might not
go nearly as smoothly.  In fact, we've also faced and hacked around
some chicken-egg problems between Owl 1.1 and Owl-current.  This means
that upgrading from 1.1 or 1.1-stable to current or to the next
release will have to be done with binaries only (or you'd have to
fight the same problems again).  Hopefully, these occurrences won't be
frequent in future development of Owl.

Now, let's approach the problem at hand:

> Then I received lot of failures, ie:
> 10:27:55: #1: Building SimplePAMApps
> 10:27:55: #2: Building SysVinit
> 10:27:55: #1: Failed SimplePAMApps
> 10:27:55: #2: Failed SysVinit
> 10:27:55: #2: Building acct
> 10:27:55: #1: Building autoconf
> 10:27:56: #2: Failed acct
> 10:27:56: #1: Failed autoconf
> [...]
> Logs says that:
> File /usr/src/world/rpm-work-2/SOURCES/sysvinit-2.85.tar.gz: No such file 
> or directory
> [...]

This means that your sources directory is broken.  It could be missing
files, have wrong permissions, or be from a wrong version of Owl.

How did you obtain it?

The two easy ways which are known to work right are:

1. Minimum download size for just this version of Owl:

$ lftp ftp://ftp.man.szczecin.pl/pub/Linux/Owl/
# Substitute your favorite Owl mirror here
lftp ... > cd 1.1-stable
lftp ... > mirror -L sources

Please note the "-L".

2. Complete download for multiple branches of Owl:

$ lftp ftp://ftp.man.szczecin.pl/pub/Linux/Owl/
# Substitute your favorite Owl mirror here
lftp ... > mirror pool
lftp ... > mirror 1.1-stable
lftp ... > mirror ...other branches...

Good luck!

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

Was I helpful?  Please give your feedback here: http://rate.affero.net/solar
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Update Owl to CURRENT (2005-06-01).
Run DrWeb Daemon (static version):

Dr.Web (R) daemon for Linux, version 4.32.2 (2004-11-01)
Copyright (c) Igor Daniloff, 1992-2004
Doctor Web Ltd., Moscow, Russia
Support service: http://support.drweb.com
To purchase: http://buy.drweb.com

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

core: ftp://tma.spb.ru/pvt/drwebd.core.gz

Please, help me!

Maxim Timofeyev
JabberID: tma@private
E-Mail: tma@private
WWW: http://tma.spb.ru
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On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 03:05:39PM +0400, Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
> Hello!
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> core: ftp://tma.spb.ru/pvt/drwebd.core.gz
> Please, help me!

Could you send a backtrace to me?

1. Execute "gdb -c core"
2. Execute "bt" inside gdb
3. Copy the backtrace output
4. E-mail it to me :)

> -- 
> Maxim Timofeyev

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gdb -c core
GNU gdb 6.3
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i386-openwall-linux".

Using host libthread_db library "/lib/libthread_db.so.1".
Core was generated by `./drwebd'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x00000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00000000 in ?? ()
#1  0x0020c767 in ?? ()
#2  0x0024e180 in ?? ()
#3  0x00113dce in ?? ()
#4  0x006d66be in ?? ()
#5  0x00113c54 in ?? ()
#6  0xbfffe690 in ?? ()
#7  0x081c8f48 in ?? ()
#8  0x00000001 in ?? ()
#9  0x00000000 in ?? ()
#10 0x0024e000 in ?? ()
#11 0x081c9028 in ?? ()
#12 0x08153aec in ?? ()
#13 0x0c1b531f in ?? ()
#14 0x00122274 in ?? ()
#15 0xbfffe6ac in ?? ()
#16 0xbfffe6b0 in ?? ()
#17 0x00181cf0 in ?? ()
#18 0x0023300c in ?? ()
#19 0x00234a20 in ?? ()
#20 0x00000000 in ?? ()
#21 0xbfffe6cc in ?? ()
#22 0x00181ebc in ?? ()
#23 0x00000000 in ?? ()
#24 0x00000000 in ?? ()
#25 0xbfffe710 in ?? ()
#26 0x081c8df8 in ?? ()
#27 0x081b4e7c in ?? ()
#28 0x081c8df8 in ?? ()
#29 0x00127a84 in ?? ()
#30 0x081c9028 in ?? ()
#31 0x0d696910 in ?? ()
#32 0x081c9028 in ?? ()
#33 0x00002c78 in ?? ()
#34 0xbfffe6e4 in ?? ()
#35 0x08147b11 in ?? ()
#36 0x081c91c4 in ?? ()
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---


(GalaxyMaster) пишет:
> On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 03:05:39PM +0400, Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
>>Segmentation fault (core dumped)
>>core: ftp://tma.spb.ru/pvt/drwebd.core.gz
>>Please, help me!
> Could you send a backtrace to me?
> 1. Execute "gdb -c core"
> 2. Execute "bt" inside gdb
> 3. Copy the backtrace output
> 4. E-mail it to me :)
>>Maxim Timofeyev
> --
> (GM)

С уважением,
Тимофеев МакÑим Ðнатольевич
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Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2005 15:20:49 +0400
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Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
> Hello!
> Update Owl to CURRENT (2005-06-01).
> Run DrWeb Daemon (static version):
> (ftp://ftp.drweb.ru/pub/unix/Linux/Generic/drweb-4.32.2-glibc2.3.tar.gz)

Have you tried dynamically linked version?  And.. I'm not
sure drweb is still available as statically-linked executable.

Note that static version should NOT be affected by system update,
unless that update affects kernel too, and there should be quite
significant changes in kernel to cause programs to crash like that.

> ../drwebd
> Dr.Web (R) daemon for Linux, version 4.32.2 (2004-11-01)
> Copyright (c) Igor Daniloff, 1992-2004
> Doctor Web Ltd., Moscow, Russia
> Support service: http://support.drweb.com
> To purchase: http://buy.drweb.com
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> core: ftp://tma.spb.ru/pvt/drwebd.core.gz

Please load it in gdb and do a backtrace.
And with that, depending on the result, ask drweb support, I think.
They're quite responsive.

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Dynamically linked version:

./drwebd: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

kernel version: 2.4.30 with linux-2.4.30-ow3.diff

Michael Tokarev ÐÉÛÅÔ:
> Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Update Owl to CURRENT (2005-06-01).
>> Run DrWeb Daemon (static version):
>> (ftp://ftp.drweb.ru/pub/unix/Linux/Generic/drweb-4.32.2-glibc2.3.tar.gz)
> Have you tried dynamically linked version?  And.. I'm not
> sure drweb is still available as statically-linked executable.
> Note that static version should NOT be affected by system update,
> unless that update affects kernel too, and there should be quite
> significant changes in kernel to cause programs to crash like that.
>> ../drwebd
>> Dr.Web (R) daemon for Linux, version 4.32.2 (2004-11-01)
>> Copyright (c) Igor Daniloff, 1992-2004
>> Doctor Web Ltd., Moscow, Russia
>> Support service: http://support.drweb.com
>> To purchase: http://buy.drweb.com
>> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
>> core: ftp://tma.spb.ru/pvt/drwebd.core.gz
> Please load it in gdb and do a backtrace.
> And with that, depending on the result, ask drweb support, I think.
> They're quite responsive.
> /mjt

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On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 03:31:24PM +0400, Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
> Hello!
> Dynamically linked version:
> ./drwebd: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open
> shared object file: No such file or directory
> kernel version: 2.4.30 with linux-2.4.30-ow3.diff

Huh... Just install the libstdc++-v5-compat package :) It's easy! :)

rpm -Uvh ~build/RPM/libstdc++-v5-compat*.rpm

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On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 03:33:45PM +0400, (GalaxyMaster) wrote:

> Huh... Just install the libstdc++-v5-compat package :) It's easy! :)
> rpm -Uvh ~build/RPM/libstdc++-v5-compat*.rpm
excuse me, this is the correct command:
rpm -Uvh ~build/RPMS/libstdc++-v5-compat-*.rpm

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Please take me out of your adressbooks. I'm not interested in this kind
of informations anymore. Thank you.
Yours sincerely

Mit freundlichen Grüssen, 
Thomas Vaasen

PC- Drucker- und Serveradministration
TimiCom / EDV-Lösungen
84144 Geisenhausen
Tel:  +49 (0) 8743 / 96 91 49
Fax: +49 (0) 8743 / 96 92 31

-----Original Message-----
Date: Thu,  2 Jun 2005 13:11:16 +0200
Subject: Re: [owl-users] HELP! DrWeb core dumped
From: "(GalaxyMaster)" <galaxy@private>
To: owl-users@private

On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 03:05:39PM +0400, Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
> Hello!
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> core: ftp://tma.spb.ru/pvt/drwebd.core.gz
> Please, help me!

Could you send a backtrace to me?

1. Execute "gdb -c core"
2. Execute "bt" inside gdb
3. Copy the backtrace output
4. E-mail it to me :)

> --
> Maxim Timofeyev

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Install libstdc++-v5-compat-*.rpm
# rpm -Uhv libstdc++-v5-compat-*.rpm

Run drwebd.static
# ./drwebd.static
Dr.Web (R) daemon for Linux, version 4.32.2 (2004-11-01)
Copyright (c) Igor Daniloff, 1992-2004
Doctor Web Ltd., Moscow, Russia
Support service: http://support.drweb.com
To purchase: http://buy.drweb.com

Segmentation fault

Run dynamically linked version:
# ./drwebd
Dr.Web (R) daemon for Linux, version 4.32.2 (2004-11-01)
Copyright (c) Igor Daniloff, 1992-2004
Doctor Web Ltd., Moscow, Russia
Support service: http://support.drweb.com
To purchase: http://buy.drweb.com

Engine version: 4.32b
Loading /var/drweb/bases/drwtoday.vdb - Ok, virus records: 349
[ skip ]

All ok. Why static version was core dumped?

(GalaxyMaster) пишет:
> On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 03:33:45PM +0400, (GalaxyMaster) wrote:
>>Huh... Just install the libstdc++-v5-compat package :) It's easy! :)
>>rpm -Uvh ~build/RPM/libstdc++-v5-compat*.rpm
> excuse me, this is the correct command:
> rpm -Uvh ~build/RPMS/libstdc++-v5-compat-*.rpm
> --
> (GM)

С уважением,
Тимофеев МакÑим Ðнатольевич
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On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 04:54:21PM +0400, Maxim Timofeyev wrote:

> All ok. Why static version was core dumped?

Perhaps this topic goes out of the scope for owl-users. Unfortunately,
I've never used Dr.Web, so I can't help you with this investigation,

Try to direct you question to Dr.Web technical support. IMHO, it's
their area of responsibility, but Openwall.

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(GalaxyMaster) wrote:

> Try to direct you question to Dr.Web technical support. IMHO, it's
> their area of responsibility, but Openwall.

Ok, thanks.

Maxim Timofeyev
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Subject: [owl-users] problem with make installworld?
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Using right now installed final Owl (ftp://ftp.ru.openwall.com/pub/Owl/current/iso/Owl-current-20050306-i386.iso.gz) and trying to keep it up to date with "make installworld" I've got some strange error:

13:56:58: Installing ltrace (ltrace-0.3.36-owl1.i386.rpm)
error: Failed dependencies:
        libelf.so.1 is needed by ltrace-0.3.36-owl1
        libelf.so.1(ELFUTILS_1.0) is needed by ltrace-0.3.36-owl1
13:56:58: Failed ltrace

Looking through whole output I cannot find any reminder about ELFUTILS.


backup!root:/usr/src/world/RPMS# rpm -Uhv elfutils-libelf-0.108-owl1.i386.rpm elfutils-libelf-devel-0.108-owl1.i386.rpm 
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:elfutils-libelf        ########################################### [ 50%]
   2:elfutils-libelf-devel  ########################################### [100%]
backup!root:/usr/src/world/RPMS# rpm -Uhv ltrace-0.3.36-owl1.i386.rpm 
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:ltrace                 ########################################### [100%]

it becomes OK (againg using make installworld for full list of RPMS):

14:11:30: Installing ltrace (ltrace-0.3.36-owl1.i386.rpm)
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:ltrace                 ########################################### [100%]

was it a temporary problem with including elfutils-libelf to installworld list?

Best regards, SKYDIVER-RIPN
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On Wed, Jun 22, 2005 at 06:23:42PM +0400, Melekhov Alexandre A. wrote:
> 13:56:58: Installing ltrace (ltrace-0.3.36-owl1.i386.rpm)
> error: Failed dependencies:
>         libelf.so.1 is needed by ltrace-0.3.36-owl1
>         libelf.so.1(ELFUTILS_1.0) is needed by ltrace-0.3.36-owl1
> 13:56:58: Failed ltrace

This was a bug: we've recently updated ltrace, but forgot to update
installorder.conf accordingly.  It will be fixed in the next snapshot.


Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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This is a cumulative announcement for three Openwall news items, with
the oldest in fact not being very new.  I did not want to "spam" the
announcements list by exceeding my promised rate of 1-2 postings a month.

I'll start with the book.  I hope owl-users will excuse me for the plug.

Silence on the Wire is Michal Zalewski's first book.  I had the
privilege to serve as the technical reviewer for the book and to write
the foreword for it.  And I've just setup a web page dedicated to the


SotW is a gem of a book.  It is truly unique in many aspects, and a must
have for anyone curious to learn of the lesser-known security threats
with modern computing, as well as of the inner workings of computers and
computer networks.  As a reviewer wrote, the book is "thought-provoking",
which was precisely the goal.  Needless to say, I highly recommend that
you order your copy now. :-)

Now, to the less exciting news.  Yes, there's a new ISO-9660 image of
Owl-current.  The latest one, dated 2005/07/03, is based around Linux
2.4.31-ow1, glibc 2.3.5+, OpenSSL 0.9.7g, Postfix 2.2.4, as well as very
recent coreutils, findutils, and other packages.  Dmitry V. Levin, who
was involved with Owl for years but has joined our core team just
recently, was the one to contribute the most to keeping Owl up to date
this time around, and, as expected, I find the quality of his work to be
exceptionally high.

The download size (of the gzipped ISO) is up to 383 MB, and it occupies
around 620 MB on a CD.  (Yes, we'll have to be dealing with those size
increases.  Owl must not outgrow a single CD any time soon.)

The change log (listing the major changes only) is available here:


The download locations are as usual:


We've lost a couple of mirrors, though.  BTW, we're still looking for a
second US mirror, as well as for mirrors in Canada and Japan.  Our
mirroring instructions are available here:


The new ISO is available as Owl-current-20050703-i386.iso.gz under
/pub/Owl/current/iso.  Its integrity may be verified by checking the
detached PGP signature for iso.mtree (found in the same directory) and
by checking the gzipped ISO against its recorded cryptographic digests
with mtree.  The shell commands may be as follows:

	gpg iso.mtree.sign
	mtree -f iso.mtree

Finally, the Linux 2.4.31-ow1 kernel patch is available separately from
Owl, at the usual location:


For most systems, Linux 2.4.31-ow1 is essentially the same as 2.4.30-ow3,
so upgrading from that version is not needed.  Upgrading from even older
versions may be needed (please review the security notes on the above
web page and/or past announcements).

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

Was I helpful?  Please give your feedback here: http://rate.affero.net/solar

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This is to announce two new "development" releases:

John the Ripper 1.6.39 is out.  It is available from the usual location:


Additionally, up-to-date documentation for John the Ripper is now
available online:


Changes in 1.6.39 (since 1.6.38) include:

- the massive documentation update;

- a fix for the "john --show" bug affecting split hashes (LM and
bigcrypt/crypt16) introduced with 1.6.38 (thanks to Stephen Cartwright
for the bug report);

- the addition of a Mac OS X on Intel make target (thanks to Brian

- the addition of a sample case toggler (in the default john.conf) for
cracking MD4-based NTLM hashes (with the contributed patch) given
already cracked DES-based LM hashes.

The other new "development" snapshot is the Owl-current ISO-9660 image
(dated 2005/09/13) featuring an initial version of our new installer,
available for download under /pub/Owl/current/iso on the FTP mirrors:


The new installer, developed by Andrey V. Stolyarov, is a C++
application.  Unlike the old shell/dialog-based configuration utility
(which has been retired), the new installer will actually guide the user
through the entire installation process.  Although the initial user
interface is very spartan, the plan is to enhance this installer with a
second ncurses/cdk-based UI.

Other packages significantly updated since the last ISO snapshot (July 3,
2005) include: LILO, OpenSSH, mtree, strace, Postfix, sysklogd,
libutempter, Linux-PAM, SimplePAMApps, tcb, procps, and John the Ripper.
Please refer to the change log for descriptions of these changes:


Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

Was I helpful?  Please give your feedback here: http://rate.affero.net/solar
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This should really be discussed on owl-users.

On Sat, Sep 17, 2005 at 02:28:05AM +0600, damir bikmuhametov wrote:
> I've just downloaded new ISO from the ftp1.msk.openwall.com and tried to
> boot off it. With no luck.
> Previous ISO prompts me for boot CD location (ide-primary-master,
> ide-primary-slave etc) while newer one just starts booting
> ide-secondary-master.
> I didn't investigate this issue - just switched my dvd-rom to the
> secondary controller and made it to be a master. Viola! I can boot Owl.

Thank you for the problem report.

I've just tried on two different computers and I can't reproduce this.
The LILO menu is displayed properly.

Can you still reproduce this?  Will LILO prompt appear if you hold Shift
during bootup?

Can anyone else reproduce this problem?

We've changed LILO version between these two ISO snapshots.  Perhaps the
new version is behaving differently in some cases (a bug?)

Thanks again,

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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On Sat, Sep 17, 2005 at 02:29:50PM +0400, Solar Designer wrote:

> > Previous ISO prompts me for boot CD location (ide-primary-master,
> > ide-primary-slave etc) while newer one just starts booting
> > ide-secondary-master.

> Can you still reproduce this?


> Will LILO prompt appear if you hold Shift during bootup?


My (pretty crappy) hardware is:

ASUS P4S800-MX SE motherboard (SiS chipset) with 256 Mb RAM and 2.0Ghz
Celeron CPU,
HITACHI Deskstar IC35L060AVV207-0 IDE drive,
LG GSA-4163B DVD dribe (ROM VER: A101)

When both IDE devices are on the single IDE cable (HDD = master and
DVD = slave), I've got no LILO prompt. LILO just starts loading
ide-sec-master image w/o any delay. The output follows:

=== cut ===
LILO 22.7 Loading ide-sec-maser

<clear screen>

BIOS data check

Map file write; BIOS error code = 0x01

Map file write; BIOS error code = 0x01

Loading Linux ...

<clear screen>


NET 4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET 4.0.
VFS: Cannot open root device "1600" or 16:00, retrying in 1s.
VFS: Cannot open root device "1600" or 16:00, retrying in 1s.
VFS: Cannot open root device "1600" or 16:00, retrying in 1s.
VFS: Cannot open root device "1600" or 16:00, retrying in 1s.
VFS: Cannot open root device "1600" or 16:00, retrying in 1s.
VFS: Cannot open root device "1600" or 16:00, retrying in 1s.
VFS: Cannot open root device "1600" or 16:00, retrying in 1s.
VFS: Cannot open root device "1600" or 16:00, retrying in 1s.
VFS: Cannot open root device "1600" or 16:00, retrying in 1s.
VFS: Cannot open root device "1600" or 16:00
Please append a correct "root=" boot option
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 16:00
=== cut ===

I've attached dmesg and /proc/pci (just in case).

PS. That machine was supposed to be a testbed for Oracle DBMS.  I've
successfully installed Oracle 10g Enterprise Server on it.  Although,
I didn't test it yet. If you are interested, I can report my way


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=dmesg

Linux version 2.4.31-ow1 (root@private) (gcc version 3.4.3) #2 SMP Sat Sep 17 19:44:50 YEKST 2005
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
 BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009fc00 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 000000000009fc00 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 00000000000e4000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 000000000efc0000 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 000000000efc0000 - 000000000efd0000 (ACPI data)
 BIOS-e820: 000000000efd0000 - 000000000f000000 (ACPI NVS)
 BIOS-e820: 00000000ff7c0000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
239MB LOWMEM available.
found SMP MP-table at 000ff780
hm, page 000ff000 reserved twice.
hm, page 00100000 reserved twice.
hm, page 000f0000 reserved twice.
hm, page 000f1000 reserved twice.
On node 0 totalpages: 61376
zone(0): 4096 pages.
zone(1): 57280 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.
ACPI: RSDP (v000 ACPIAM                                    ) @ 0x000fb2b0
ACPI: RSDT (v001 A M I  OEMRSDT  0x02000524 MSFT 0x00000097) @ 0x0efc0000
ACPI: FADT (v002 A M I  OEMFACP  0x02000524 MSFT 0x00000097) @ 0x0efc0200
ACPI: MADT (v001 A M I  OEMAPIC  0x02000524 MSFT 0x00000097) @ 0x0efc0390
ACPI: OEMB (v001 A M I  AMI_OEM  0x02000524 MSFT 0x00000097) @ 0x0efd0040
ACPI: DSDT (v001  A0211 A0211026 0x00000026 INTL 0x02002026) @ 0x00000000
ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
Processor #0 Pentium 4(tm) XEON(tm) APIC version 20
ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x02] lapic_id[0x81] disabled)
Processor #129 invalid (max 16)
Using ACPI for processor (LAPIC) configuration information
Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.4
    Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
OEM ID: SiS      Product ID:  APIC at: 0xFEE00000
I/O APIC #1 Version 17 at 0xFEC00000.
Enabling APIC mode: Flat.	Using 1 I/O APICs
Processors: 1
Kernel command line: auto BOOT_IMAGE=Linux ro root=301
Initializing CPU#0
Detected 1995.419 MHz processor.
Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 3984.58 BogoMIPS
Memory: 239912k/245504k available (1485k kernel code, 5204k reserved, 326k data, 296k init, 0k highmem)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
Inode cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
Mount cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Buffer cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Page-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
CPU: Trace cache: 12K uops, L1 D cache: 8K
CPU: L2 cache: 128K
CPU: Hyper-Threading is disabled
Intel machine check architecture supported.
Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0.
CPU:     After generic, caps: bfebfbff 00000000 00000000 00000000
CPU:             Common caps: bfebfbff 00000000 00000000 00000000
Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done.
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
CPU: Trace cache: 12K uops, L1 D cache: 8K
CPU: L2 cache: 128K
CPU: Hyper-Threading is disabled
Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0.
CPU:     After generic, caps: bfebfbff 00000000 00000000 00000000
CPU:             Common caps: bfebfbff 00000000 00000000 00000000
CPU0: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.00GHz stepping 09
per-CPU timeslice cutoff: 365.66 usecs.
enabled ExtINT on CPU#0
ESR value before enabling vector: 00000000
ESR value after enabling vector: 00000000
Error: only one processor found.
Setting 1 in the phys_id_present_map
...changing IO-APIC physical APIC ID to 1 ... ok.
 IO-APIC (apicid-pin) 1-0, 1-11, 1-17, 1-18, 1-20, 1-21, 1-22, 1-23 not connected.
..TIMER: vector=0x31 pin1=2 pin2=0
number of MP IRQ sources: 17.
number of IO-APIC #1 registers: 24.
testing the IO APIC.......................

IO APIC #1......
.... register #00: 01000000
.......    : physical APIC id: 01
.......    : Delivery Type: 0
.......    : LTS          : 0
.... register #01: 00178011
.......     : max redirection entries: 0017
.......     : PRQ implemented: 1
.......     : IO APIC version: 0011
.... register #02: 01000000
.......     : arbitration: 01
.... IRQ redirection table:
 NR Log Phy Mask Trig IRR Pol Stat Dest Deli Vect:   
 00 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
 01 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    39
 02 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    31
 03 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    41
 04 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    49
 05 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    51
 06 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    59
 07 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    61
 08 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    69
 09 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    71
 0a 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    79
 0b 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
 0c 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    81
 0d 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    89
 0e 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    91
 0f 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    99
 10 001 01  1    1    0   1   0    1    1    A1
 11 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
 12 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
 13 001 01  1    1    0   1   0    1    1    A9
 14 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
 15 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
 16 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
 17 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
IRQ to pin mappings:
IRQ0 -> 0:2
IRQ1 -> 0:1
IRQ3 -> 0:3
IRQ4 -> 0:4
IRQ5 -> 0:5
IRQ6 -> 0:6
IRQ7 -> 0:7
IRQ8 -> 0:8
IRQ9 -> 0:9
IRQ10 -> 0:10
IRQ12 -> 0:12
IRQ13 -> 0:13
IRQ14 -> 0:14
IRQ15 -> 0:15
IRQ16 -> 0:16
IRQ19 -> 0:19
.................................... done.
Using local APIC timer interrupts.
calibrating APIC timer ...
..... CPU clock speed is 1995.3464 MHz.
..... host bus clock speed is 99.7672 MHz.
cpu: 0, clocks: 997672, slice: 498836
Waiting on wait_init_idle (map = 0x0)
All processors have done init_idle
PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xf0031, last bus=1
PCI: Using configuration type 1
PCI: Probing PCI hardware
PCI: Probing PCI hardware (bus 00)
PCI: Using IRQ router SIS5595 [1039/0964] at 00:02.0
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: (B0,I4,P0) -> 19
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: (B1,I0,P0) -> 16
Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4
Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
Initializing RT netlink socket
Starting kswapd
Journalled Block Device driver loaded
Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996 okir@private).
Detected PS/2 Mouse Port.
pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured
Serial driver version 5.05c (2001-07-08) with MANY_PORTS SHARE_IRQ SERIAL_PCI enabled
ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
keyboard: Timeout - AT keyboard not present?(ed)
keyboard: Timeout - AT keyboard not present?(f4)
sis900.c: v1.08.07 11/02/2003
eth0: Realtek RTL8201 PHY transceiver found at address 1.
eth0: Using transceiver found at address 1 as default
eth0: SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet at 0xd800, IRQ 19, 00:13:d4:43:78:15.
Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00beta4-2.4
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
SIS5513: IDE controller at PCI slot 00:02.5
SIS5513: chipset revision 1
SIS5513: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
SIS5513: SiS 962/963 MuTIOL IDE UDMA133 controller
    ide0: BM-DMA at 0xffa0-0xffa7, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:DMA
    ide1: BM-DMA at 0xffa8-0xffaf, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:DMA
hda: IC35L060AVV207-0, ATA DISK drive
blk: queue c035f320, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask 0xffffffff)
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
hda: attached ide-disk driver.
hda: host protected area => 1
hda: 80418240 sectors (41174 MB) w/1821KiB Cache, CHS=5005/255/63, UDMA(100)
hdc: attached ide-cdrom driver.
hdc: ATAPI 79X DVD-ROM DVD-R-RAM CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache, UDMA(33)
Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.12
Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2 hda3
NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP
IP: routing cache hash table of 2048 buckets, 16Kbytes
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 16384)
ip_conntrack version 2.1 (1918 buckets, 15344 max) - 288 bytes per conntrack
ip_tables: (C) 2000-2002 Netfilter core team
ipt_recent v0.3.1: Stephen Frost <sfrost@private>.  http://snowman.net/projects/ipt_recent/
arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller
NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.
kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
VFS: Mounted root (ext3 filesystem) readonly.
Freeing unused kernel memory: 296k freed
Adding Swap: 1004052k swap-space (priority -1)
EXT3 FS 2.4-0.9.19, 19 August 2002 on ide0(3,1), internal journal
kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3 FS 2.4-0.9.19, 19 August 2002 on ide0(3,3), internal journal
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
eth0: Media Link On 10mbps half-duplex 

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PCI devices found:
  Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
    Host bridge: PCI device 1039:0661 (Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]) (rev 17).
      Master Capable.  Latency=32.  
      Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe0000000 [0xe1ffffff].
  Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
    PCI bridge: PCI device 1039:0003 (Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]) (rev 0).
      Master Capable.  Latency=64.  Min Gnt=10.
  Bus  0, device   2, function  0:
    ISA bridge: PCI device 1039:0964 (Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]) (rev 54).
  Bus  0, device   2, function  5:
    IDE interface: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 5513 [IDE] (rev 1).
      Master Capable.  Latency=128.  
      I/O at 0xffa0 [0xffaf].
  Bus  0, device   4, function  0:
    Ethernet controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] SiS900 10/100 Ethernet (rev 144).
      IRQ 19.
      Master Capable.  Latency=64.  Min Gnt=52.Max Lat=11.
      I/O at 0xd800 [0xd8ff].
      Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd7eff000 [0xd7efffff].
  Bus  1, device   0, function  0:
    VGA compatible controller: PCI device 1039:6330 (Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]) (rev 0).
      IRQ 16.
      Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd8000000 [0xdfffffff].
      Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xd7fe0000 [0xd7ffffff].
      I/O at 0xec00 [0xec7f].

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Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 11:52:34 +0400
From: gremlin@private
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Subject: Re: [owl-users] Re: Owl-20050913
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On Sat, Sep 17, 2005 at 02:29:50PM +0400, Solar Designer wrote:

 > > I've just downloaded new ISO from the ftp1.msk.openwall.com and tried to
 > > boot off it. With no luck.
 > > Previous ISO prompts me for boot CD location (ide-primary-master,
 > > ide-primary-slave etc) while newer one just starts booting
 > > ide-secondary-master.
 > > I didn't investigate this issue - just switched my dvd-rom to the
 > > secondary controller and made it to be a master. Viola! I can boot Owl.

 > Thank you for the problem report.
 > I've just tried on two different computers and I can't reproduce this.
 > The LILO menu is displayed properly.
 > Can you still reproduce this?  Will LILO prompt appear if you hold Shift
 > during bootup?
 > Can anyone else reproduce this problem?

Yes. It seems like boot-text.b was used instead of boot-menu.b - that really
confused even me :-)

 > We've changed LILO version between these two ISO snapshots.  Perhaps the
 > new version is behaving differently in some cases (a bug?)

I fixed that by rebuilding the ISO - possibly, we should do the same with
official image.

Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin
<gremlin ðòé gremlin ôþë ru>
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Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 00:58:28 +0400
From: Solar Designer <solar@private>
To: owl-users@private
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X-Spam-Status: No, score=-1.7 required=5.0 tests=AWL,BAYES_00,
	SUBJ_HAS_UNIQ_ID autolearn=no version=3.0.0

On Sun, Sep 18, 2005 at 11:52:34AM +0400, gremlin@private wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 17, 2005 at 02:29:50PM +0400, Solar Designer wrote:
>  > Can anyone else reproduce this problem?
> Yes.

Thanks...  So we've got something to fix.

What hardware are you using?  Can you try the non-rebuilt new ISO on
more machines?

Similarly, can anyone else (besides me) report that the new ISO does
indeed work OK for them, giving the LILO boot menu?  (Without the
hold-Shift workaround.)

> It seems like boot-text.b was used instead of boot-menu.b - that really
> confused even me :-)

There are no such files in the new LILO package that we're using now.
The *.b files are linked into LILO.

>  > We've changed LILO version between these two ISO snapshots.  Perhaps the
>  > new version is behaving differently in some cases (a bug?)
> I fixed that by rebuilding the ISO - possibly, we should do the same with
> official image.

What exactly did you do?  Did you revert to our previous version of LILO
(22.1 instead of the new 22.7), perhaps by running floppy-update.sh
non-chrooted on a system with the old LILO installed?  If so, then
_that_ is what fixed the problem, -- but it's not what we would like to
do.  We need to find and fix the bug, not revert LILO.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

Was I helpful?  Please give your feedback here: http://rate.affero.net/solar
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We'll be dealing with the LILO issue - thank you!

On Sun, Sep 18, 2005 at 03:35:17AM +0600, damir bikmuhametov wrote:
> PS. That machine was supposed to be a testbed for Oracle DBMS.  I've
> successfully installed Oracle 10g Enterprise Server on it.  Although,
> I didn't test it yet. If you are interested, I can report my way
> later.

Yes, please do post to owl-users - under another Subject.

> Linux version 2.4.31-ow1 (root@private) (gcc version 3.4.3) #2 SMP Sat Sep 17 19:44:50 YEKST 2005

On Owl, you're supposed to be building kernels as user "sources", not root.

Thanks again,

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 02:07:32AM +0400, Solar Designer wrote:

> > Linux version 2.4.31-ow1 (root@private) (gcc version 3.4.3) #2 SMP Sat Sep 17 19:44:50 YEKST 2005
> On Owl, you're supposed to be building kernels as user "sources", not root.

So did I. I've compiled kernel sources under "sources" account. Then
I've switched back to "root" and made "make install".

What procedure should I follow when compiling linux kernel?

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On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 12:58:28AM +0400, Solar Designer wrote:

> Thanks...  So we've got something to fix.

What if try to switch off all optimization when building LILO?

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On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 08:52:25AM +0600, damir bikmuhametov wrote:
> What if try to switch off all optimization when building LILO?

You can try this if you like, but the problem does not appear to be a

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 08:49:29AM +0600, damir bikmuhametov wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 02:07:32AM +0400, Solar Designer wrote:
> > > Linux version 2.4.31-ow1 (root@private) (gcc version 3.4.3) #2 SMP Sat Sep 17 19:44:50 YEKST 2005
> > 
> > On Owl, you're supposed to be building kernels as user "sources", not root.
> So did I. I've compiled kernel sources under "sources" account. Then
> I've switched back to "root" and made "make install".

Well, maybe "make install" re-compiled some of the sources for some

> What procedure should I follow when compiling linux kernel?

What you've described is correct, except that I normally install the
kernel image (bzImage on x86) and System.map manually.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 07:10:30AM +0400, Solar Designer wrote:

> > > On Owl, you're supposed to be building kernels as user "sources", not root.
> > 
> > So did I. I've compiled kernel sources under "sources" account. Then
> > I've switched back to "root" and made "make install".
> Well, maybe "make install" re-compiled some of the sources for some
> reason.

"make install" _definitely_ runs gcc before actual installing new
kernel, so that is the reason I've got such Id.

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Subject: [owl-users] Owl -> SATA only i386 machine
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Is there any way to install Owl on an i386 machine that has only SATA
IDE drives? My SATA controller (it identifies itself as "Silicon
integrated Systems" during bootup) is not recognized by the Owl
kernel that is shipped with the latest Owl ISO.

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On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 02:54:15PM +0600, damir bikmuhametov wrote:
> Is there any way to install Owl on an i386 machine that has only SATA
> IDE drives? My SATA controller (it identifies itself as "Silicon
> integrated Systems" during bootup) is not recognized by the Owl
> kernel that is shipped with the latest Owl ISO.

Damir, I've installed Owl on Silicon SATA two weeks ago.  You need to
build a module for your SATA controller and then load it with insmod.

Usually, I'm using /tmp to untar kernel source, since /tmp is located in
RAM.  After untarring and changing current working directory to the
directory with linux sources, just do "make menuconfig", enable your
Silicon controller (you should build it as a module),  then
"make dep modules".  When the build process is finished, locate the
compiled module in the kernel source tree and insmod that module to
the running kernel.

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On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 02:54:15PM +0600, damir bikmuhametov wrote:

 > Is there any way to install Owl on an i386 machine that has only SATA
 > IDE drives? My SATA controller (it identifies itself as "Silicon
 > integrated Systems" during bootup) is not recognized by the Owl
 > kernel that is shipped with the latest Owl ISO.

Yes. Build needed monolithic kernel as usual (make bzImage), and then:

dd bs=1440k count=1 if=/dev/zero of=floppy.image
mkdir -p floppy
mount floppy.image floppy/ -o loop=/dev/loop0
mkdir -m 700 floppy/boot
cp -p boot.b bzImage floppy/boot/
cat > lilo-floppy.conf << __EOF
# change /dev/hda to your CD-ROM device
lilo -C lilo-floppy.conf
dd bs=1440k count=1 if=floppy.image of=/dev/fd0

Then simply boot from that floppy.

Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin
<gremlin ðòé gremlin ôþë ru>
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Subject: [owl-users] Openwall on Sun Enterprise 250 - kernel compile problem
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I'm trying to get Openwall up and running on Sun Enterprise 250, but I'm
unable to compile kernel. It seems that there's no 64 bit compiler
installed. Is there a package available? What's the correct way of
recompiling both 32 and 64 bit gcc? (I don't need 64 bit userland, but
having 64 bit kernel is wise idea imho)

What I did so far:

- - booted the system using gentoo install cd
- - got up networking, on other system converted rpm packages to tgz and
installed those to new root on target system
- - installed rpms over the extracted files, so the rpm database would be ok
- - extracted latest kernel packages, installed kernel headers and set
correct privileges with:

rm /usr/include/linux
cp -R include/asm-sparc* /usr/include/asm
cp -R include/linux /usr/include
chown -R root:root /usr/include/{asm,linux}
find /usr/include/{asm,linux} -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find /usr/include/{asm,linux} -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

- - patched the lastest kernel (2.4.31) with openwall patch
- - did make menuconfig for the kernel, complains:
 /bin/bash: sparc64-linux-gcc: command not found
but works.

- -then:

bash-2.05# make dep
/bin/bash: sparc64-linux-gcc: command not found
make -C arch/sparc64/kernel check_asm
make[1]: Entering directory `/sparc/linux-2.4.31/arch/sparc64/kernel'
sparc64-linux-gcc -E -D__KERNEL__ -I/sparc/linux-2.4.31/include -P tmp.c
- -o tmp.i
make[1]: sparc64-linux-gcc: Command not found
make[1]: *** [check_asm] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/sparc/linux-2.4.31/arch/sparc64/kernel'
make: *** [check_asm] Error 2

# sparc64 make dep
doesn't help either.

Linking /usr/bin/gcc to /usr/bin/sparc64-linux-gcc doesn't help either,
make -C arch/sparc64/kernel check_asm
make[1]: Entering directory `/sparc/linux-2.4.31/arch/sparc64/kernel'
sparc64-linux-gcc -E -D__KERNEL__ -I/sparc/linux-2.4.31/include -P tmp.c
- -o tmp.i
/bin/sh ./check_asm.sh -data task tmp.i check_asm_data.c
/bin/sh ./check_asm.sh -data mm tmp.i check_asm_data.c
/bin/sh ./check_asm.sh -data thread tmp.i check_asm_data.c
sparc64-linux-gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/sparc/linux-2.4.31/include -mmedlow
- -ffixed-g4 -S -o check_asm
_data.s check_asm_data.c
cc1: Invalid option `medlow'
In file included from
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/asm/byteorder.h:48,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/kernel.h:15,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/wait.h:13,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/fs.h:12,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/capability.h:17,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/binfmts.h:5,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/sched.h:9,
                 from check_asm_data.c:3:
/sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/byteorder/swab.h: In function `__fswab64':
/sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/byteorder/swab.h:206: warning: left
shift count >= width of ty
/sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/byteorder/swab.h:206: warning: left
shift count >= width of ty
/sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/byteorder/swab.h:206: warning: right
shift count >= width of t
/sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/byteorder/swab.h:206: warning: right
shift count >= width of t
In file included from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/asm/delay.h:16,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/asm/processor.h:24,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/prefetch.h:13,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/list.h:6,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/wait.h:14,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/fs.h:12,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/capability.h:17,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/binfmts.h:5,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/sched.h:9,
                 from check_asm_data.c:3:
/sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/asm/smp.h: In function `hard_smp_processor_id':
/sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/asm/smp.h:92: warning: right shift count >=
width of type
In file included from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/string.h:26,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/fs.h:23,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/capability.h:17,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/binfmts.h:5,
                 from /sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/linux/sched.h:9,
                 from check_asm_data.c:3:
/sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/asm/string.h: At top level:
/sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/asm/string.h:27: warning: conflicting types
for built-in function `m
/sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/asm/string.h:30: warning: conflicting types
for built-in function `_
/sparc/linux-2.4.31/include/asm/string.h:70: warning: conflicting types
for built-in function `m
make[1]: *** [check_asm] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/sparc/linux-2.4.31/arch/sparc64/kernel'
make: *** [check_asm] Error 2

What am I missing?
Thanks for any tips,


Honza Vlach

- --
Version: 3.12
GIT/CS d- s: a-- C++++$ ULS++++$ P L+++ E--- W- N+ o? K? w-->--- O?
M->+ V? PS PE Y++ PGP+++ !t 5? X++ R tv-- b++ DI+ D++ G+>+++ e h--- r++ y?
- ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail
/\                        - against microsoft attachments

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Subject: Re: [owl-users] Openwall on Sun Enterprise 250 - kernel compile problem
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On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 03:56:49PM +0200, Honza Vlach wrote:
> I'm trying to get Openwall up and running on Sun Enterprise 250, but I'm
> unable to compile kernel. It seems that there's no 64 bit compiler
> installed. Is there a package available?

No, Owl currently does not provide a 32-to-64-bit gcc for SPARC.  You'll
have to either build a 32-bit kernel or use a non-Owl build of gcc to
build a 64-bit kernel.  The ancient 64-bit gcc from Red Hat Linux 6.2
for SPARC is known to work on Owl 1.1 and build 2.4.x kernels correctly.
Similarly, Owl itself is known to work and even rebuild OK with such
64-bit kernels.

> - - booted the system using gentoo install cd
> - - got up networking, on other system converted rpm packages to tgz and
> installed those to new root on target system
> - - installed rpms over the extracted files, so the rpm database would be ok

Why not simply run Owl's "make installworld" off the Gentoo system?

> - - extracted latest kernel packages, installed kernel headers and set
> correct privileges with:
> rm /usr/include/linux
> cp -R include/asm-sparc* /usr/include/asm
> cp -R include/linux /usr/include
> chown -R root:root /usr/include/{asm,linux}
> find /usr/include/{asm,linux} -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
> find /usr/include/{asm,linux} -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

This is not the Owl way of doing it.  The (fake) kernel-headers package
on Owl provides the correct symlinks under /usr/include.  On SPARC, it
also provides wrappers for 32- vs. 64-bit header files:

* Thu Nov 16 2000 Solar Designer <solar@private>
- Imported the BuildASM script from RH to produce the magic headers
needed to build 32-bit packages when a sparc64 kernel is installed.

So you did not need to touch anything under /usr/include.  You should
have merely extracted your kernel sources under /usr/src/linux (as user
"sources") and configured the kernel (since some header files are only
produced when you do that).

As it relates to Owl on SPARC in general, we haven't been doing SPARC
builds since the 1.1 release (December, 2003) and until just a month
ago, so the binary packages available on the FTP mirrors are somewhat
dated.  However, work is currently underway to get Owl-current to build
on SPARC again, so that should be done for the next release.  Full
sparc64 userland support might be added, too, but no promises yet.  If
you would like to get involved, please let me know.


Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 01:13:45PM +0400, (GalaxyMaster) wrote:
> Damir, I've installed Owl on Silicon SATA two weeks ago.  You need to
> build a module for your SATA controller and then load it with insmod.

What kernel option is that?  We do have CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SIIMAGE enabled
in the Owl CD kernels.

> Usually, I'm using /tmp to untar kernel source, since /tmp is located in
> RAM.

Actually, by default, there's only a small (4 MB) ramdisk.  You can't
fit kernel sources on that.  So you need to mount a tmpfs, like this:

mount tmpfs /tmp -t tmpfs -osize=400M

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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On Tue, Sep 20, 2005 at 02:54:15PM +0600, damir bikmuhametov wrote:

> Is there any way to install Owl on an i386 machine that has only SATA
> IDE drives? My SATA controller (it identifies itself as "Silicon
> integrated Systems" during bootup) is not recognized by the Owl
> kernel that is shipped with the latest Owl ISO.

Thank you all for the replies. I've done this by installing Owl onto
IDE HDD, recomiling kernel with the libata and scsi_sis modules,
booting off that kernel, and installing Owl from HDD.

I couldn't boot off FDD cause there is no FDD on my machine and I
couldn't do insmod due to unreferenced symbols.

Anyway, your replies have pushed me in the right direction. =)

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Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2005 13:39:13 +0200
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Subject: Re: [owl-users] Openwall on Sun Enterprise 250 - kernel compile problem
 [ solved ]
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.0.0 (2004-09-13) on 
X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.6 required=5.0 tests=AWL,BAYES_00 autolearn=ham 


> No, Owl currently does not provide a 32-to-64-bit gcc for SPARC.  You'll
> have to either build a 32-bit kernel or use a non-Owl build of gcc to
> build a 64-bit kernel.  The ancient 64-bit gcc from Red Hat Linux 6.2
> for SPARC is known to work on Owl 1.1 and build 2.4.x kernels correctly.
> Similarly, Owl itself is known to work and even rebuild OK with such
> 64-bit kernels.

I've successfully compiled new kernel with ancient egcs64 from

> Why not simply run Owl's "make installworld" off the Gentoo system?

I wasn't sure if gentoo had cpio or rpm. I've never used gentoo before,
all I needed was a live linux cd.

> This is not the Owl way of doing it.  The (fake) kernel-headers package
> on Owl provides the correct symlinks under /usr/include.  On SPARC, it
> also provides wrappers for 32- vs. 64-bit header files:


> So you did not need to touch anything under /usr/include.  You should
> have merely extracted your kernel sources under /usr/src/linux (as user
> "sources") and configured the kernel (since some header files are only
> produced when you do that).
Mea culpa, thanks for the info. I have recompiled it this way then.

However, work is currently underway to get Owl-current to build
> on SPARC again, so that should be done for the next release.  Full
> sparc64 userland support might be added, too, but no promises yet.  If
> you would like to get involved, please let me know.

Sorry, for various reasons I'm sticking with solaris on this one. To
name a few, weird, indeterministic behaviour of software raid and not
being able to tell hardware watchdog, that the system is OK and doesn't
need service (orange light constantly on, beeping, fine with solaris
booted. )

I've spent 2 days on this with my boss breathing on my neck. I really
don't have time to hack with it any further.

Have a good time,

Honza Vlach

Version: 3.12
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Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 15:53:51 +0200
From: Stanislav <owl@private>
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Subject: [owl-users] ldap / pam / tcb / popa3d / maildir
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X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.6 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00 autolearn=ham 

Dear Openwall User, 

i am trying to setting up a mail server with owl stable as base
system. First my experiences, 

- postfix setup with Maildir support works fine.

- recompile glibc to include nscd and attach an init script.

So far, all went OK. My users are all on a directory server. For 
that i build openldap and nss/pam stuff for ldap.

- postfix works now fine with that ldap users. (i recompiled
 for alias queries to ldap, not necessary for ldap users)

 $ getent passwd/groups 

shows me that what i want to see.

Now my interferences:

Doing an 'su' to a ldap user works of course for root but showing:

 Account management:- Insufficient credentials 
 to access authentication data

My primary focus is popa3d and not suing. For that i didn't 
try to customize pam.d/su for ldap users (cause i also think its 
to entangled with tcb) but i compiled popa3d with Maildir support

#define AUTH_SHADOW                   1
#define AUTH_PAM_USERPASS             0
#define USE_LIBPAM_USERPASS           0
#define HOME_MAILBOX_NAME             "Maildir"

for local users this works but not for my ldap users.

syslog: "Oct  4 14:19:39 reserved6 popa3d[.]: 
         Authentication failed for ldapuser"

My nsswitch looks like: 

 passwd: files ldap
 shadow: tcb ldap
 group:  files ldap

I tried a couple different configuration of pop3ad 
but no one works. I have no more ideas. What do you say ?

Many thanks in advance,

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Subject: Re: [owl-users] ldap / pam / tcb / popa3d / maildir
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Stanislav wrote:
> Dear Openwall User, 
> i am trying to setting up a mail server with owl stable as base
> system. First my experiences, 
> - postfix setup with Maildir support works fine.
> - recompile glibc to include nscd and attach an init script.

Why do you need nscd?

> So far, all went OK. My users are all on a directory server. For 
> that i build openldap and nss/pam stuff for ldap.

Are you sure you want your users to be system accounts?
I mean, instead of tweaking system-wide settings (nsswitch.conf
etc) and enabling ldap there, you can use ldap for email only,
tweaking postfix and pop3 configs.  Mind you, almost every
network-aware user storage (ldap, sql, etc) is inherently
insecure - it's very difficult to set it up properly so that
security level will be acceptable.

Ofcourse, if you will not use system accounts, you may have some
troubles enabling such features like maildir quotas (which are
implemented using filesystem quotas when your mail users are
system users as well).

> - postfix works now fine with that ldap users. (i recompiled
>  for alias queries to ldap, not necessary for ldap users)
>  $ getent passwd/groups 
> shows me that what i want to see.
> Now my interferences:
> Doing an 'su' to a ldap user works of course for root but showing:

Should you users have shell access to the box?

>  Account management:- Insufficient credentials 
>  to access authentication data
> My primary focus is popa3d and not suing. For that i didn't 
> try to customize pam.d/su for ldap users (cause i also think its 
> to entangled with tcb) but i compiled popa3d with Maildir support
> and 
> #define AUTH_SHADOW                   1
> #define AUTH_PAM_USERPASS             0
> #define USE_LIBPAM_USERPASS           0
> #define HOME_MAILBOX_NAME             "Maildir"
> for local users this works but not for my ldap users.
> syslog: "Oct  4 14:19:39 reserved6 popa3d[.]: 
>          Authentication failed for ldapuser"
> My nsswitch looks like: 
>  passwd: files ldap
>  shadow: tcb ldap
>  group:  files ldap
> I tried a couple different configuration of pop3ad 
> but no one works. I have no more ideas. What do you say ?

At least, don't use nsswitch for auth. Use pam.

And, don't use system accounts for your mail users.
Postfix's virtual(8) delivery agent together with
virtual_mailbox_maps out of ldap (with single uid
or single uid per mail address), plus something
similar for popd using pam.  May work.  YMMV.

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On Tue, 04 Oct 2005 20:08:03 +0400
Michael Tokarev <mjt@private> wrote:
> > - recompile glibc to include nscd and attach an init script.
> Why do you need nscd?

Hello Michael,

for cacheing - just in case the directory service isn't up. 
To keep a small time window where mail services still work.
Well, its my intention. Extensive tests will follow.

> > So far, all went OK. My users are all on a directory server. For 
> > that i build openldap and nss/pam stuff for ldap.
> Are you sure you want your users to be system accounts?
> I mean, instead of tweaking system-wide settings (nsswitch.conf
> etc) and enabling ldap there, you can use ldap for email only,
> tweaking postfix and pop3 configs.  Mind you, almost every
> network-aware user storage (ldap, sql, etc) is inherently
> insecure - it's very difficult to set it up properly so that
> security level will be acceptable.

Don't misunderstand me, i'm aware of that. They exists a lot of
ways for mailsetups. Especially in conjunction with ldap services.
Indeed i agree with you.

> > My primary focus is popa3d and not suing. For that i didn't 
> > try to customize pam.d/su for ldap users (cause i also think its 
> > to entangled with tcb) but i compiled popa3d with Maildir support
> > and 
> > 
> > #define AUTH_SHADOW                   1
> > #define AUTH_PAM_USERPASS             0
> > #define USE_LIBPAM_USERPASS           0
> > #undef MAIL_SPOOL_PATH
> > #define HOME_MAILBOX_NAME             "Maildir"
> > 
> > I tried a couple different configuration of pop3ad 
> > but no one works. I have no more ideas. What do you say ?
> Yes.
> At least, don't use nsswitch for auth. Use pam.

Thats the point. popa3d compiled with AUTH_PAM and pam.d/popa3d
like this 

auth       required     /lib/security/pam_ldap.so
account    required     /lib/security/pam_ldap.so
password   required     /lib/security/pam_deny.so
session    required     /lib/security/pam_deny.so

don't want to work. Maybe some one in popa3d list
had some experiences ?

> And, don't use system accounts for your mail users.
> Postfix's virtual(8) delivery agent together with
> virtual_mailbox_maps out of ldap (with single uid
> or single uid per mail address), plus something
> similar for popd using pam.  May work.  YMMV.

Many thanks for your suggestions.

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I have some troubles with build new packages from sources.
System can't find C preprocessor.

For example I try to build samba-3.0.20a:

$ ./counfigure
checking how to run the C preprocessor... /lib/cpp                
configure: error: C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check    

Version: Owl-current-20050913

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Hello ping@private! 

 Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 05:44:01PM +0400, ping wrote about "[owl-users] Troubles with building packages": 

> I have some troubles with build new packages from sources.
> System can't find C preprocessor.
> For example I try to build samba-3.0.20a:
> $ ./counfigure
|       ^
really ? ;)

> ...
> checking how to run the C preprocessor... /lib/cpp                
> configure: error: C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check    
Please look configure.log for more verbose error description.

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ping@private wrote:
> I have some troubles with build new packages from sources.
> System can't find C preprocessor.
> For example I try to build samba-3.0.20a:
> $ ./counfigure
> ...
> checking how to run the C preprocessor... /lib/cpp                
> configure: error: C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check    
> ...

I had this same problem myself in May this year. Here's the posting I 
made back then (to owl-devel, which isn't archived unfortunately).

I ran into some weird errors while packaging coreutils, where its 
configure script for some obscure reason attempted to run /lib/cpp as 
the preprocessor. Adding the following lines to the %configure macro 
seems to have solved the problem (and made it embarrassingly obvious 
that I had forgotten to install the kernel-headers). The addendum is 
most likely a good idea anyways since it can prevent some problems with 
ill-behaved ./configure scripts.

   CC="${CC:-%__cc}" ; export CC ; \
   CPP="${CPP:-%__cpp}" ; export CPP ; \
   CFLAGS (and so on...)

Galaxy, Dmitry and Solar agreed that adding it to the default macros 
might be a good idea. Galaxy wanted to do some other stuff with the rpm 
package first.

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson@private
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Tel: +46 8-230225                  Fax: +46 8-230231
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Subject: [owl-users] PLS need help with new ISO rebuilding
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I've got a problem with using rebuilded iso image of Owl cd-rom.

There was nesessary to change bzImage (and also System.map) to use new hardware (LSI SCSI controller). New bzImage was builded successfully. After building new kernel, i've did the following

# cd /mnt
# mount /home/zorg/iso/Owl-current-20050703-i386.iso /mnt/disk -o loop
# mkdir OWL
# cd disk
# cp -a * ../OWL/.
# umount /mnt/disk

after that i've change bzImage and System.map in /mnt/OWL/boot

# chroot /mnt/OWL
# cd /boot
# /boot/floppy-update.sh

here is the output

80+0 records in
80+0 records out
1474560 bytes (1,5 MB) copied, 0,003924 ÓÅËÕÎÄ, 376 MB/s
mke2fs 1.37 (21-Mar-2005)
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=1024 (log=0)
Fragment size=1024 (log=0)
184 inodes, 1440 blocks
0 blocks (0.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=1
1 block group
8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group
184 inodes per group

Writing inode tables: done                            
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

This filesystem will be automatically checked every 32 mounts or
180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
Warning: LBA32 addressing assumed
Warning: COMPACT may conflict with LBA32 on some systems
Added ide-pri-master * <-- also /etc/lilo.conf was corrected (cdrom is set up as /dev/hda)
Added ide-pri-slave
Added ide-sec-master
Added ide-sec-slave
Added scsi

# ^d
# pwd

# mkisofs -v -R -J -l -b boot/floppy.image -c boot/boot.catalog -o ~/iso/Owl-new.iso OWL/

~/iso/Owl-new.iso - completely good, bootable, new hardware is ok, it is possible to create new filesystems on SCSI disks, and mount them in order to install Owl as usual, but(!). After command make installworld (in ~build) I've received a message of impossibity to findout installworld.conf.

After several times of digging and rebuilding iso images and booting from original CD from "ftp://ftp.ru.openwall.com/pub/Owl/current/iso/" a througly view output of booting and saw a little difference - in case of booting from original CD, after INIT 2.85 string there is a string about mounting RAM disk, and while booting from my iso - no such string.

Where is my mistake? Thank you for advise.

Best regards, SKYDIVER-RIPN
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On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 04:43:13PM +0400, Melekhov Alexandre A. wrote:
> Hello!
> I've got a problem with using rebuilded iso image of Owl cd-rom.
> There was nesessary to change bzImage (and also System.map) to use new hardware (LSI SCSI controller). New bzImage was builded successfully. After building new kernel, i've did the following

Have your kernel rebuild was based on the config file from the original
Owl ISO kernel?  To add something you should just copy /boot/config (I
could misspell there since I have no ISO right now) to
/usr/src/linux/.config, then 'make menuconfig', etc.

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Hello Melekhov Alexandre A..

On Thu, 13 Oct 2005 16:43:13 +0400, you wrote about "[owl-users] PLS
need help with new ISO rebuilding":

> hardware (LSI SCSI controller). New bzImage was builded successfully.

Sorry for offtopic.

Sorry for my poor english, I know about it. 'built' now it's correct, I hope.

Best regards, SKYDIVER-RIPN
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Hello (GalaxyMaster).

On Thu, 13 Oct 2005 17:07:21 +0400, you wrote about "Re: [owl-users] PLS
need help with new ISO rebuilding":

> On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 04:43:13PM +0400, Melekhov Alexandre A. wrote:
> > 
> > Hello!
> > 
> > I've got a problem with using rebuilded iso image of Owl cd-rom.
> > 
> > There was nesessary to change bzImage (and also System.map) to use
> > new hardware (LSI SCSI controller). New bzImage was builded
> > successfully. After building new kernel, i've did the following
> Have your kernel rebuild was based on the config file from the
> original Owl ISO kernel?  To add something you should just copy
> /boot/config (I could misspell there since I have no ISO right now) to
> /usr/src/linux/.config, then 'make menuconfig', etc.
No, and I'm no sure (now) that you are right. To build new kernel I've to patch kernel sources, so /usr/src/linux/.config and /boot/.config will be different. Or you mean something that I couldn't understand (now).

Best regards, SKYDIVER-RIPN
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Subject: Re: [owl-users] PLS need help with new ISO rebuilding
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Hello (GalaxyMaster).

On Thu, 13 Oct 2005 17:07:21 +0400, you wrote about "Re: [owl-users] PLS
need help with new ISO rebuilding":

> Have your kernel rebuild was based on the config file from the
> original Owl ISO kernel?  To add something you should just copy
> /boot/config (I could misspell there since I have no ISO right now) to
> /usr/src/linux/.config, then 'make menuconfig', etc.

Any way I've checked this - this does not help. RAM does not mounts.

Best regards, SKYDIVER-RIPN
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On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 04:43:13PM +0400, Melekhov Alexandre A. wrote:
> # cp -a * ../OWL/.

That's the bug.  "*" doesn't include filenames starting with a dot.  You
should have used "." (current directory) in place of "*" (all non-hidden
files in current directory).

In general, it is a good practice to avoid shell wildcards whenever
possible.  As the name suggests, shell wildcards are expanded by the
shell and passed into programs you invoke in an already expanded form.
This results in a significant amount of processing on the filenames.  In
particular, in the command above, "cp" had to check each filename for it
possibly being an option to "cp" (that is, something starting with a
dash), -- which was clearly undesired.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
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Hello Solar Designer.

On Fri, 14 Oct 2005 14:20:41 +0400, you wrote about "Re: [owl-users] PLS
need help with new ISO rebuilding":

> On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 04:43:13PM +0400, Melekhov Alexandre A. wrote:
> > # cp -a * ../OWL/.
> That's the bug.  "*" doesn't include filenames starting with a dot. 
> You should have used "." (current directory) in place of "*" (all
> non-hidden files in current directory).

Thank you. This works!
> In general, it is a good practice to avoid shell wildcards whenever
> possible.  As the name suggests, shell wildcards are expanded by the
> shell and passed into programs you invoke in an already expanded form.
> This results in a significant amount of processing on the filenames. 
> In particular, in the command above, "cp" had to check each filename
> for it possibly being an option to "cp" (that is, something starting
> with a dash), -- which was clearly undesired.

That was my fault :-( Thanks again.

Best regards, SKYDIVER-RIPN
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I don't know whether this list is a good place for this message or not,

I've found that CONFIG_UNIX98_PTY_COUNT in .config doesn't affect kernel
build process in 2.4.31. :-/

If you want to increment the number of Unix98 PTYs, change the value in
/usr/src/linux/include/config/unix98/pty/count.h .

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I like the sed utility, and I'm regularly use sed in my scripts.  The
only one thing there which bother me: the handling of new-line character
in RE pattern.  According to the sed(1) manual page:

                                                  The \n sequence
       in a regular expression matches the newline character, and
       similarly for \a, \t, and other sequences.

I'm using the latest sed available on Owl:
jill!galaxy:~$ rpm -q sed

Now, my session script to show the problem:
jill!galaxy:~$ cat sed-test.txt
line 1
line 2
line 3
jill!galaxy:~$ cat sed-test.txt | sed 's,\n,,g'
line 1
line 2
line 3
jill!galaxy:~$ cat sed-test.txt | tr -d '\n'
line 1line 2line 3jill!galaxy:~$

The last two commands should produce the equivalent output, but they
don't :(.  What I'm missing?  It seems like a real bug in sed's code.
I've tested versions from 3.02 to 4.1.1, all of them have this issue.
This issue isn't Owl-related, RHEL is also has it.

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On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 07:32:45PM +0400, (GalaxyMaster) wrote:
> According to the sed(1) manual page:
>                                                   The \n sequence
>        in a regular expression matches the newline character, and
>        similarly for \a, \t, and other sequences.
> jill!galaxy:~$ cat sed-test.txt | sed 's,\n,,g'
> line 1
> line 2
> line 3
> jill!galaxy:~$ cat sed-test.txt | tr -d '\n'
> line 1line 2line 3jill!galaxy:~$
> The last two commands should produce the equivalent output, but they
> don't :(.  What I'm missing?

You're missing the fact that sed removes newline characters from lines
of input when placing them into the pattern space and that it adds
the newlines back when outputting the contents of the pattern space.
That's the way it is supposed to work, according to both the texinfo
documentation for GNU sed and POSIX.1-2001.  The '\n' can only be used
to match newlines embedded in pattern space (it is possible and
sometimes useful to embed a newline in the pattern space using sed

The texinfo documentation for GNU sed says:

|    `sed' operates by performing the following cycle on each lines of
| input: first, `sed' reads one line from the input stream, removes any
| trailing newline, and places it in the pattern space. [...]
|    When the end of the script is reached, unless the `-n' option is in
| use, the contents of pattern space are printed out to the output
| stream, adding back the trailing newline [...]

POSIX.1-2001 says:

| In default operation, sed cyclically shall append a line of input, less
| its terminating <newline>, into the pattern space.  Normally the pattern
| space will be empty, unless a D command terminated the last cycle.  The
| sed utility shall then apply in sequence all commands whose addresses
| select that pattern space, and at the end of the script copy the pattern
| space to standard output (except when -n is specified) and delete the
| pattern space.  Whenever the pattern space is written to standard output
| or a named file, sed shall immediately follow it with a <newline>.
| [...]
| Also note that '\n' cannot be used to match a <newline> at the end of an
| arbitrary input line; <newline>s appear in the pattern space as a result
| of the N editing command.

("N" is not the only way to embed a newline in the pattern space.  There
are many others.)

> It seems like a real bug in sed's code.

No bug there.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
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I'd like to share the (trivial) recipe for running QEMU on Owl.  I'll
start with some information on what QEMU is:


"QEMU is a generic and open source processor emulator which achieves a
good emulation speed by using dynamic translation.

QEMU has two operating modes:

* Full system emulation.  In this mode, QEMU emulates a full system (for
example a PC), including a processor and various peripherials.  It can
be used to launch different Operating Systems without rebooting the PC
or to debug system code. ..."

To get QEMU to work on Owl, it is sufficient to install the unofficial
packages (Fedora rebuilds) available under /pub/Owl/current/unofficial
on our FTP mirrors, then additionally install libSDL (the binary package
from Fedora Core 3 worked fine for me; to build it from source, one
would have to install a few more tools, including nasm).  Then QEMU
0.7.2 just works.

To boot the Owl live CD image, use:

	qemu -cdrom Owl-current-20050913-i386.iso -boot d

The system boots and works fine (in a window in X, or can be switched to
full-screen with Ctrl-Alt-F), including networking (using the emulated
RealTek 8029 NIC).  Additional "hard drives" (located in sparse files on
the host system) may be added with further options.

FreeDOS and ReactOS also work fine (although ReactOS is not very
reliable yet).  I am installing Cygwin in ReactOS at the moment, -- it's
very slow, but the installation works so far (download speed is limited
to 25 KB/sec by the progress bar updates in the GUI, -- the "qemu"
process is at 100% CPU).  (I'm not sure if Cygwin itself will work under
ReactOS once installed.  We'll see.  But this is not a QEMU issue.)
(Update: ReactOS locked up at 56% of the Cygwin install, in the middle
of groff download.  I'm not sure why.  I don't think QEMU is to blame,
more likely it's a ReactOS issue.)

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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As some of you are aware, we have not been building Owl-current for
non-x86 architectures during post-1.1 development.  However, as we
approach another Owl release, this has started to change.

The most recent Owl-current binary packages for SPARC architecture have
been made available under /pub/Owl/current/sparc on the FTP mirrors:


With these packages installed, the system passes a self-rebuild test
(which takes over 9 hours on an UltraSparc IIi 400 MHz) with no issues.

I would like to thank Alexandr D. Kanevskiy (kad@) for his contribution
to this effort.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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# rpm -q openntpd

# grep ntpd /var/log/messages | tail
Dec  2 17:45:12 tma ntpd[30527]: dispatch_imsg in main: pipe closed
Dec  2 17:45:12 tma ntpd[30527]: Terminating

# ps ax | grep ntpd | grep -v grep
19584 pts/3    S      0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd -s
19591 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd -s

Timofeyev Maxim
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On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 06:13:12PM +0300, Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
> # rpm -q openntpd
> openntpd-3.7p1-owl2
> # grep ntpd /var/log/messages | tail
> Dec  2 17:45:12 tma ntpd[30527]: dispatch_imsg in main: pipe closed
> Dec  2 17:45:12 tma ntpd[30527]: Terminating
> # ps ax | grep ntpd | grep -v grep
> 19584 pts/3    S      0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd -s
> 19591 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd -s

It is not clear what you mean by this.  Is this a bug report?  If so,
what's the bug?  From the log file entries, it is seen that you had
terminated ntpd (one of its processes complained about the other's
death, but that's fine).  From the process list, it is seen that you
have ntpd running again.

Actually, I think there are a couple of things we could improve.  We
could make the log file messages less confusing.  We could also have
_both_ ntpd processes detach from the tty.  None of this is specific to
Owl (those are properties of OpenNTPD), but, yes, we could patch this.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2005 15:46:49 +0300
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It is a bug report.
ntpd started and terminating.

Solar Designer пишет:
> Maxim,
> On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 06:13:12PM +0300, Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
>> # rpm -q openntpd
>> openntpd-3.7p1-owl2
>> # grep ntpd /var/log/messages | tail
>> Dec  2 17:45:12 tma ntpd[30527]: dispatch_imsg in main: pipe closed
>> Dec  2 17:45:12 tma ntpd[30527]: Terminating
>> # ps ax | grep ntpd | grep -v grep
>> 19584 pts/3    S      0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd -s
>> 19591 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd -s
> It is not clear what you mean by this.  Is this a bug report?  If so,
> what's the bug?  From the log file entries, it is seen that you had
> terminated ntpd (one of its processes complained about the other's
> death, but that's fine).  From the process list, it is seen that you
> have ntpd running again.
> Actually, I think there are a couple of things we could improve.  We
> could make the log file messages less confusing.  We could also have
> _both_ ntpd processes detach from the tty.  None of this is specific to
> Owl (those are properties of OpenNTPD), but, yes, we could patch this.

Maxim Timofeyev
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Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2005 19:43:39 +0300
From: Solar Designer <solar@private>
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Subject: Re: [owl-users] openntpd: dispatch_imsg in main: pipe closed
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On Mon, Dec 05, 2005 at 03:46:49PM +0300, Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
> It is a bug report.
> ntpd started and terminating.

This is still not clear enough.  Did it terminate immediately after
being started?  If not, then when did it terminate?  Are you sure this
was not intentional (not an action of a script, etc)?  Why did you
demonstrate that you have two other ntpd processes running, what was
this meant to say?  Please don't be so cryptic.

Obviously, we can't reproduce the problem from your report.  We didn't
even know what the problem you were trying to report is, and we have
the Owl-current package of OpenNTPD in use on many systems with no

> > On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 06:13:12PM +0300, Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
> >> # rpm -q openntpd
> >> openntpd-3.7p1-owl2
> >>
> >> # grep ntpd /var/log/messages | tail
> >> Dec  2 17:45:12 tma ntpd[30527]: dispatch_imsg in main: pipe closed
> >> Dec  2 17:45:12 tma ntpd[30527]: Terminating
> >>
> >> # ps ax | grep ntpd | grep -v grep
> >> 19584 pts/3    S      0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd -s
> >> 19591 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd -s

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2005 11:15:04 +0300
From: Maxim Timofeyev <tmahome@private>
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Subject: Re: [owl-users] openntpd: dispatch_imsg in main: pipe closed
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Hmm. I got a bit confused with its behavior. I've been using OpenNTPD
for quite a while, but I would never encounter such behaviour.
First, it used to log it's time sync actions:

Nov 24 14:35:42 www ntpd[419]: adjusting local clock by -192.952421s
Nov 24 14:40:03 www ntpd[419]: adjusting local clock by -192.819198s
It doesn't any more now.

It would also never write such messages:
Dec  6 10:25:22 www ntpd[5506]: dispatch_imsg in main: pipe closed
Dec  6 10:25:22 www ntpd[5506]: Terminating

it launches and works ok, but the following log string is confusing:
Dec  6 10:25:22 www ntpd[5506]: dispatch_imsg in main: pipe closed
I believe that the termination notification string would be enough.

Solar Designer =D0=BF=D0=B8=D1=88=D0=B5=D1=82:
> On Mon, Dec 05, 2005 at 03:46:49PM +0300, Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
>> It is a bug report.
>> ntpd started and terminating.
> This is still not clear enough.  Did it terminate immediately after
> being started?  If not, then when did it terminate?  Are you sure this
> was not intentional (not an action of a script, etc)?  Why did you
> demonstrate that you have two other ntpd processes running, what was
> this meant to say?  Please don't be so cryptic.
> Obviously, we can't reproduce the problem from your report.  We didn't
> even know what the problem you were trying to report is, and we have
> the Owl-current package of OpenNTPD in use on many systems with no
> problems.
>>> On Fri, Dec 02, 2005 at 06:13:12PM +0300, Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
>>>> # rpm -q openntpd
>>>> openntpd-3.7p1-owl2
>>>> # grep ntpd /var/log/messages | tail
>>>> Dec  2 17:45:12 tma ntpd[30527]: dispatch_imsg in main: pipe closed
>>>> Dec  2 17:45:12 tma ntpd[30527]: Terminating
>>>> # ps ax | grep ntpd | grep -v grep
>>>> 19584 pts/3    S      0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd -s
>>>> 19591 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd -s

Maxim Timofeyev
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On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 11:15:04AM +0300, Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
> Hmm. I got a bit confused with its behavior. I've been using OpenNTPD
> for quite a while, but I would never encounter such behaviour.
> First, it used to log it's time sync actions:
> Nov 24 14:35:42 www ntpd[419]: adjusting local clock by -192.952421s
> Nov 24 14:40:03 www ntpd[419]: adjusting local clock by -192.819198s
> It doesn't any more now.

This is the documented behavior.  It would only log time adjustments
larger than 128ms.

> It would also never write such messages:
> Dec  6 10:25:22 www ntpd[5506]: dispatch_imsg in main: pipe closed
> Dec  6 10:25:22 www ntpd[5506]: Terminating

Well, I don't know why not.  Maybe you were using an older version.

> Moreover,
> it launches and works ok, but the following log string is confusing:
> Dec  6 10:25:22 www ntpd[5506]: dispatch_imsg in main: pipe closed
> I believe that the termination notification string would be enough.

Yes, I agree that this is confusing.  It's a side effect of privsep.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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Subject: [owl-users] Owl-current 2005/12/08 ISO; JtR Post.Office MD5 and Lotus Domino salted hashes support
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There's a new Owl-current ISO-9660 image (dated 2005/12/08) available
for download under /pub/Owl/current/iso on the FTP mirrors:


The new installer now implements an ncurses/CDK-based user interface,
although this new UI is not enabled by default yet.  To enable it,
please invoke the "settle" and "setup" programs with the new "-m"
option, -- and please provide your feedback (report any bugs and
anything that is confusing, provide any suggestions for improvement,

Besides the installer, the following other components have been
significantly updated since the last ISO snapshot (September 13, 2005):
util-linux, findutils, CVS, tcsh, OpenSSL, RPM, elfutils-libelf, SILO,
setarch (replaces sparc32), kbd, LILO, m4, net-tools, coreutils, zlib,
strace, file, SysVinit, modutils, Linux-PAM, procmail, Postfix, Nmap,
glibc, sed, patch, quota, tar, traceroute, grep, cpio, libpcap, GnuPG,
vsftpd, Perl, and the Linux kernel.  The following new packages have
been added: CDK, BIND, OpenNTPD, tinycdb, PCRE, indent.

Please refer to the change log for descriptions of these changes:


In order to not "spam" the announcement list with multiple messages, I'd
like to also use this opportunity to mention that two new contributed
patches are now available off John the Ripper homepage at:


The new patches add support for Post.Office MD5-based password hashes
(patch developed and contributed by David Luyer) and Lotus Domino salted
password hashes (patch by regenrecht and bartavelle).  Any questions
(preferably advanced ones) and comments on these patches may be posted
to the john-users mailing list.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Subject: [owl-users] groff and fake-libs
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The current groff package still requires libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3. So
'NEED_FAKE' should be set to 'yes' in installworld.sh, to get an
error-free installation. Or you have to install libstdc++-v3-compat,
groff and man by hand after an 'make installworld'.

BTW: the new package 'elftoaout' is missing, but listed in

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On Mon, Dec 12, 2005 at 11:06:08AM +0100, Bernhard Fischer wrote:
> The current groff package still requires libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3.

No, it does not.

Maybe you were updating a system where the installed groff required that
library?  If so, NEED_FAKE=yes should have been set by installworld.sh
(it's set on all updates of existing systems).  I have no idea how you
managed to run into a problem with that.

I'd appreciate more detail on what you were doing (new install vs.
update, which version of Owl you were updating, whether or not you had
third-party packages installed on top of that).

> BTW: the new package 'elftoaout' is missing, but listed in
> installorder.conf

elftoaout is not new, it existed in Owl 1.0 and it's still around, but
it is specific to the SPARC architecture.  It should be missing on x86.

Yes, we might need to enhance installworld to recognize packages which
are not supposed to exist for the target architecture such that
confusing "Missing ..." messages would not be produced for those.


Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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Am Mo 12.12.2005 11:18 schrieb Solar Designer <solar@private>:

> On Mon, Dec 12, 2005 at 11:06:08AM +0100, Bernhard Fischer wrote:
> > The current groff package still requires libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3.
> No, it does not.
> Maybe you were updating a system where the installed groff required
> that
> library?  If so, NEED_FAKE=yes should have been set by installworld.sh
> (it's set on all updates of existing systems).  I have no idea how you
> managed to run into a problem with that.

I'm using the current iso-image as my base system, but i exchanged all
RPMS whith those from the mirror. It turned out that my groff package
(groff-1.17.2-owl2.i386.rpm) from my package-pool was an older one (same
version but from Dec. 14. 2003). Version and release nerver changed
since this date. Because of that, my package-pool got invalid.

Sorry for making a lot of fuss ... but now my own mirror is uptodate ;)

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On Fri, Dec 23, 2005 at 12:02:51PM +0300, Maxim Timofeyev wrote:
> http://www.idefense.com/intelligence/vulnerabilities/display.php?id=362

So what?

I'll try to be creative and post a detailed response to your one-liner. ;-)

I could comment on the "advisory" and how iDEFENSE doesn't understand
stuff, but the real issue is that the existing resource limits are
insufficient to prevent local resource exhaustion attacks.  Moreover, in
default installs of Owl, one can bypass the rlimits by having a program
invoked out of .forward (there is a public TODO item on making our
Postfix open PAM sessions to avoid that).

To deal with the many resource exhaustion scenarios, per-user limits
would need to be introduced.  There's been some work done in that area -
implementation of so-called user beancounters (or UBC for short) in
1998-99 primarily by Alan Cox and Andrey Savochkin, but nothing went
into current mainstream kernels.  Since then, Andrey has proceeded to
develop and maintain UBCs for SWsoft's Virtuozzo and now also for
OpenVZ, where the limits are applied per-VPS rather than per-user.

Some bits of the old 1998-99 discussion can be found here:


OpenVZ homepage is here:


(Yes, OpenVZ "mostly works" with Owl - the status of this can be
discussed in a separate thread if anyone is interested.)

You may wonder whether we're planning to introduce per-user resource
limits, in whatever form, into Owl.  The answer is - maybe, but this
definitely won't happen soon (well, unless someone highly skilled and
capable of working in a team would volunteer for this work and, more
importantly, would actually do it).

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

Was I helpful?  Please give your feedback here: http://rate.affero.net/solar
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Following last month's "release" of Owl-current binary packages for
SPARC, we're now making available the most recent Owl-current binary
packages for Alpha architecture (EV56 and above).  They're available
under /pub/Owl/current/alphaev56 on the FTP mirrors:


With these packages installed, the system passes a self-rebuild test
(which takes over 13 hours on an Alpha 21164PC 533 MHz) with no issues.

If there's any demand for pre-built packages for older flavors of the
architecture (EV4, plain EV5 with no BWX), please let me know.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Please note that recent PAM update in Owl-current may require special
attention, because all daemons linked with -lpam must be restarted to be
able to perform their PAM business again.  Hopefully installworld does
this job well, but users who prefer to update packages using other means
should remember to restart these daemons manually.

In Owl, this means that sshd and crond should be restarted.


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Marko Kreen has discovered and reported a minor security bug in our
password hashing package, crypt_blowfish 0.4.7 and below.  In response
to this, I've released crypt_blowfish 1.0, with the bug fixed:


Since no other significant changes to the code have been made (or needed
to be made) in a long time (despite active use of crypt_blowfish in a
number of projects), I am considering this version mature enough to be
called 1.0.

The bug fixed with this release affected the way salts for extended
DES-based and for MD5-based password hashes were generated with the
crypt_gensalt*() family of functions.  It would result in a higher than
expected number of matching salts with large numbers of password hashes
of the affected types.  crypt_gensalt*()'s functionality for
Blowfish-based (bcrypt) hashes that crypt_blowfish itself implements and
for traditional DES-based crypt(3) hashes was not affected.

Since bcrypt hashes were not affected, default installs of Owl were not
affected either.  The specific impact this could have on non-default
installs of Owl is described in the latest Owl-current change log entry
for glibc:


At this time, a similar glibc update for Owl 1.1-stable is not planned.
Instead, we're planning to make another official release of Owl which
would obsolete the 1.1-stable branch.

As this crypt_blowfish bug is my own, and as I was well aware of this
pitfall and avoided it in other places, I am very embarrassed about
this.  I apologize to anyone who might be affected for the exposure and
inconvenience this causes.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Someone mailed problems with openntp last Dez. Now i am in the same
situation. Right after starting the daemon the forked child terminates
and that's it. Strace does not show me any usefull hints (socketpair()
is suspected for me to fail in this situation?).

The very strange thing is: i do have 2 machines (mostly the same
hardware and package releases) and only on one of them i can startup
ntpd. The problem is reproducible on the other one, when i use a kernel
with QOS (i have to use traffic-shaping on this gateway). I tried
several kernel options to isolate the reason, but without success for
now. I am only able to test outside office hours, because it is a
productive machine.

Anyone out there with the straight tipp for me?!?

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On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 07:14:56AM +0100, Bernhard Fischer wrote:
> Someone mailed problems with openntp last Dez.

Those were not "real" problems.  Some log file messages were confusing,
that's all.

> Now i am in the same
> situation. Right after starting the daemon the forked child terminates
> and that's it. Strace does not show me any usefull hints (socketpair()
> is suspected for me to fail in this situation?).
> The very strange thing is: i do have 2 machines (mostly the same
> hardware and package releases) and only on one of them i can startup
> ntpd.

Now this does sound like a real problem.  Please place your strace
output on a private URL and post that.  We'll have a look.


Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments
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Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 08:46:14 +0100 (CET)
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Hi Alexander,

this behavior occurs not on every machine from mine as i said before,
but always when i activate the Link Eqaulizer net/sched/sch_teql.c
(CONFIG_NET_SCH_TEQL not as module) which itself generates a new teql
network-device. So what?!? Does it also count that there are 4 eths on
the problematic one and only 2 eths on the other one? I will test this
machine with the same network components.
strace does not show as much as hoped for. It would be more important to
see when/why the forked client terminates. I have to do more logging!

Here are the last 30 lines of strace from "ntpd -d -f /etc/ntpd.conf":
read(3, "J\211\213\4^CQ}\2\222\263\301G\267%F4\373U\276\341iZ\244"...,
32) = 32
close(3)                                = 0
getpid()                                = 408
getpid()                                = 408
getuid32()                              = 0
getpid()                                = 408
time(NULL)                              = 1137015810
getpid()                                = 408
stat64("/etc/localtime", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=837, ...}) = 0
socketpair(PF_FILE, SOCK_STREAM, 0, [3, 4]) = 0
fork()                                  = 409
--- SIGCHLD (Child exited) @ 0 (0) ---
rt_sigaction(SIGTERM, {0x8049900, [TERM], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART,
0x256428}, {SIG_DFL}, 8) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGINT, {0x8049900, [INT], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART,
0x256428}, {SIG_DFL}, 8) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGCHLD, {0x8049900, [CHLD], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART,
0x256428}, {SIG_DFL}, 8) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGHUP, {0x8049900, [HUP], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART,
0x256428}, {SIG_DFL}, 8) = 0
close(4)                                = 0
getpid()                                = 408
poll([{fd=3, events=POLLIN, revents=POLLIN|POLLHUP}], 1, -1) = 1
read(3, "", 65535)                      = 0
write(2, "dispatch_imsg in main: pipe clos"..., 35dispatch_imsg in main:
pipe closed
) = 35
rt_sigaction(SIGCHLD, {SIG_DFL}, {0x8049900, [CHLD],
SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART, 0x256428}, 8) = 0
kill(409, SIGTERM)                      = 0
wait4(-1, NULL, 0, NULL)                = 409
wait4(-1, NULL, 0, NULL)                = -1 ECHILD (No child processes)
write(2, "Terminating\n", 12Terminating
)           = 12
exit_group(0)                           = ?
Process 408 detached

If you are interrested in more info (full strace, kernel config) please
mail me and i will send it directly to you.


Am Mi 11.01.2006 15:19 schrieb Solar Designer <solar@private>:

> On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 07:14:56AM +0100, Bernhard Fischer wrote:
> > Someone mailed problems with openntp last Dez.
> Those were not "real" problems. Some log file messages were confusing,
> that's all.
> > Now i am in the same
> > situation. Right after starting the daemon the forked child
> > terminates
> > and that's it. Strace does not show me any usefull hints
> > (socketpair()
> > is suspected for me to fail in this situation?).
> > 
> > The very strange thing is: i do have 2 machines (mostly the same
> > hardware and package releases) and only on one of them i can startup
> > ntpd.
> Now this does sound like a real problem.  Please place your strace
> output on a private URL and post that.  We'll have a look.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
> GPG key ID: B35D3598 fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929 6447 73C3 A290 B35D
> 3598
> http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing
> environments
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On Thu, Jan 12, 2006 at 08:46:14AM +0100, Bernhard Fischer wrote:
> strace does not show as much as hoped for. It would be more important to
> see when/why the forked client terminates. I have to do more logging!

You should be using "strace -fF".

> If you are interrested in more info (full strace, kernel config) please
> mail me and i will send it directly to you.

Yes, but I'd rather have others involved with Owl help deal with this, --
which is why I've suggested placing your stuff on a private URL + posting
that to the list instead of sending it all to me privately.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

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I am a first time user of any linux based system.
I am trying to install Owl on a server, Compaq PIII zeon 733 system the owl
1.1 iso I downloaded seems fine it boots the sytem up and brings it to a
login--password etc. seems to be no problem there. The install says to type
"settle" to install when I type settle it says command not found. I am a
complete novice  with this so remember I am a windows individual trying to
install Owl.

Randy Greif

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I thought I had the current
but it was the folder that was dated this month but the file was earlier
I will try the new one.


-----Original Message-----
From: Solar Designer [mailto:solar@private]
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 2:41 PM
To: owl-users@private
Subject: Re: [owl-users] Settle


"settle" is currently only available in Owl-current, not in the older
1.1 release.  The installation instructions that you see on the website
start with this remark:

"The instructions below apply to Owl-current snapshots dated 2005/08/08
and newer (until revised).  For older versions of Owl (such as the 1.1
release), please refer to Owl/doc/INSTALL as included in the "native"
tree for your version (that's /usr/src/world/native/Owl/doc/INSTALL on
the CDs)."

So you would need to refer to /usr/src/world/native/Owl/doc/INSTALL on
the CD, but unfortunately the installation procedure of Owl 1.1 assumes
prior experience with Linux.

So my advice is that you do one or both of the following:

1. Download the latest Owl-current ISO instead.  It's located under
current/iso/ on the mirrors listed at:


For the current version, the filename is Owl-current-20051208-i386.iso.gz

Then you would be able to use "settle".

2. Let us install the system and any application software for you
remotely.  You would only need to configure an IP address and a
temporary root password for the CD-booted system.  (Yes, this is a paid
service.  We can also provide ongoing remote systems and security
administration services.)


Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

Was I helpful?  Please give your feedback here: http://rate.affero.net/solar

On Sat, Jan 14, 2006 at 02:16:24PM -0600, Randy Greif wrote:
> I am a first time user of any linux based system.
> I am trying to install Owl on a server, Compaq PIII zeon 733 system the
> 1.1 iso I downloaded seems fine it boots the sytem up and brings it to a
> login--password etc. seems to be no problem there. The install says to
> "settle" to install when I type settle it says command not found. I am a
> complete novice  with this so remember I am a windows individual trying to
> install Owl.
> Randy Greif
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Randy Greif
ERA Real Estate Professionals
3745 Center Point Road
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402
Office (319) 395-0411
Cell: (319) 389-2101
Fax: (319) 395-0417
randal.greif@private <mailto:randal.greif@private> 
Licensed in the state of Iowa

-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Greif [mailto:rcgreif@private]
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 2:16 PM
To: owl-users@private
Subject: [owl-users] Settle

I am a first time user of any linux based system.
I am trying to install Owl on a server, Compaq PIII zeon 733 system the owl
1.1 iso I downloaded seems fine it boots the sytem up and brings it to a
login--password etc. seems to be no problem there. The install says to type
"settle" to install when I type settle it says command not found. I am a
complete novice  with this so remember I am a windows individual trying to
install Owl.

Randy Greif

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Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 23:40:46 +0300
From: Solar Designer <solar@private>
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Subject: Re: [owl-users]  Settle
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X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.4 required=5.0 tests=AWL,BAYES_00 autolearn=ham 


"settle" is currently only available in Owl-current, not in the older
1.1 release.  The installation instructions that you see on the website
start with this remark:

"The instructions below apply to Owl-current snapshots dated 2005/08/08
and newer (until revised).  For older versions of Owl (such as the 1.1
release), please refer to Owl/doc/INSTALL as included in the "native"
tree for your version (that's /usr/src/world/native/Owl/doc/INSTALL on
the CDs)."

So you would need to refer to /usr/src/world/native/Owl/doc/INSTALL on
the CD, but unfortunately the installation procedure of Owl 1.1 assumes
prior experience with Linux.

So my advice is that you do one or both of the following:

1. Download the latest Owl-current ISO instead.  It's located under
current/iso/ on the mirrors listed at:


For the current version, the filename is Owl-current-20051208-i386.iso.gz

Then you would be able to use "settle".

2. Let us install the system and any application software for you
remotely.  You would only need to configure an IP address and a
temporary root password for the CD-booted system.  (Yes, this is a paid
service.  We can also provide ongoing remote systems and security
administration services.)


Alexander Peslyak <solar at openwall.com>
GPG key ID: B35D3598  fp: 6429 0D7E F130 C13E C929  6447 73C3 A290 B35D 3598
http://www.openwall.com - bringing security into open computing environments

Was I helpful?  Please give your feedback here: http://rate.affero.net/solar

On Sat, Jan 14, 2006 at 02:16:24PM -0600, Randy Greif wrote:
> I am a first time user of any linux based system.
> I am trying to install Owl on a server, Compaq PIII zeon 733 system the owl
> 1.1 iso I downloaded seems fine it boots the sytem up and brings it to a
> login--password etc. seems to be no problem there. The install says to type
> "settle" to install when I type settle it says command not found. I am a
> complete novice  with this so remember I am a windows individual trying to
> install Owl.
> Randy Greif

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