Re: [owl-users] Installing kernel sources or C headers

From: gremlin@private
Date: Tue Feb 07 2006 - 07:20:09 PST

On Tue, Feb 07, 2006 at 09:55:43AM -0500, Bob Sleys wrote:

 > According to the installation instructions page the current build
 > install does not install the kernel sources or C headers needed to
 > build software from the source code.

Hmm... for ISO-current of 20060122, settle already have this option.

 > I have a clean install of Owl from the current build.  IE at the point
 > of the end of settle.  Being very new to Linux etc I'm at a bit of a
 > lose on how to install the kernel sources and C headers so I can then
 > proceed with building the other things I need.

Kernel sources are in usr/src/kernel directory on installation CD, so you
can copy linux-2.4.32.tar.bz2 and linux-2.4.32-ow1.tar.gz to /usr/src on
your fresh-installed system and run:

cd /usr/src
tar -xjf linux-2.4.32.tar.bz2
tar -xzf linux-2.4.32-ow1.tar.gz
mv linux-2.4.32-ow1/* linux-2.4.32/
rmdir linux-2.4.32-ow1
ln -sf linux-2.4.32 linux
cd linux
patch -p1 < linux-2.4.32-ow1.diff

After that you can run `make menuconfig` to configure kernel and
`make bzImage` to build it.

 > I'm trying to get the box setup w/ apache, php, perl and mysql.  I got 
 > the source build of apache installed but php won't install due to 
 > missing xml2-config.

No ideas - possibly, someone else will be able to help you.

Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin
<gremlin ðòé gremlin ôþë ru>

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