[owl-users] Re: Installing kernel sources or C headers

From: Bob Sleys (sleys@private)
Date: Wed Feb 08 2006 - 12:52:22 PST

Thank you both for your replies.  I now have apache from the RPM 
installed and running.  However when I go to install php I get the 
following errors.

localhost!root:~# rpm -i apache-php-4.4.2-owl_add1.i386.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
         libmm.so.14 is needed by apache-php-4.4.2-owl_add1

localhost!root:~# rpm -i php-4.4.2-owl_add1.i386.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
         mm is needed by php-4.4.2-owl_add1
         libmm.so.14 is needed by php-4.4.2-owl_add1

When I installed apache I did a rpm -i apache-1.3.34-owl_add1.i386.rpm

not knowing a lot about linux or rpm, just enough to be dangerous, I'm 
sure I'm just screwing something up.

Thanks again in advance for any help.


Andreas Ericsson wrote:
> Bob Sleys wrote:
>> According to the installation instructions page the current build 
>> install does not install the kernel sources or C headers needed to 
>> build software from the source code.
>> I have a clean install of Owl from the current build.  IE at the point 
>> of the end of settle.  Being very new to Linux etc I'm at a bit of a 
>> lose on how to install the kernel sources and C headers so I can then 
>> proceed with building the other things I need.
> # su - sources
> $ lftp ftp.funet.fi/pub/Linux/kernel/v2.4
> lftp ftp.funet.fi:/pub/Linux/kernel/v2.4> get linux-2.4.32.tar.bz2
> lftp ftp.funet.fi:/pub/Linux/kernel/v2.4> quit
> $ umask 022
> $ tar xjf linux-2.4.32.tar.bz2
> $ exit
>> I'm trying to get the box setup w/ apache, php, perl and mysql.  I got 
>> the source build of apache installed but php won't install due to 
>> missing xml2-config.
> Apache, php and mysql are available as Owl addons (i.e. not audited but 
> packaged and kept somewhat up-to-date and compatible with Owl-current, 
> or whatever version OP5 happens to be shipping). Perl is shipped as a 
> part of the core Owl distribution.
> http://oss.op5.se/owl/rpms
> You'll need mysql, apache, apache-php, apache-ssl (if you intend to use 
> ssl), php, php-mysql and a couple of other things as well, such as mm 
> and friends. I think you should be able to find everything you need 
> there though. If not, gimme a holler and I'll see what I can do.
>> Thanks for any help with this.
> You're welcome.

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