Re: [owl-users] owl 2 bind for 1.1

From: Solar Designer (solar@private)
Date: Wed Feb 22 2006 - 13:46:35 PST

On Wed, Feb 22, 2006 at 02:02:02PM +0100, Stanislav wrote:
> i would like to build owl2's bind on a owl1.1 system.
> Is there any issues ?

I am not aware of specific issues, but this has not been tested and is
unsupported by us.

> In general is it a good idea ?

Probably not, unless you have a specific reason to stay with Owl 1.1
despite it being unsupported from now on.

Why not just upgrade to Owl 2.0?  "make installworld" over your existing
system should take care of everything in simple cases (that is, when
there is no or little third-party software installed on top of Owl).
With third-party software installed, there can be a few things for you
to fix manually (e.g., rebuild locally-built SSL-aware applications to
use the new version of OpenSSL).

Alexander Peslyak <solar at>
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