Re: [owl-users] Owl on Soekris or WRAPs ?

From: Solar Designer (solar@private)
Date: Tue Feb 13 2007 - 09:56:04 PST

On Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 08:29:23PM +0300, (GalaxyMaster) wrote:
> Perhaps my memory serves me bad, but I recalled that when I tried to run
> Owl on first Geodes I experienced segfaults unless I rebuilt the
> userland from sources.

You should have reported this as a bug, along with specific detail on
what packages were failing.

When you were rebuilding the userland, did you use different settings?
I find this weird since on x86 we build for i386 by default (with i686
being a non-default option).  (It's only the instruction scheduling that
we do for newer CPUs, knowing that they are more common - but the
instruction set is restricted.  Our package of John the Ripper is the
only exception, and it has runtime fallbacks.)

I am only aware of one bug like that in old versions of Owl (in the
OpenSSL package):

* Sun May 12 2002 Solar Designer <>
- Updated to 0.9.6d.
- Properly restrict the instruction set in assembly code when building for
i386 (don't use bswapl).

So the OpenSSL package prior to that date would require at least a 486
even when built for i386.

Alexander Peslyak <solar at>
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