Re: [owl-users] Virtual Machines on Owl

From: GalaxyMaster (galaxy@private)
Date: Tue May 08 2007 - 15:07:38 PDT

On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 06:01:04PM +0200, Bernhard Fischer wrote:

> does anyone have experiences with any kind of virtualization, running on
> top of Owl?

We have good experience of running OpenVZ ( with Owl
as the H/W node OS and Owl inside VPS environment.

Quick steps to create a test bed are the following:

1. download ovzkernel, vzctl, vzctl-lib, and vzquota .

2. rpm -Uvh vz* --nodeps # there are some deps which can be safely

3. intall ovzkernel (I'm building it from sources, but you might want to
   use a binary package)

4. create an empty template by doing the following:

   # cd /vz/template/cache
   # touch empty.txt
   # tar czf empty.tar.gz empty.txt
   # rm empty.txt

5. initiate the initial VPS that wouldbe used as a template:

   # vzctl create 100 --os-template empty

   (there will be some errors during the execution of this command but
    they can be ignored)

6. install Owl into /vz/private/100 by modifying installworld.conf and
   executing 'make installworld' .

7. add 'route add default venet0' to /vz/private/100/etc/rc.d/rc.local and
   make this file executable.

8. you are readyto start VPS 100 with vzctl start 100 .

9. once you are satisfied with the configuration of the VPS OS, shutdown
   the VPS with vzctl stop 100

a. remove /vz/private/100/etc/ssh/ssh*_host* (host keys)

b. tar czSf /vz/template/cache/owl-2.0.tar.gz --one-file-system -C /vz/private/100 .

c. From now on, you will be able to create Owl-based VPSes with

   vzctl create <VEiD> --os-template owl-2.0

P.S. I've typed all of this directly from my head, but I believe that
the commands are correct.


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