Re: [owl-users] CentOS packages

From: <croco_at_private>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 23:00:13 +0400

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 04:19:43AM +0400, Solar Designer wrote:
> To find out where /etc/mime.types comes from on CentOS, download their
> rpmdb-CentOS package (such as rpmdb-CentOS-4.8-0.20090804.i386.rpm),
> install it, then issue:
> Once you install mailcap and db4, you may be able to install httpd and
> the rest of the packages needed for it.  (I did not test that.)

I tried all this, and finally installed all the stuff successfully.  After
that (and after configuring the Apache conf files) I got the following:

varan101!root:~# apachectl start
*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x800c0ae8 ***
/usr/sbin/apachectl: line 102:  5692 Aborted                 $HTTPD

As far as I understand, such a thing, happening to a well-tested stable
package, should mean a shared libraries incompatibility.  At this point I
decided not to follow this way any further; fortunately all the things
happened within a OpenVZ container so that I could just shut down the VPS
and create another one from scratch.  It would be too complicated to
reinstall the real machine, and it is tricky to restore the status quo
after lots of packages were installed and some of them even downgraded the
existing ones.

If anyone from Openwall is interested, I can either provide the archive of
the container or even bring it back up and grant the root access to it.
However I'm in doubt whether this can be of any use.

> > So, the recommendation about CentOS packages should perhaps be reconsidedred.
> CentOS 4 packages are typically usable on Owl - even in this tricky case
> as you can see, but with proper install commands.  The wiki page at

Errr... I continue to think it is a wastage of time to try making foreign
packages work under Owl.  I should have spent this day compiling Apache
from the sources instead -- I think it could give me better results.

> Thank you for your testing, which happened to remind us of the db4
> version issue.

I don't think this 'issue' worth the time you're going to spend fixing it.

Thanks for trying to help, though.


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