Ihsan, It would greatly helped if you provided the list with the output of 'route -n' (or 'ip route') from within the container. However, I suspect that your OpenVZ configuration that came from CentOS packages (?) doesn't have proper container scripts for Owl. There are several options on how to resolve it. The most straightforward solution will be to add the missing default route (this is a speculation since we didn't see your route table) by adding something like '/sbin/route add default venet0' to your /etc/rc.d/rc.local inside the Owl container. Hope this helps. On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 04:52:35PM +0700, Ihsan Sabri wrote: > Nice to hear Owl finally provide OpenVZ precreated template. [...] > The HN is Centos 4 x86_64. Other CT created from > dowloads.openvz.orgprecreated templates (centos, ubuntu, fedora) work > fine. -- (GM) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail owl-users-unsubscribe_at_private and reply to the automated confirmation request that will be sent to you.Received on Sat Dec 12 2009 - 02:20:53 PST
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