Re: [owl-users] How to make Owl installation USB flash drive

From: <gremlin_at_private>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 21:10:10 +0300
On 21-Feb-2011 10:14:10 +0100, Matthias Teege wrote:
 > >
 > It would be nice, if we could boot "direct" from the iso

It is not that nice, as it has exactly the same limitation as
optical drive itself - the kernel must fit in a 2.88 Mb ElTorito
"floppy" area.

I have to deal with different hardware on a regular basis, so
my kernels are really big.

 > with grub2.

I'll try SysLinux in the first place and patching the kernel in
the second, thus leaving this brain-damaged PoS (the "S" stands
for "Software") as a last resort.

Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin
<gremlin ðòé gremlin ôþë ru>
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