Re: [owl-users] vlan support broken?

From: Piotr Meyer <aniou_at_private>
Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2011 16:39:37 +0100
On Sat, Mar 05, 2011 at 12:36:44AM +0300, Vasiliy Kulikov wrote:
> Could you also try the latest OpenVZ kernel, which Owl-current kernel is
> based on:
> We use OpenVZ testing kernels to help in testing them, this might be the
> case :-)

Uff. I made more tests, then I repeat them and careful wrote results, and
now I know that:

1. Default selected eepro100 doesn't support vlans (it's nothing new,
   but should be noticed) - eepro100 should be disabled in favour e100.

2. Without Owl patch (taken from public repo) all works fine: transfers 
   via tg3 and e100 and _pings_ from machine to remote hosts.
   Tested on 2.6.18 with OpenVZ patches.

3. After applying Owl patch transfers on tg3 and e100 works as expected,
   but pinging from server to remote hosts works only, when selected
   packetsize (-s) is lesser than 1473 bytes.

In my previous posts I made incorrect assumptions because of use ping
command for all tests.

Piotr 'aniou' Meyer
Received on Sat Mar 05 2011 - 07:39:37 PST

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