Re: [owl-users] Manage network interfaces

From: <gremlin_at_private>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 12:26:06 +0400
On 20-Feb-2013 11:49:29 +0400, Á È wrote:

 > Hello, Can you tell me, please how to manage interfaces in OWL.
 > For example, I need eth0 to become eth1 and eth1 become eth0.

Hmmmm... possibly, `man nameif`?

 > As I see not with udev?

We don't use udev, as it's insecure. Also, properly configured system
doesn't need it.

 > And parameter HWADDR in ifcfg scripts does not help.

Do you actually need to change a MAC address? That's much easier:

ip link set dev eth0 address 00:11:22:33:44:55

 > Or show me, please, doc about this tip. Thank you!

In general, we should rewrite the network configuration scripts from
scratch... For now, personally I use the following quick-and-dirty
trick in init.d/network:

if [ -x /etc/rc.d/ ]; then
  exec /etc/rc.d/ $* || exit 0

That allows me to perform a sort of exotic configuration like:

ip link set dev eth0 up
ip link set dev eth1 up

vconfig add eth1 100
ip link set dev eth1.100 up
brctl addbr lan
brctl addif lan eth0
brctl addif lan eth1.100
ip link set dev lan up
ip address add ... dev lan

vconfig add eth1 7
ip link set dev eth1.7 mtu 1470 up
ip address add ... dev eth1.7

vconfig add eth1 22
ip link set dev eth1.22 up
ip address add ... dev eth1.22

Alexey V. Vissarionov aka Gremlin from Kremlin <gremlin ðòé gremlin ôþë ru>
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