Fyodor wrote: [...] > IOS version doesn't really matter in fact. Check out > http://oliver.efri.hr/~crv/security/bugs/Others/snmp10.html It's a documented feature. > or some cisco resources for mib strings/hints :). (they had > a site explaining how to modify/retrive/store configuration > and IOS image over snmp, but I lost the url to the page). If you are interesting you should look the CISCO´s Document to see this technique: http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/477/SNMP/11.html > -Fyodor Sem mais, -- # Nelson Brito # Security Analyst and Penetration Tester # Security Networks AG - The trust Company! # # Usage: cat <file> | perl .signature foreach(<STDIN>){chop;split(//,$_);print reverse @_;print "\n";}
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