Looking for formal definition of suspicious network activity even ts

From: Jostein S. Trondal (jostein.trondalat_private)
Date: Thu May 31 2001 - 01:02:07 PDT

  • Next message: rudi carell: "Re: Penetration test report - your comments please?"

    I am trying to make definitions for suspicious network activity
    events that are relatively easy to classify. A formal definition
    for a sweep might be as follows:
    From a portion of logged packet-headers;
        1 or more unique source-addresses in the same (low level) netblock
    &   2 or more unique destination addresses in the same (low level) netblock
    &   1 unique destination-port
    &   Only SYN flags
    = Sweep after a service on the unique destination-port
    date                 source      port     dest        port  flags
    2001.05.30 10:46:00  x.y.150.72   3077    a.b.216.34  111   S
    2001.05.30 10:46:00  x.y.150.72   3078    a.b.216.35  111   S
    2001.05.30 10:46:00  x.y.150.72   3079    a.b.216.36  111   S
    2001.05.30 10:46:00  x.y.150.72   3084    a.b.216.40  111   S
    2001.05.30 10:46:00  x.y.150.72   3085    a.b.216.41  111   S
    2001.05.30 10:46:00  x.y.150.72   3086    a.b.216.42  111   S
    2001.05.30 10:58:00  x.y.152.144 15087    a.b.216.43  111   S
    2001.05.30 10:58:00  x.y.152.144 15088    a.b.216.44  111   S
    2001.05.30 10:58:00  x.y.152.144 15089    a.b.216.45  111   S
    2001.05.30 10:58:00  x.y.152.144 15090    a.b.216.46  111   S
    2001.05.30 10:58:00  x.y.152.144 15091    a.b.216.47  111   S
    2001.05.30 10:58:00  x.y.152.144 15104    a.b.216.60  111   S
    2001.05.30 10:58:00  x.y.152.144 15105    a.b.216.61  111   S
    2001.05.30 10:58:00  x.y.152.144 15106    a.b.216.62  111   S
    2001.05.30 10:58:00  x.y.152.144 15107    a.b.216.63  111   S
    Following the definition above, this would be a "Sweep after SunRPC"
    given that x.y.150.72 and x.y.152.144 is contained in the same netblock.
    Has anyone else made similar formal definitions for other types of activity?
    Any input is appreciated!
    Jostein Trondal - System Sikkerhet

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