How to go about looking for a pen-tester

From: Ershad Shafi Chowdhury (
Date: Sun Jun 03 2001 - 04:40:27 PDT

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    Dear all,
    I have been reading with interest this list for a few weeks. Is there
    anything special that a customer should look for when choosing a pen tester?
    e.g., are there any certifications, associations, government agency that
    guarantee the pen-tester won't use the information learned to harm the
    network? Should the customer specify what is allowed and what is not
    allowed, or give the pen-tester a free hand to do his work? how about
    international agreements? Are there any websites recommending and rating
    pen-testers? Basically, what should a client do protect himself when asking
    a pen-tester to break in to his network.
    Thanks for your answers and apologies in advance if this is entirely
    unsuitable for the list. I am only asking because I have not seen this
    discussed, so I am a bit unsure as to how appropriate the question is.

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