Re: oracle tool

From: Talisker (Taliskerat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 07 2001 - 10:42:20 PDT

  • Next message: James W. Abendschan: "Re: oracle tool"

    Many of these tools do Oracle but whether they will allow you to do it from
    the command line I couldn't tell you
    Braintree Database
    Cerberus' Internet Scanner
    CyberCop Scanner
    ISS Database Scanner
    ESM for Oracle
    E-Trust Policy Compliance
    You may wish to try a search at packet storm, I remember an seeing a newish
    Oracle tool there last week.  Though can't remember what it did (I'm getting
    old and forgetful)
    Good Luck in your quest, please let me know if, in your travels, you come
    across one not mentioned above.
    Talisker's Network Security Tools List
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Paulo Braga" <pbx2kat_private>
    To: <pen-testat_private>
    Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 5:01 PM
    Subject: oracle tool
    > Hello all!
    > Anybody have any tools to perform a brute-force atack on oracle databases?
    > have use ISS Database Scanner but I want other tool on command line.
    > Thanks,
    > _______________________________________________________
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