Re: oracle tool

From: Tom Vandepoel (tom.vandepoelat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 08 2001 - 08:50:20 PDT

  • Next message: Seth Georgion: "RE: L0phtCrack 3.0"

    "James W. Abendschan" wrote:
    > > Anybody have any tools to perform a brute-force atack on oracle databases? I
    > > have use ISS Database Scanner but I want other tool on command line.
    > If you have access to the Oracle tools, it's fairly simple.  The sqlplus
    > command line client can be fed a username and password (either via the
    > environment or command line arguments, don't recall which); from there
    > it's easy to write a script to feed it a list of defaults
    > ( ) and display the results.
    Or use Yet Another SQL Plus Replacement...
    Based on perl::DBI.
    Tom Vandepoel                 Ubizen
    Sr. Security Engineer         We Secure e-Business
    Phone   +32 16 28 70 00
    Fax     +32 16 28 71 00

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