Re: iXsecurity.tool.briiis.3.02

From: Nicolas Gregoire (nicolas.gregoireat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 09:49:25 PDT

  • Next message: Erik Tayler: "RE: Summary - ?"

    ian.vitekat_private wrote :
    > Briiis is a tool for testing web servers for "/" encoding
    > break out from web root vulnerability from an executable
    > directory.
    Your tool doesn't find all vulnerable hosts.
    The "exploit string" (ie. $explstr in the programm) doesn't contain (in
    some cases) enough "../" and can't be used to access up to c:\
    Here are the modifications I did to your toy :
    OLD LINE :
    if ($opt_c);
    NEW LINE :
    if ($opt_c);
    Thanks for the list of directories, I was looking for a good one.
    NB : last time I checked it, the tool from HD Moore couldn't
    find non-english vulnerable versions of IIS (it is looking for
    "Directory of" in the returned content and it's, for exemple,
    "Répertoire de" in french).
    Please excuse my poor english.

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