New legislation in Australia to make pen-testing illegal?

From: Ari Weisz-Koves (ariat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 03 2001 - 23:24:22 PDT

  • Next message: walter valenti: "win2000"

    Anyone else out there from Australia, or was the internet legislation of '99
    enough to make everyone leave? I'm struggling to understand how these laws
    could passed and enforced - essentially, it may soon be illegal to have
    scanners or hacking tools in your possession, and all passwords and security
    measures must be handed over to the government on request.
    Does anyone know if these kinds of measures are enforced anywhere else in
    the world, or has my government just gone nuts?
    Ari Weisz-Koves
    Senior Systems Engineer
    @www Internet Co.
    +61 2 8353 6648
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