Re: Port identification methodology

From: Chris Winter (cwinterat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 11:48:03 PDT

  • Next message: jericksonat_private: "RE: IIS 3.0 pen-test"

    When trying to determine what an is actually running on an unknown port,
    everyone first relies on their /etc/services file.  You can get fairly up to
    date and complete ones which help a great deal (from apps like NMAP, or
    downloadable from, don't rely on the stock ones from
    Microsoft, most UNIX vendors or from RFC 1700.)
    I am assuming you are referring to ports that don't have a listing in
    services, or do, but the description is poor, incomplete, or just doesn't
    make sense.  In this case, you have to start poking at the port to see how
    it responds when you send it data.  The most important this to remember
    here, is that this type of scanning may very easily crash/kill/hang/reset a
    poorly written daemon or service.
    You will get some testers that say a good pen test will always require
    identifying unknown ports.  I would agree, but I let my clients know up
    front what the risks are.  Nothing spoils a relationship quicker than
    crashing an important system.
    With that said, you can start out quick and easy with a few small scripts
    wrapped around netcat or Perl + IO::Socket.  As Yonatan Bokovza recommended,
    good strings to send are: QUIT\n or GET /\n.  One thing you may want to use
    instead of \n is \x0d\x0a , which is the ASCII hex representation of
    carriage return then newline.  This should cover a wider range of systems
    (YMMV.)  Using these two strings, you will get a fair amount of feedback,
    usually in the form of error messages, which you can then try and hunt down
    from various resources.  It becomes tricky when the daemon/service you are
    querying doesn't return error messages or responds to a binary protocol.
    You will get a lot more information by running something Like Saurik's
    NMAP+V patch, which was already mentioned, as it sends many more types of
    query strings, including a some binary stuff.  Although this adds more risk
    to the test, because there is a greater chance that the daemon/service will
    choke on the greater amount of input.  I am not sure about it's continued
    development status.
      Chris Winter
      Security Practice
      Cell: 410 258-4817
      Mentor Technologies-- innovators of vLab(r) technology, provides:
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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Erik Norman" <erik.normanat_private>
    To: "pen test" <pen-testat_private>
    Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 6:13 AM
    Subject: Port identification methodology
    > Hi all,
    > I have a question regarding methodology while performing a
    > PT. It concerns identifying programs/services.
    > Imagine a full nmap scan has been performed. A handfull
    > of open ports was found on a particular server. The
    > usual 25, 53, 80 etc are identified, but one or two ports
    > stand out from the crowd. Looking in various 'common ports'
    > files does not provide a hint what the port is used for.
    > Connecting with telnet yields no text, and a tcpdump
    > dump does not provide any text (in clear anyway).
    > Now what!???
    > How should one approach this?
    > /Erik
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