NT information leakage

From: Ismael Valenzuela (i.valenzuelaat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 19 2001 - 00:53:55 PDT

  • Next message: Jason Lewis: "RE: Cisco Config Files?"

    Hash: SHA1
    Hello. I am conducting a pentest for company using IIS in its web
    server. I've successfully exploited the MSDAC RDS bug, so I can
    navigate through its hard disk using the command cmd.exe, but with
    restricted rights. I can not get the sam._ file in \winnt\repair for
    I would like someone to tell me which files in the NT box can show me
    information about the servers in the same subnet, applications
    installed, and any other important information.
    Is there any way to get admin rights through this bug i've exploited
    There's also a CheckPoint FW-1 in front of the web server, but it
    doesn't filter de port 80, obviously :)
    Thanks in advance.
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