"Security" appliance testing

From: Stan Hanks (stanat_private)
Date: Mon Aug 20 2001 - 22:01:19 PDT

  • Next message: Pete Finnigan: "Re: sql injection: mysql/php4"

    All this talk of 802.11 got me to thinking -- I'm seeing a ton of new
    appliance type devices that are combo mini-firewall/print server/802.11 AP
    coming from the usual players like Netgear, Farallon, SMC, etc.
    Anyone have any experience whacking on them? It strikes me as sort of
    oxymoronic to have an "open" 802.11 AP on the secure side of a firewall
    appliance, but I'm willing to bet that there are a ton of oversights in
    the code architecture these things use...
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