IIS 5.0 Privilege Escalation Exploit (Entercept Advisory)

From: H D Moore (hdmat_private)
Date: Tue Aug 21 2001 - 07:42:05 PDT

  • Next message: Dave Aitel: "New tool for you: dcetest"

    This is the exploit for the Entercept advisory:
    The details:
    1. Create a ISAPI Extension DLL
    2. Have the DLL call RevertToSelf()
    3. Rename DLL to a "trusted" name (httpodbc.dll)
    4. Stick in the scripts directory and instant SYSTEM access.
    Look at the readme file in the zip (and the _extracted_ directory) for usage.
    H D Moore
    http://www.digitaldefense.net - work
    http://www.digitaloffense.net -  play
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