update on IIS 5.0 relative path vulnerability

From: H D Moore (hdmat_private)
Date: Sat Sep 08 2001 - 00:28:59 PDT

  • Next message: Sverre H. Huseby: "Re: SQL Injection"

    I ran across a new exploit for the vulnerability found by Entercept, this one
    is binary only, creates a backdoor account, and provides a remote command 
    shell feature using a local win32 executable and the dll on the server. The 
    readme file happens to list the other dll names that can be used in the 
    --[ cut from readme.txt
         1、 idq.dll
         2、 httpext.dll
         3、 httpodbc.dll
         4、 ssinc.dll
         5、 msw3prt.dll
         6、 author.dll
         7、 admin.dll
         8、 shtml.dll
         9、 sspifilt.dll
    The exploit was found on xfocus.org:
    I have a local copy with the extracted zip here:
    I plan on dissecting the executable and dll later on (which are strangely the 
    exact same size yet differ in content), can anyone provide a Chinese to 
    English translation for the readme?
    PS. Thanks to "isno" for writing it, just wished it came with source...
    H D Moore
    http://www.digitaldefense.net - work
    http://www.digitaloffense.net - play
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