BruteForce against CertDB on Netscape IE Outlook

From: Averroes (a.averroesat_private)
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 13:30:03 PDT

  • Next message: Ricci @ ismart: "RE: Deleting logs under win2000"

    Hi All,
    It is possible to do some kind of attack
    against Netscape Certificate Database, IE certificate DB
    or Outlook Certficate DB.
    Docs, Links, etc are welcome.
    # .- ...- . .-. .-. --- . ... .- .-.-.- .- -.-- ... .... .-
    # Averroes A. Aysha
    # Think Linux, Think Slackware!
    # e-fingerprint = 73B7 2559 2968 5094 3B95 5C70 4E85 5F94 6068 1DD8
    # .- ...- . .-. .-. --- . ... .- .-.-.- .- -.-- ... .... .-
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