Re: binary switching, no killing

From: David Ford (dfordat_private)
Date: Sun Sep 23 2001 - 13:51:15 PDT

  • Next message: leon: "FW: baby pen-test question"

    Modularize your functions and use a process unique (a|b) id; 
    function_123 loaded at startup, function_124 loaded later, load the new 
    module function_124, migrate data sets as needed, lock data sets, 
    deregister function_X -> function_123, register function_X -> 
    function_124, unlock data sets.  If your code works properly, all you 
    need is a function shell structure and you can continue this for a long 
    Craig Holmes wrote:
    >Hi Listmembers,
    >	Me and some friends have created a small irc network in which we are
    >implementing ssl encryption between client and server. Our original ircd did
    >not have this feature and now our new ircds do. The problem is in upgrading,
    >the whole ircd must be killed and a new one started, which causes all clients
    >to drop. My question is, is it possible to almost "hijack" a process, and
    >switch the binary without losing the pid & tcp/ip connections? Is this a
    >crazy and impossible idea, or has it been done?
    >Any help would be appreciated!
    >           Thanks in advance,
    >		Craig Holmes
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    >Service. For more information on SecurityFocus' SIA service which
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    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus Security Intelligence Alert (SIA)
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