Re: Abusing? MySQL 3.23.28-gamma

From: rudi carell (rudicarellat_private)
Date: Tue Sep 25 2001 - 08:40:17 PDT

  • Next message: Gary O'leary-Steele: "Compaq Vulnerability"

    This should work on most systems.
    If it does not work, you should try to find a more priviledged user-account.
    1) Create a new table "name" with one huge character or text field;
    2) Insert your favourite string .. INSERT INTO name VALUES("whatever you 
    3) Select above into file .. SELECT * FROM name INTO OUTFILE 
    if you have a web-server running on the same machine it should be possible 
    to create a server-side script (asp,php,ssi oO.) for your intention.
    if this specific account is not allowed to use "INTO OUTFILE" try to 
    escalate the privs.
    >Hi everybody.
    >I need to demonstrate not only the capability to drop databases and >modify
    >data, but to execute system commands and/or get files not accesable >via
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