RE: how many computers are needed?

From: George Milliken (gmillikenat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 28 2001 - 09:27:52 PDT

  • Next message: H D Moore: "Re: BO2k Port?"

    automated tools DOES NOT EQUAL a pen test.
    For many reasons.  The least of which is the time to brute attack many
    Sounds like you are doing an internal audit.
    Many procedural issues need to be examined as well as the networks and
    # of people depends on the job size and how long you want it to take.  Job
    size alone cannot determine the # of people.
    1 women can make a baby in 9 months.  9 women can make a baby in one month,
    at least, that's what most IT project managers think.  <grin>.
    I will give you more specifics off line.  If you want them email me
    -----Original Message-----
    From: leon [mailto:leonat_private]
    Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 8:14 PM
    To: pen-testat_private
    Subject: how many computers are needed?
    Hi everyone,
    I have a basic question on pen-testing.  How many consultants and
    computers goto a small to mid sized network (say 100 machines or fewer)?
    It seems that between nmaping every single port (tcp & udp) ((I asked
    this question a couple of days ago and the two responses I got suggested
    this)) on every single host (if this is what the customer wants),
    running things like ISS, Nessus or Scanner of choice, along with other
    tools like Whisker or l0phtcrack and etc, this could take an awful long
    time (not to mention cpu cycles).  Do most people bring more then one
    laptop with them?
    Sorry if this is really basic I checked the archive and saw no mention
    of it.
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