From: Mehmet Murat Gunsay (mgunsayat_private)
Date: Fri Oct 05 2001 - 06:39:46 PDT

  • Next message: Iván Arce: "Re: passing the hash"

    > For what it is worth, Nmap always retries ports that do not respond.
    > It only marks them "filtered" after multiple probes fail to elicit any
    > response.  If lost packets are detected (for example if Nmap receives
    > a response to the second probe but not the first one), then the number
    > of retries is increased dramatically.  Thus it is unlikely that an
    > open port will be mislabeled "filtered" because of a few dropped
    > packets.
    To expand on this subject further, I'm running the following nmap command line
    nmap -P0 -sS -p 80 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    and I know that the port is open.  However I'm getting the following result:
    80/tcp     filtered    http
    Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 36 seconds
    How should I analyze this result??? Any feedback appreciated.
    Mehmet Murat Gunsay
    BTKOM A.S.
    mgunsayat_private     muratat_private
    PGP Key ID: 0xDDE611E1
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