From: niceshortsat_private
Date: Wed Oct 10 2001 - 02:54:34 PDT

  • Next message: quentynat_private: "Re: WLAN Security FAQ"

    Ofir Arkin hat geschrieben:
    >Imagine there is no spoon.
        There is no spoon. It is your mind that bends. :)
    >What you can do is to test for firewall presence. This is a very simple
    >test that will give you the ability to understand what you facing. 
    >One nice added value for the auditor will be the ability to identify the
    >operating system the FW software will be installed on, given the fact
    >the firewall TCP/IP stack generates these lovely RSTs. Another thing
    >that the auditor might gain is the understanding that he is dealing with
    >several systems and not only with the one he is querying - looking at
    >the traces will result in identifying at least two systems which
    >communicate with his machine although he is targeting one.
        Yes. This is an issue all operators or auditors need to
        consider: On the one hand, we wish to limit reconnaissance
        activity. Let us not leak information like so many U.S.
        Congressmen. On the other hand, the security of a firewall
        ought not be dependent on the obscurity of its TCP/IP stack.
        I find no simple answer fits every scenario.
        I do urge, however, if one is attempting to "stealthen" a
        firewall, one will have to remember that TTL decrementation
        still takes place. The FreeBSD kernel IPFW implementation
        *used*[0] to have the option to not subtract from TTL. If one
        doesn't mind playing havoc with traceroute, this, too, may be
        an option.
        -anthony kim
        [0] I have not been following IPFW in 4.4 or 5.0-CURRENT so
        can't speak definitively.
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